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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Zoser
    They almost always hit him in the same spot. Lets all line up to kiss it.
    Elbows way to front of line.

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      I'm just making sure Jack's on top!



        Sticky-up hair, bedroom eyes... on the ice... mmmm, doesn't get much better with Mac than this...


          THUNK! THUNK! THUNK!

          mmmmmmm General Jack


            Just thought I'd pop in with a lovely pic that Mala posted a while back.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              I'm just making sure Jack's on top!

              Mei Mei is confuzzled... Jack was on top... Oh, wait, that was in the fic I was writing...

              Never mind...



                  Originally posted by bbfan
                  Season 5, mhh?

                  Good season.....


                    Ooooo Jack was seriously slipping. He's not happy, not happy at all.

                    My Photos


                      Originally posted by RDAfan61
                      Ooooo Jack was seriously slipping. He's not happy, not happy at all.


                      Awwww Jack... please don't be mad.
                      I was trying to come.
                      I mean come to you hon.
                      I just got sidetracked by some friends.....
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by Geekyred
                        So I was changing my sig again, and I just noticed I've been getting rep points from some of you lovely people. I'd totally forgotten about rep points. Thank-you you're very very nice people. Now I'll have to go spread some around myself...if I remember, my mind tends to get filled with pretty pictures around here and that shoves everything else out so sorry in advance if I don't get around to it.
                        LOL Love the sig Geekyred!!!! I noticed recently when I went to check for something else that I got some as well. Thanks! It's nice tho I don't really believe in them when I've seen some people here and how they were hurt by abuse of them. It was nice to see the nice comments tho.

                        My Photos


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          Awwww Jack... please don't be mad.
                          I was trying to come.
                          I mean come to you hon.
                          I just got sidetracked by some friends.....
                          Jack always keeps me coming. To the thread of course.


                            It's Saturday evening and I am in the mood for some Jack whump. Actually had a kind of Jack whump dream last night. It was weird, it started out as me going to this funeral, turns out I was in the wrong place for it. All of a sudden it turns into this deal of Jack running on this sandy or dirt slope. He tops the slope and sees this horde of people, they look like some kind of cult. He turns and starts running off with them in pursuit, they get close and he tries to shoot them but his gun just clicks like it's empty so he ends up poking one of the people in the chest with it but they still keep coming. He takes off running again and then it gets a little hazy but he ends up by this picnic table by a road with 2 kids sitting at it and he's all hot and exhausted and sweating and he sits down at the table with them. The kids are making this chocolate type drink and one's a girl and has it all over her face. They offer him some but he thinks it is poisoned by the cult members, that they put the kids there to trick him. (How I know what he's thinking or knows this is beyond me LOL). He just puts his head down on the table in exhaustion. Suddenly all these cars start coming by and he raises his head and sees it's a funeral procession ( the one I was supposed to be with) and knows that someone will recognize him and help him and just puts his head back down and I woke up. UGH. LOL

                            Weird huh? I hardly ever dream about RDA/Jack and then to remember it so clearly. Very weird.
                            Anyway, some Jack whump

                            My Photos


                              Another whump pic from the Tomb.

                              My Photos


                                Originally posted by sgt.siler
                                Jack always keeps me coming. To the thread of course.
                                LMAO! *cough* Of course you mean this thread! *cough* *leaves before she says something VERY VERY UN-PG!*


                                McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                                TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                                McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                                MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!

