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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruralstar
    Just keeping up folks....

    This kind of works for me.

    This REALLY works for me. I love this man in black.
    Desperate Thunker


      Originally posted by yoojoo
      Seeing as im new and don't know what in the world is going on, can you explain a few things for me. Actually can you define them. Whump, thunk, and thunking gear?


      I see that Nikki and Oz answered your questions. Just wanted to let you know that Jacksbabe will probably be along in the morning with your thunk helmet and drool cover. Rural should also be along in the a.m. with some helpful supplies.

      I am posting some supplies, but these are Mala's creations so thank her for them. I find them very useful.

      ROTFLMBO!!!! i can't stop!! omg!! My....tummy hu...rts now!! Just picturing people sitting at their computers stuffff!!!! Oh no, here i go again!! Gotta...!!

      he he he..... thanks guys! that just brightened my day!!
      Random Thought of the day:

      -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
      -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

      heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


        Originally posted by Jacksbabe
        Hi there yoojoo - welcome to the Gutter, splash on in!!

        Well I can hand you some of the thunking gear that you will no doubt be needing, hope you havent hurt yourself in my absence!

        One drool cover for your keyboard:
        And one very useful Thunking Helmet:

        Thanks!! ya know i could have really used those depends, and helmet after i read Kliggens post cus it struck my funny bone and i fell on the ground b/c i was laughing so hard. I think i mighta peed my pants a little too... ha ha ha... im laughing again. now im imagining RDA in all that stuff...and.... and.....omg!! I ...........can''t.....Breath!!!!
        Random Thought of the day:

        -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
        -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

        heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


          Originally posted by yoojoo
          ROTFLMBO!!!! i can't stop!! omg!! My....tummy hu...rts now!! Just picturing people sitting at their computers stuffff!!!! Oh no, here i go again!! Gotta...!!

          he he he..... thanks guys! that just brightened my day!!
          Aren't these gutter gals just the most ingenious group of thunkers you've ever known! I just love to come here and veg out! (((((Gutter Gals)))))
          Desperate Thunker


            I get such cool job-related stuff sometimes.

            This morning I got a box delivered to my desk. I unwrapped the foam around the contents and out fell - Jack’s combat knife. At least that’s the first thing I thought of, one track mind that I have.
            It’s a 12in long, matte black combat knife.
            *doo, doo, doo, doo. doo, doo, doo, doo. Spooky music plays*
            For a customer in Colorado Springs, Co.

            I want to keep the knife; the customer wants it back when we’re done. Party pooper.

            I was looking for a shot of Jack drawing the knife and/or throwing it, just to keep in the thunk spirit.
            Thanks StargateFan

            You're never too old to do something goofy.
            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


              guess what

              i had a dream about our man last night

              and i was playing with his dog

              now before you get all guttery and conotative on me i mean this dog

              can i get an awwwww he's lovely in this episode (RDA not the dog)


              so here i was playing with his dog just as he starts talking to me then i soon i start talking back

              (beleive it or not)

              i wake myself up cos i was talking soo loud!!!!!!!!

              urgh i hate sleep talking

              this woke me up at 4 this morning but he's worth it


                I see that Jack is trying to contact the GGG.

                I would love him to make contact with me!!


                  Originally posted by Critter
                  I don't care what MeiMei did to her clone...I just want to kiss him and make him feel better....yes, kiss him all over to make him feel better all over.

                  I leave you all alone in the gutter for the weekend and look what I find when I get back. I am so sad let the kissing begin....
                  I have already taken care of my Jack clone! He is all better now! So go kiss your own clone!!

                  *Mei Mei glances over at Rural* Hmph! Where do they get those pics from!!

                  I have also found out from my doctor that you can sprain your tongue... Of course, I couldn't tell him how I managed to do it.... *blush* So beware, Gutter Gals, keep that in mind when do something that you might have to, eh, apologize to your Jack clone for anything! And yes, Oz, I know where Jack picked up his devious ways from! Only the one, the only, the wonderfully brazen hussy, Oz could have trained him so well...

                  *Mei Mei has certainly learned her lesson! Mei Mei returns the ice pack to her tongue...*


                    Originally posted by meimei
                    I have already taken care of my Jack clone! He is all better now! So go kiss your own clone!!

                    *Mei Mei glances over at Rural* Hmph! Where do they get those pics from!!

                    I have also found out from my doctor that you can sprain your tongue... Of course, I couldn't tell him how I managed to do it.... *blush* So beware, Gutter Gals, keep that in mind when do something that you might have to, eh, apologize to your Jack clone for anything! And yes, Oz, I know where Jack picked up his devious ways from! Only the one, the only, the wonderfully brazen hussy, Oz could have trained him so well...

                    *Mei Mei has certainly learned her lesson! Mei Mei returns the ice pack to her tongue...*
                    Just make sure there is a liberal amount of alcohol in with the ice, you know, for sterilisation purposes...
                    *goes back to admiring pics*


                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      Just make sure there is a liberal amount of alcohol in with the ice, you know, for sterilisation purposes...
                      *goes back to admiring pics*
                      Oh yes we wouldn't want to damage our tongues or anything else for that matter.... I mean a bit of alcohol on the flesh is a very cooling sensation, perfect elixir to the heat in these here gutter waters.

                      Vodka anyone? *looks at MeiMei*



                          Cute. He looks like a puppy...


                            Originally posted by galaxy
                            Cute. He looks like a puppy...
                            Puppy eh? Well I'll be happy to sit and howl at the moon with him any old time he likes!


                              Originally posted by Critter
                              I had a little chuckle with this one are so lucky because you HAVE to lurk in order to keep an eye or two on us. It's a tough job but somebody has to do it! Thunks for suffering so we can enjoy our thunkin' selves.
                              Hehe, you're welcome! And I even get paid magic beans to be here...


                                Originally posted by galaxy
                                Cute. He looks like a puppy...
                                mmmhmmm....puppy eyes....*sigh*

                                Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!

