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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Queen Eleta
    <-me (lately anyway)

    Thanks for all these thunky pics!!

    Good night, everyone.
    He's waiting ofr a kiss which one of us do you think will get there first? Me, yep definately me!


      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

      ONTLL: Jack calm down.. Its a quick mistake
      ONTLLJRS: yeah Flyboy calm down..
      ONTLL: Rourke I have this under control..
      ONTLLJRS: Sorry Ma'am
      ONTLL: Rourke...
      My bad, I apologize for mistaking that.

      I'll correct myself. I like the SILVER!

      I can't believe I missed that!

      And it's time for more cold medicine.


      My LJ


        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

        THUNKS.. Added to my Collection

        I put my under Stargate/Jack Portraits
        I put mine into a folder called JackPromo/Broco and I still can't find it. Me thinks my hubby has moved it somewhere to wind me up, he knows its my favorite publicity collection, does he want to die young or what?


          Originally posted by stargatesg1971
          Thanks, Zuz! I love this pic and I know I don't have this exact cap coz I haven't capped the DVD version of this eppy yet.
          You're welcome, Beth!

          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
          Colonel Jack O'Neill


            Originally posted by Katkin
            Wow… have to say it takes some getting used to, seeing The Man in pink!
            Its the pinky ring that makes me grin, and the voice/mannerisms RDA uses in this movie goes through me! He comes across as a real jerk. It just goes to show how good an actor he is.


              Originally posted by ivy714
              Hey ONTLL's

              Sorry to hear about your car......That's the reason I bought a Truck, eventhough I don't get as near as much of that crap as you do.

              Oh boy look at those eyes, they say sooo much. Thanks, Ivy!


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                Well Maybe We should just ZOOM IN on that particular Section to answer the Question

                ah much better.. Problem Solved..
                LOL I like your style!


                  Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                  Okay, I have been playing around with my Paint Shop Pro Buttons.. I NEED A VOTE.. (all this talk about enhancing Screencaps!! )

                  so anyhow, this is my Usual way I do it..

                  and this is the NEW Button style..

                  Which is BETTER??
                  I prefer the usual way myself.


                    Originally posted by zuz
                    Back to the topic of enhancing caps.

                    I'd really like to know your opinion, which one seems better to you. Thanks for your help.

                    I like both caps for different reasons. I like the original coz its the best sort of image to start off with in artwork. I like the enhanced cap coz its nice to just sit and drool over. Sorry I know, I'm not helping here am I?


                      Originally posted by melpomene
                      Hey, lookie what I made I know it's only relevent to those of us younger than The Man... But I hope everyone can appreciate the sentiment behind it

                      Cute.....thanks for sharing.


                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        Gotcha. Okie dokie then, thanks for the explanation. I didn't make the S/T sig but I did write the words. and the newest Rick was completely my creation. Oh, speaking of which I made a couple young RDA icons. I find he gets better looking as he gets older. But this piccie was still cute.


                        And thankies Zuz. Greened you back
                        Awww.....don't suppose you'd share a bigger version of that pic would you?


                          Originally posted by RDAfan61
                          Gotta post some Jack, that was just too young for me. LOL

                          I agree much as I love the early pics of him I prefer the silver fox. Now the worry is am I getting old? Have my tastes changed? I've always liked the Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones and of course the RDA type. Brad Pitt does nothing for me. Looks like I've answered my own question! Time to hit the hay I think before I fry my brain. Thanks for the thunks tonight see you all soon.



                            Originally posted by zuz
                            What a lovely smile, sigh!


                              [QUOTE=not_a_zatarc]Hehe, JONeill97. I love the clip where brainwashed Teal'c smacks Jack in the face and he falls over. It's so cute. LOL. XP

                              *ahem* Anyways, some loverly assets from "Fire and Water".


                              I love this shot *g*


                                Originally posted by AmberMoon
                                A little pick-me-up, sticky-up, and's been a very long day at work today and I needed some Jack from 2010. These are also for all the posting milestones. (I tried to give the love but for some I have to wait for the next round of restocking .)
                                Hhmmmm scruffy Jack, THUD! Thanks, Maggie.

