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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O
    Oy...I suppose..
    Kinda needy, there, isn't she?
    sorry Jack, I know the original you can be a pain in the mikta so I just wanna be sure
    now you can entirely have AQO back to you be nice with her she offered me a clone !
    Unfortunately this clone doesn't fit my expectations...(how could a clone of THE man not fit my expectations ? am I nuts ?) anyway this one looks like he's a glasses adict...why is he hidding his lovely thunky eyes !


      Originally posted by Mala50
      Another favorite pic, but with a manipped update. May I present

      WooHoo! Another lovely Mala Manip!!!!


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O
        Only for ogling purposes...thanks! Feel free to share more.
        oh sure, I did post more a few days ago, but well repeats are good
        so James Clone's fan here is for you ...oh and eyes alert !!!


          Originally posted by lonely_star
          sorry Jack, I know the original you can be a pain in the mikta so I just wanna be sure
          now you can entirely have AQO back to you be nice with her she offered me a clone !
          Unfortunately this clone doesn't fit my expectations...(how could a clone of THE man not fit my expectations ? am I nuts ?) anyway this one looks like he's a glasses adict...why is he hidding his lovely thunky eyes !
          He was outside. d'oh


            They so need to put Pandora's Clock out on DVD!!!



              And 'cos two Jacks it's always better than one:


                Originally posted by lonely_star
                Nice!! you're right SO MUCH better !!

                hum...for my clone..I'd say short hair, definitely NO mustache !!! baseball cap is fine...silver is good...I like silver...
                actually the one AQO picked for me looks just fine ((((((((AQO))))))) I might take this one after all..oh and he wears a leather Jacket too....
                I can't see his eyes though...yep...that's not good...need to see those gorgeous eyes !!!
                Of course! I LOVE his eyes, too.

                Here's a close up version from my Fantasy S9 cast photo series...



                  Mala lovely manip! Really nice!

                  Lonely Star, thank you for sharing the caps of Pandora's Clock. I really liked him in that movie.

                  Someone mentioned watching the older SG-1 eps. I have been doing that the past 3 weeks too. I pick a disc at night and usually watch one or two eps. Of course I can usually only make it through one or two, since I pass out or rewind the DVD a lot. There really should be another disclaimer on all DVD players that are sold, that would cover damage to remotes due to drooling because of RDA on DVDs.

                  Learning Curve is very sad. I actually just watched that again yesterday. That scene at the end was just a teary one!
                  I love Jack O'Neill. That about covers it.

                  Glitz Gal


                    Originally posted by Verona
                    Just a quick Hello from Vancouver,(waves)
                    Met the man in the flesh and think I'm still shaking gonna give more detail if anyone is intersted?. soon as I get home.
                    Oh yes please!


                      Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                      They so need to put Pandora's Clock out on DVD!!!
                      Chevron 7, it is out on DVD. I picked my copy up on ebay a few years ago. Check there!
                      I love Jack O'Neill. That about covers it.

                      Glitz Gal


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                        hum... Ok that's a deal, I take it !!!! thanks for the JC AQO !!
                        He'll need a new hair cut though

                        oh is LSJC fine or do I need a new designation for my clone ?

                        wow...designation? what am I ?meat?!


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          Although I love Jack in any uniform, Silver Fox Jack in his dress blues is my favorite.

                          Mine too Mala.


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                            a bit more hair for bev...some leather for me...

                            Woohoo! Sticky-up hair....and I'm quite partial to leather too!


                              Originally posted by Katkin
                              TIMBER!!!!!!!!!! Katkin crashes to earth not unlike a mighty redwood…
                              Good grief! Where's your thunk gear? We don't want any injured hussies here.


                                a smile for Jules...

