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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by blueiris
    OK, which episode is this from. Maybe he looks best in that episode. Darn, I feel blah, and I have these important decisions to make: which episode does Jack look best in, uniform or civies, hat or no hat.
    I think he looks good in A LOT of episodes. Maybe that's why I have around 200 pics of him in my slideshow on my laptop.
    JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

    Thank you, Nikkirose!


      Originally posted by JSDT
      I think he looks good in A LOT of episodes. Maybe that's why I have around 200 pics of him in my slideshow on my laptop.
      he looks good in ALL the eps. IMO!

      these are JUST RDA/Jack alone pics...
      i've got 39 pics in my "Jack" folder,6 in "behind the scenes" folder, sadly only 2 in my "actor" folder, 5 in the "promotional" folder,and about 75 in my "episodes" folder. which adds up to about 127 RDA/Jack pics on mine.
      plus tons of team and pairing pics. i know it's not a whole lot but i always have to go in and clean up my pc when it get's too cluttered! LoL! too bad...

      Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


        Originally posted by blueiris
        But I've got all these yummy Jack pictures under here, hidden from hubby.
        you're not the only one hon! i print out a lot of jack pics to thunk over and i keep them with the cookbooks in the kitchen.........hubs will NEVER find them there.


          Originally posted by Critter
          Thunk you, Kilggins, for your kind understanding of my delicate condition. You see I am hopelessly addicted to Jack/RDA, so much so that it sometimes makes life difficult to bare...BEAR. I mean difficult to bear. Bear. Anyway sometimes I just get so blue when I can't see him. Blue. Doesn't he look dreamy in blue? Arrrrg. See what I mean?

          I can't even control my fingers to type the right things....OH! Those fingers of his...darn it! If I don't get this condition under control soon all of my hair will be gray. Oy, and doesn't he have a great head of hair?

          OK this isn't working. I am now in the gutter again...excuse me while I dry off, I am not even going to go there. Do you see what it is like for me? That's why I appreciate all of the pictures that everyone posts here. He is just so thunkalisious that I can't stay away. And let's face it....why should I stay away? We're here to THUNK afterall.
          you are very lucky for the docor is in. *examines critter* well i have good news. you are just fine.....nothing at all wrong with you. take two of these *hands critter two pics of jack/rda* and call me in the morning. if that doesn't do it then you can come and check out my cookbook collection.


            Originally posted by -Jules-
            he looks good in ALL the eps. IMO!

            these are JUST RDA/Jack alone pics...
            i've got 39 pics in my "Jack" folder,6 in "behind the scenes" folder, sadly only 2 in my "actor" folder, 5 in the "promotional" folder,and about 75 in my "episodes" folder. which adds up to about 127 RDA/Jack pics on mine.
            plus tons of team and pairing pics. i know it's not a whole lot but i always have to go in and clean up my pc when it get's too cluttered! LoL! too bad...
            AH! and how could i forget my pics in the "Atlantis" folder!?!? LoL


            Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


              Originally posted by Kliggins
              I knew I forgot something. I couldn't help it, my brain cells were fried Here is a little more hair for your fingers to occupy themselves with.

              *drools muchly* My God woman that is absolutely delectable!


                Originally posted by Critter
                Thunk you, Kilggins, for your kind understanding of my delicate condition. You see I am hopelessly addicted to Jack/RDA, so much so that it sometimes makes life difficult to bare...BEAR. I mean difficult to bear. Bear. Anyway sometimes I just get so blue when I can't see him. Blue. Doesn't he look dreamy in blue? Arrrrg. See what I mean?

                I can't even control my fingers to type the right things....OH! Those fingers of his...darn it! If I don't get this condition under control soon all of my hair will be gray. Oy, and doesn't he have a great head of hair?

                OK this isn't working. I am now in the gutter again...excuse me while I dry off, I am not even going to go there. Do you see what it is like for me? That's why I appreciate all of the pictures that everyone posts here. He is just so thunkalisious that I can't stay away. And let's face it....why should I stay away? We're here to THUNK afterall.
                ROTLFMAO... Oh Critter i can sooooo relate!


                  Originally posted by blueiris
                  OK, which episode is this from. Maybe he looks best in that episode. Darn, I feel blah, and I have these important decisions to make: which episode does Jack look best in, uniform or civies, hat or no hat.
                  The pic is from the episode Tomb. Thanks go to Bev, that was absolutely lickable.

                  Welcome BlueIris. Don't hide under your rock come and play!



                    Originally posted by blueiris
                    While watching Window of Opportunity for probably over the 20th time last night, it occured to me, that near the end of the episode, during Jack's "I lost my son" scene, Jack looks *gorgeous*. It's kind of organgy in the back ground, and Jack is wearing his cap, and his face is absolutely *gorgeous*. Usually, I think Jack looks the most handsome in Shades of Gray, but, it just struck me right then, maybe he looks the best in WoO.
                    hmmmmm, something to ponder. I only wish I had the pictures side by side, SoG and WoO.

                    Another thing. RDA must be a great actor. Ever notice how his face completely transforms when he becomes Jack? In interviews/behind the scenes, when he's dressed as Jack, he looks like RDA, but when he acts, he changes to Jack. Like two identical twins that you can tell apart. Am I making sense?

                    Grabbing my blanky and crawling back under my blue rock. Feeling blah.
                    Ah well if its those WoO pics your looking for, maybe I can help (sorry no SOG ones just yet ) But the 'orangey' ones I have

                    Hello by the way blueiris - lovely name


                      Originally posted by Ruralstar
                      Time for....*drum roll*...walk down memory lane. Tonight's offering Singularity

                      One word ladies GLOVES!
                      Two words, fingerless gloves! <SIGH> I do so miss those. <SIGH>
                      My Photos


                        Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                        [color=purple][b]Ah well if its those WoO pics your looking for, maybe I can help (sorry no SOG ones just yet ) But the 'orangey' ones I have


                        Oh yummers. I love my intense Jack! THUNK you Jacksbabe!


                          Originally posted by RDAfan61
                          Two words, fingerless gloves! <SIGH> I do so miss those. <SIGH>
                          Oh yes the better to show off those lovely long fingers. That man's hands are just to die for!


                            Originally posted by sgt.siler
                            you're not the only one hon! i print out a lot of jack pics to thunk over and i keep them with the cookbooks in the kitchen.........hubs will NEVER find them there.

                            Adds a whole 'nother meaning to "what's cooking?"
                            "I've been looking through the cookbooks all day, looking for just the right *dish*."
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                              Ah well if its those WoO pics your looking for, maybe I can help (sorry no SOG ones just yet ) But the 'orangey' ones I have

                              Hello by the way blueiris - lovely name

                              Oh yeah! That's the one alright. Don't know why all of a sudden *that* particular picture jumped out from all the others ('cause they are all hot), but jump it did. Thanks. It's gettin' right cosy under this rock.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

