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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Hello Everyone.. its a SATURDAY.. And I have the DAY off!!

    "Did you tell them about the computer problem yet!!"

    ONTLL: Nope.. Just getting to that!!
    ONTLLJRS: Ah!!

    "Who cares about that.. SWEETIE is home for a extra day, and Throttle Jockey is gone!!"
    ONTLL: Uh Jack.. Lay off the sugar in the coffee!!
    ONTLLJC: Yes Ma'am..
    ONTLL: Oh don't start that now!!

    Anyhow, back to computer problems, some how my Hard Drive decided not to work yesterday, wouldn't not boot after I ran a Virus check. So I ran the Anti-Virus again, and found a big ugly bug!! (so to speak). So anyhow, it corrupted my Windows program. So I had to wipe hard drive and re-install most of my stuff this morning!! OY! but.. I have all my RDA Pictures still on the external hard drive, so nothing to worry about!!

    So BEWARE - Make sure your Virus Software is up to date. This one is Ugly!!

    No to see what's been happening!!
    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      I like this one better. The color in the background makes everything look all glowy.


      Nevermind cutie-pie. Want some lunch?
      nazJC: Okay!
      -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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        Heya ONTLLs. Sorry to hear about computer bug. Ick. But good thing all the RDA stuff was protected!

        "Hey there ONTLLs, sweetheart. I missed you!" *grins*
        -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
        LJ|MyFics|SJ Fic Journal|Non-SG1/OriginalWriting|Macgyver_Icons|MyVids|Twitter


          "Wrong number.."
          -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
          LJ|MyFics|SJ Fic Journal|Non-SG1/OriginalWriting|Macgyver_Icons|MyVids|Twitter


            Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
            Stop slinking and stand up straight

            Well... With pictures like that it is VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE, my dear!...
            *tries unsuccessfully to resurect from puddle of goo*

            *sigh* that tongue.... *bats away REALLY UN-PG thoughts*
            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


              -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                Phew!! its about time!!

                WHAHOO!! Chest Hairs!!

                Thunks Devoe.. Great Screencaps!!
                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                  Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post

                  I so agree...she moved WAY to fast FCOL..

                  Oh Oh.. Even better, Behind the Scenes "ABYSS"
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                    I can't decide which I like better?

                    *falls out of chair and lands on floor*

                    ONTLLJRS: Oh No.. Come on GG's you should know better then that *looks down at ONTLL's on the floor* Flyboy.. Get your butt in here!!
                    ONTLLJC: What's up? *sees ONTLL's on the floor* Oh my, you missed!!
                    ONTLLJRS: I was getting a refill.. Anyhow, lets get her up!!
                    ONTLLJC: This hasn't happened in awhile!!
                    ONTLLJRS: Well some GG's decided to post two of your pictures from that Episode in a row!!
                    ONTLLJC: Oh Okay.. Good Job!!
                    ONTLLJRS: Flyboy.. come on.. Help me!!

                    ONTLLJC: Yeah, yeah!!
                    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                      Originally posted by not_a_zatarc View Post
                      Heya ONTLLs. Sorry to hear about computer bug. Ick. But good thing all the RDA stuff was protected!

                      "Hey there ONTLLs, sweetheart. I missed you!" *grins*
                      *feels bruise on elbow from SC99 post*

                      Hello Sweetie How you doing??

                      Don't worry about computer trouble, I got it handled, as long as your their waiting for me!!


                      ONTLL: Oh hey Rourke.. Um.. How you doing??
                      ONTLLJRS: Fine... Next time.. I will miss on purpose!!
                      ONTLL: Oh really.. That Jealousy Green is not a nice color on you!!
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                        -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
                        LJ|MyFics|SJ Fic Journal|Non-SG1/OriginalWriting|Macgyver_Icons|MyVids|Twitter


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

                          So BEWARE - Make sure your Virus Software is up to date. This one is Ugly!!

                          No to see what's been happening!!
                          I always use up-to-date protection.


                            Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                            Phew!! its about time!!

                            WHAHOO!! Chest Hairs!!

                            Thunks Devoe.. Great Screencaps!!


                              Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                                Morning Anakin, NAZ!

                                Nice run of piccies Devoe

                                Need to ruffle some more.
                                Ruffle, ruffle, ruffle.

                                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                                Anyhow, back to computer problems, some how my Hard Drive decided not to work yesterday, wouldn't not boot after I ran a Virus check. So I ran the Anti-Virus again, and found a big ugly bug!! (so to speak). So anyhow, it corrupted my Windows program. So I had to wipe hard drive and re-install most of my stuff this morning!! OY! but.. I have all my RDA Pictures still on the external hard drive, so nothing to worry about!!

                                So BEWARE - Make sure your Virus Software is up to date. This one is Ugly!!

                                No to see what's been happening!!
                                I assume that you also used Percussive Maintenance on it?

                                Percussive Maintenance--This is the fine art of wacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again. (this posted on a bulletin board at work.)

