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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Is this thread ABSOLUTELY safe from spoilers? No screencaps of RDA from eps not yet seen in the USA ? etc., etc., etc.? I'm avoiding most other threads (and websites) right now('cause you never know) and am going sorta nuts. Tried to read new fanfic and whattaya know, spoilers in the titles! Looking at gorgeous pics of RDA/Jack should be safe, right? but is there any spoiler commentary? (even if it is whited out, there're often clues.) Please let me know. Looking forward to Citizen Joe tonight. That one and Reckoning I are the last I read spoilers about.
    Gatetrixer I sure hope so. Seems like everyone and their uncle have seen up to the first half of Moebis. Citizen Joe aired tonight and I won't see it until Sunday fcol.

    Note to the GGs: Thanks loads everyone for giving the few of us slow pokes a safe haven to play!


      Originally posted by melpomene
      hmmm never heard of it. So Rick obvoiusly wasn't in it.... So THAT subjects boring. Does anyone know when the second season of MacGyvers coming out? I know it's terribly greedy of me-and ridiculous since i'm nearly broke- But I want it all!!!!!!
      Originally Paramount said every three months for the MacGyver seasons. That puts season two in the latter half of April. Region 2 folks get season one in March. I hope they stick to the schedule. The response on should tell them something. WE WANT OUR MAC!!!


        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
        Okay why didn't anyone tell me this....
        Thanks Ewokmonster for the pics

        Christopher Judge on MacGyver this afternoon.

        I jumped out of my seat when I saw him
        I haven't watched the ep in a while but if I remember right his name is different in the credits. Christopher somebody, but not Judge. Pretty cool to think both Michael and Chris met RDA in the Mac years.


          Two Jacks are better than one

          psst, Meimei, I think I found the clones secret meeting place. Do you think they are discussing the placement of that hidden camera?


            mmmm two jacks are good


              Originally posted by Ruralstar
              Two Jacks are better than one

              psst, Meimei, I think I found the clones secret meeting place. Do you think they are discussing the placement of that hidden camera?
              Could be... But neither of them seem to be looking in the right direction... Maybe they won't find it...


                Originally posted by Ruralstar
                I haven't watched the ep in a while but if I remember right his name is different in the credits. Christopher somebody, but not Judge. Pretty cool to think both Michael and Chris met RDA in the Mac years.
                Chris is credited in this episode as Douglas or Doug Judge. Christopher is his middle name, I think.


                  Poor Jack! All alone at the bottom of page and looking pretty bored.

                  Where is a hussy when you need one?


                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    Poor Jack! All alone at the bottom of page and looking pretty bored.


                    Where is a hussy when you need one?
                    Ahem. Here I am!! :waves: Come to work with me Jack. It'll make the 4 hours fly by.


                      Originally posted by Kliggins
                      Chris is credited in this episode as Douglas or Doug Judge. Christopher is his middle name, I think.
                      Thanks, Kliggins. I knew there was something odd there, just couldn't remember what.


                        Originally posted by meimei
                        Could be... But neither of them seem to be looking in the right direction... Maybe they won't find it...
                        Yes that would take the fun out of things, wouldn't it?

                        *whistles innocently*

                        Er, I don't think Jack is buying it....


                          Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                          Ahem. Here I am!! :waves: Come to work with me Jack. It'll make the 4 hours fly by.
                          *yells from far side of the gutter* no, over here! *wades through the deep end to get to the shallows*

                          Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            My top five hunks...

                            1 RDA (obviously)
                            2 James Coburn
                            3 Sean Connery
                            4 Cary Grant
                            5 Tom Selleck

                            There are many more, but I've just thunked myself silly thinking about those five!
                            Oy!... I'm gone for what?... 1 day and a half and look at the gutter?! Flourishing like crazy while I'm gone!.... Damn, you're such hussies!!

                            Okay... I wanted to read all before posting, but my fingers kept thinking otherwise...

                            Here's my take...

                            Keep in mind that I'm going way back... like 20 (ahem!... Yeah, I'm *that* old!) years ago...

                            1- HARRISON FORD... (sorry, I *had* to shout there... don't mind me, I'm okay though... Just overloaded by hormones )
                            2- Richard DEAN ANDERSON...
                            3- Christophe Lambert (Highlander anyone?... NOT the TV show, the movie!)
                            4- Sean Connery
                            5- (although that one cale later on) Sir Anthony Hopkins... (old blue eyes... My god!)

                            now that I've thunked myself 5 times on my desk top, I can continue what I was doing...
                            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                              I was playing around with PhotoShop yesterday and...well....

                              Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


                                Originally posted by Ruralstar
                                Two Jacks are better than one

                                psst, Meimei, I think I found the clones secret meeting place. Do you think they are discussing the placement of that hidden camera?

                                Mmmm.... Jack in *balck*... *tight*... *FITTING*clothes!... Need I say more?... of GAWD!!!

                                Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon

