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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by ivy714
    Ummm well actually it's more than one person.

    I know, I know......i'm calming down.....only an hour to go.

    No problem, I've got a full clip.


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O
      Just let me know by Thursday, and maybe you could pick up JEC on the way over so he won't have to drive himself.

      Cool, i'll let you know a little later.


      My LJ


        As of April 26, 2006.. (hey, its little brother birthday today!!.. Good thing I came on the boards, or I would have forgotten!! )

        Title: Lunch on set of Stargate with Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping and take home a paddle signed by the cast and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

        Current Bid: $19,000.00

        Next Bid: $20,000.00

        Lot Closes: 4/28/2006 6:00:00 PM EST

        Still think RDA should be the last bid, just before it closes.. or maybe he can't afford it, cuz of his new house he is building!!

        He acknowledges that his "retirement" is not necessarily permanent, "I'm so loving my life right now, being a dad and building my house."
        Richard Dean Anderson Website, January 21,2006 Updates!!
        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


          Originally posted by Kliggins

          BAD Nudge!!
          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O
            Sweet! Thanks AQOJaC!

            Admiral allows him to carry weapons at work......why can't I?

            Uhhh we will discuss that later...


            My LJ


              Originally posted by ivy714
              Sweet! Thanks AQOJaC!

              Admiral allows him to carry weapons at work......why can't I?

              Uhhh we will discuss that later...
              I have no choice, IJC. He has a mind of his own.


                Originally posted by ivy714
                Two Rourkes! I like the sounds of that.
                Yeah with 2 of them ya probably don't need any coffee
                You got that right. . . but it'll be on stand-by just in case.
                Ivy: Awww Rourke, you're so thoughtful.
                IJRC: Yeppers, oh's your coffee.
                Ivy: That's not the usual shirt...
                IJRC: I know, i'm just changing it up a little..
                Ivy: Oh ok, I can deal with that.
                I love the Picture... COFFEE CUP!!

                IJRC is on Stand-by for me or you!! Sorry saw the picture before I read all the words..

                ONTLLJRS: Hey, Hey.. Calm down.. hey how did..
                ONTLL: Hey changed his shirt..

                "Yeah, but its doesn't have as much UMMPHH as this shirt does!!"
                ONTLL: UMMPHH!!
                ONTLLJRS: You know..okay, okay.. I will say it.. Thunking Power!!
                ONTLL: Oh I wouldn't say that!!
                ONTLLJRS: Really!!
                ONTLL: Uh huh!!

                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                  Originally posted by Gen Blue
                  I have a VERY good imagination. Wow, it's warm in here. *fans self*
                  Hot flashes?!?


                    Originally posted by ivy714
                    You got that right, something was going on with my guys last night. They seem to be back to normal this morning.
                    Ivy: I had to discipline them a little.
                    IJC: Yeah you did.....*thinks*....Maybe i'll misbehave some more today.
                    IMC: Hey you took my idea!! *crosses arms*
                    IJC: Gotta be quick with me!
                    Ivy: Jack that's not very nice.
                    IJC: Oops... *snickers*
                    IMC: Can you put him in the cage for that?
                    Ivy: I can't we're not at home..
                    IMC: Have Rourke come get him.
                    IJC: . . . . NO!
                    Ivy: Next time I will.

                    Hey IVY...

                    No more Boonie Boy.. Good JOB

                    ONTLL: What's wrong Ivy.. IJC and IJRC don't get along
                    ONTLLJRS: Like we do!!
                    ONTLLJC: Yeah!!
                    ONTLLMC: Seem like you are now!!
                    ONTLL: Uh huh!!
                    ONTLLJRS: Um.. Maybe the coffee isn't strong enough
                    ONTLLJC: Or I didn't have enough!!
                    ONTLLMC: Uh *looks at ONTLLs* this is scary
                    ONTLL: Tell me about it!!
                    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                      I have no choice, IJC. He has a mind of his own.

                      I used to carry mine, but now Ivy stri....I mean searches me.


                      My LJ


                        Originally posted by ivy714
                        Breathe in, breathe out... breathe in, breathe out...oh forget it..

                        ONTLLJRS: She just melted off the chair.. No bang, no nothing!!
                        ONTLLJC: Admiral..
                        ONTLLMC: *taps Jack on the shoulder* um.. its was Ivy.. not Admiral
                        ONTLLJC: Ooopps Sorry Admiral.. IVY.. Ivy.. She never does stuff like that!!
                        ONTLLJRS: Well today she did!!
                        ONTLLJC: Hmmmm..
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          Originally posted by ivy714
                          I used to carry mine, but now Ivy stri....I mean searches me.

                          Sounds like she's thorough...can't be that bad.



                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O

                              Good Morning Admiral!!

                              Okay I had a weird dream last night.. I was sleeping, and Ray was looking in my window!! I jumped and woke up!!

                              ONTLLJRS: Yes, It was a good thing I was around!!
                              ONTLL: I don't know why, but Ray was looking the the Generals Window in Chain Re-action!!
                              ONTLLJRS: But he isn't in that Show..
                              ONTLLJC: I AM!!
                              ONTLL: Yeah I know, that is why it scared me!!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                                I love the Picture... COFFEE CUP!!
                                IJRC is on Stand-by for me or you!! Sorry saw the picture before I read all the words..
                                ONTLLJRS: Hey, Hey.. Calm down.. hey how did..
                                ONTLL: Hey changed his shirt..
                                "Yeah, but its doesn't have as much UMMPHH as this shirt does!!"
                                ONTLL: UMMPHH!!
                                ONTLLJRS: You know..okay, okay.. I will say it.. Thunking Power!!
                                ONTLL: Oh I wouldn't say that!!
                                ONTLLJRS: Really!!
                                ONTLL: Uh huh!!
                                Thanks! . . . . . I got a little creative the other day.

                                I have to agree with ya ONTLLJRS, it' doesn't come close to that White Shirt.


                                My LJ

