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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by blueiris
    Out is more what I was thinking!

    *running from paddle*
    Hey, what's this? *leans over and picks up abandoned paddle* Hmmm what to do with a wayward paddle I know!!... Blueiris need the paddle! *passes paddle off to blueiris Do with it what you will *I was going to put the nuclear exposion thing here but I don't seem to have it *


      Okay HOLD IT!!

      What is going on here??

      I commented on post number 34960 before commenting on post 34959

      We in a TIME Loop again!!

      OR Am I having a MONDAY!!

      back on Subject..
      Picture number 3.. RUNE!!
      I know this pic is for you RUNE..

      But OH MY EYES!!
      (could be the reason I capped it!!)
      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


        Here's another kissy pic...

        sig by PM


          Originally posted by Rune
          So it's 92 to go huh? ONTLL, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!!
          *riffling desperately through her copy of the GutterGals Charter* I know there's a clause in here that specifically prohibits the excessive ... the excessive ... uh ... oh ... thunk!
          *speaking from the floor* if that horrible evil Rourke is egging you on into doing this let me tell him that I'm going to gum his beard up with marshmallow fluff!
          Ahem.. GutterGals Charter!! I don't own a copy.. That is not part of the THUNK Gear
          just like "There is no crying in Baseball" (sorry have "A League of Their Own" playing in background )

          and UM, your going to "try" to gum Rourke's Beard.. REALLY

          If you can get Close Enough!!

          Would be nice if you actually were able to see him at any time. Cuz he is not allowed outside of my house!!

          **turns to look at Rouke standing behind her, getting a GREAT Smile of approval**
          ONTLLJRC: That is telling her ONTLL
          ONTLL: That is okay Rourke, you leave the house and "AXE"
          ONTLLJRC: Hey, I have been good.
          ONTLL: I Know that... barely made to work last night, too much "dancing" this weekend
          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


            OH, Just Because!!

            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


              Butt Shot!!

              Nice Butt though!!
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                oooh um, *swallow* that's reason for me...*THUNK*


                  Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                  I think he was thinking about me, remembering &%&^(*&@$%^ (PG-13 ladies )

                  Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                  Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                  Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                    Okay ONE MORE for Rune!!

                    ONTLLJRC: So she should be on the FLOOR by now eh!!
                    ONTLL: Oh Yeah!!
                    ONTLLJRC: Now she knows how you feel!!
                    ONTLL: But, I THUNK all the time!!
                    ONTLLJRC: WHAT??
                    ONTLLJC: Hey ONTLL, don't tell him everything!! Remember whose thread this IS..RDA/JACK Thunk Thread!!!
                    ONTLL: Your not helping ONTLLJC

                    to be continued...

                    P.S. Rune, you should feel privalaged.. Fifth Race has it own folder now in my Photobucket!!
                    Last edited by OneillTwo"LL"s; 01 August 2005, 03:55 PM. Reason: Forgot something!!
                    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                      This picture made me think of that Sonic commercial.

                      "I'm a beam of light!! I'm a beam of light!!"
                      sig by PM


                        Originally posted by AncientKnowledge
                        OH YEAH, on the Butt comment.. much better then Chocolate!!
                        hey, I know what if...Covered in...
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                          Cassie...I recommend a nice cold drink...

                          And if that doesn't work, then take a quick dip...

                          And if all else fails, you have two choices: imagine Felger in his boxer shorts or kick back and enjoy...

                          Admiral, none of these images is has the affect of cooling anything. As for the Boxer shorts. Felger never came to mind.

                          If he's not shy about showing them, I'm not going to be shy about looking.

                          Cassie - Welcome to the Gutter
                          You're never too old to do something goofy.
                          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                            Originally posted by Somnium
                            Well hope everyone is good Have had a pretty awful Monday! V stressful day at work, then looks like Ive broken my toe too (Think Im turning a bit accident prone what with the busted ankle the other week, now am not sure which leg to limp on cos its the other foot! Good job I have a high pain thresh hold). Anyhow after a thoroughly enjoyable thunk session am begining to feel almost human again.
                            Hey, Hey.. Broken ankle and toe, I know how that feels. Had one also. I also broke my left leg above the knee a few years back, had a cast from Ankle to Hip.. a PAIN in the Butt..

                            So some cheering up is in Order.. **searches Photobucket**

                            Thanks to

                            How are these for cheer-up!!

                            Okay, Now I might have to go LIE down too!!

                            Oh that MAN's Smile is contagious!!
                            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                              HOLY HANNAH!!!
                              What did you do Jynjyr!! You double or TRIPLE Enlarge or WHAT!!

                              That is Life-Size... OH Wait a minute.. THAT BIGGER Then Life-Size..

                              **goes back to look again**

                              Question: HOW am I supposed to get to the bottom of the PAGE now.. HUH??
                              That's the size I got it from whomever I got it. I've been remiss (my brother and nephew had my DVDs) and I haven't capped PL. *hangs head in shame*

                              It is pretty impressive when it bursts on the screen though. I hate the thought of downsizing it, so I don't use it often.
                              You're never too old to do something goofy.
                              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                                Hey, Hey.. Broken ankle and toe, I know how that feels. Had one also. I also broke my left leg above the knee a few years back, had a cast from Ankle to Hip.. a PAIN in the Butt..

                                So some cheering up is in Order.. **searches Photobucket**

                                How are these for cheer-up!!

                                Okay, Now I might have to go LIE down too!!

                                Oh that MAN's Smile is contagious!!
                                Well it CHEERED me up O'Neill..... what year of behind the scene was this taken from. RDA is just so yummy with that smile and very nice bandana

                                avatar and sig by flidget

