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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by ChevronSeven
    No kidding. Did ya catch the cop at the end? It was Dan Shea - our very own Siler!!
    I must of missed that. Hope it comes on again so I can see it.

    Originally posted by Kliggins
    I kind of like crazy Ray; suppose that makes me demented, huh?
    I wouldn't say demented, cuz Crazy Ray is HOT!!


    My LJ


      Originally posted by ivy714

      I wouldn't say demented, cuz Crazy Ray is HOT!!
      I definitely thought so!



        Happy New Year!




          Hope it brings you all good things ^_^


            Originally posted by Sela
            I'm glad I stopped in tonight. I can program my VCR before I hit the sack. I'm in the central time zone so it's coming on a 4:45 am. I'll set my alarm so I can make sure the VCR actually did turn on before I fall back asleep again.

            Thanks for the heads up!

            *Added after seeing a pic of "Crazy Ray"

            Whoa! Do you see the arms on that man?! He can be as crazy as he wants to be with a body like that!

            THUNK!!! (Practicing ahead of time)
            LOL! I read this as "I can program my VCR for a little snack"!!! Works for me!!!
            Desperate Thunker


              ----------> nudgetty-nudges Jack back up on top

              ohhhh, I've missed doing that ^_^

              and *SQUEEEEE* collarbone!!!! *thanks to Kliggs / Bling for the piccy*


                *waves to Critter*

                *thunks hopelessly*


                  Originally posted by Rune
                  *waves back*
                  Jack looks pooped....what have you been doing????
                  Desperate Thunker


                    *grins* Ohhh we've just been ... um ... finishing up all the leftover desserts, we got an idea after seeing Mala's map *vainly attempts of hide jar of maraschino cherries in pocket* you have to tie up all the loose ends on new year's eve after all.


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      ----------> nudgetty-nudges Jack back up on top
                      ohhhh, I've missed doing that ^_^

                      and *SQUEEEEE* collarbone!!!! *thanks to Kliggs / Bling for the piccy*

                      AND PERFECT HAIR!!!!!! Rune I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you’ll be the ruin of me.

                      DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                      WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                        I come on the RDA/JACK Thunk Thread and "Baal" thread is on top!!

                        OY what is this world comming too!! Good thing I stopped in before Work..

                        Yes Ivy same boat as you!! Working 10am to 10pm today, then off to NEW YEARS PARTY!!

                        So I just thought while car warm up, and waiting I would say

                        HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!

                        to everyone...

                        Take care of yourselves tonight and Don't Drink and Drive!!
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                          I TOLD you!! You actually survived it!!
                          Stick with JACK, ROURKE, and if you need a Third,
                          will Work much better then a CrazyRay!!

                          Eventhough he does have Nice ARMS!!
                          ONTLLJRS: Ahem!!
                          ONTLL: **Looks at Rourke who is tapping his foot** uh Ivy, forget the Last comment.. Hi Rourke!!
                          ONTLLJRS: uh huh!!
                          ONTLL: uh oh!! I think Mac is sleeping on the Couch again tonight!!
                          ONTLLJRS: Much bettter!!
                          ONTLLMC: Hey!!

                          People are forgetting about me.....I better come around more often.

                          Ivy: Mac!!! There ya are....Where ya been?
                          IMC: Working on something in the basement.
                          Ivy: Oh....

                          She survived the movie, cuz I was with her the whole time.

                          Ivy: Rourke!
                          IJRC: C'mon, they woulda figured it out...
                          Ivy: *blushes*


                          My LJ



                            I am new here, but have been browsing the topic here for about two days. All these great Jack pics!

                            Jack O'Neill is my favorite character, followed very closely by Janet.

                            I brought a small present for everyone, one of my favorite pictures of him:


                            Happy New Year!
                            I love Jack O'Neill. That about covers it.

                            Glitz Gal


                              Originally posted by glitzgal
                              I am new here, but have been browsing the topic here for about two days. All these great Jack pics!
                              Jack O'Neill is my favorite character, followed very closely by Janet.
                              I brought a small present for everyone, one of my favorite pictures of him:
                              Hi Glitz, welcome to the Gutter, jump right in and don't be shy, you're amongst like-minded friends here!

                              Thanks for the piccy too, it's a hot one



                                Originally posted by glitzgal

                                I am new here, but have been browsing the topic here for about two days. All these great Jack pics!

                                Jack O'Neill is my favorite character, followed very closely by Janet.

                                I brought a small present for everyone, one of my favorite pictures of him:


                                Happy New Year!
                                Hi glitzgal! Welcome to the thunk thread, glad you delurked! Great pic of Jack.
                                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

