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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O

    Reynolds: Sir, should we really be shooting them for cutting the opening credits?
    I think if they wanted to save space to be able to put more ads, they should lessen the "wosh" wormhole effects.

    avatar and sig by flidget


      You chose this thread to make your 400th post? Well, come right on over and we'll have a beer.

      Thanks RDA...for everything...


        Originally posted by gatebee
        I think if they wanted to save space to be able to put more ads, they should lessen the "wosh" wormhole effects.
        But that would hack up the actual show. If they just chop the credits we have a chance of getting the whole thing on DVD.


          Originally posted by gatebee
          I think if they wanted to save space to be able to put more ads, they should lessen the "wosh" wormhole effects.

          Or the sideways toilet flush, as my hubby calls them.


            Originally posted by gatebee
            you know it is funny , but my hubby also say THUNK you now
            He's saying "THUNK you, now"?

            I've really been in the gutter too much today. I can't see PG at all, its so far in the distance. See ya 'round.
            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


              Originally posted by gatebee
              what do you mean anything "done" ...... isn't this doing something .... isn't this RL ..... as I told O'Neill , THUNKING is hard work...... my right hand is so tired now that I have to ice it ...... get your mind off the gutter ..... I meant my right hand is starting to get karpal tunnel syndrome .
              Hey, As I said in CHAT..
              THUNKING is a MUST, but we have to do it!! WE Must!!
              Its a natural thing to come home from work, turn on computer and head straight for the RDA THUNK Thread.. (notice no Jack*)

              oh and by the way, My Left hand is Sore too.. Been here since 10AM this morning, its now 1pm in afternoon.
              I finally got to the Bottom.. GG's your doing WONDERFUL on the posting (except that nameIcan'tmention thingy)

              THAT means I can finally have my NAP!!!
              ***Smiles climb across ONTLLJRC, ONTLLJC and ONTLLMC faces***

              Oh and one more THING.. Rune.. REVENGE!!! (Except, I am nice.. )
              WARNING! This picture is not for the faint-hearted thunker! Please make sure that your seatbelt is securely fastened and that you are close to an emergency exit - or at least a soft landing place. -thanks Alaskhah

              *no Jack cuz well, I have Two Jacks, and one Mac standing behind me now!!
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                Okay I am posting this Picture cuz you asked, and Passed 500 Posts..

                but if you mention that name again.. CAGE.. and No JackClone and no trap door!!


                No picture. But weirdly, when I look inside this reply box as I type, I do see that there's a code for a pic, it's just not showing up on my screen.



                  Originally posted by sharp


                  No picture. But weirdly, when I look inside this reply box as I type, I do see that there's a code for a pic, it's just not showing up on my screen.


                  !!!Holy Hannah!!!

                  I innocently *snort* log on to the forum, choose this thread and whammo!! what is the very first thing that I see? Bellybutton!!! Knock the breath right out of me!!! I am so snurching that pic! Wow!! What a way to start thunking!!!

                  Thanks Ontll's for capping that pic.
                  sig by PM


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    That's great!!! You freelance then? That's the coolest!!

                    Yep, I a journalist! Some people have a way with words and I are one of them!

                    DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                    WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                      Originally posted by Katkin
                      Yep, I a journalist! Some people have a way with words and I are one of them!
                      wow Katkin.... you is one of them

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by sharp


                        No picture. But weirdly, when I look inside this reply box as I type, I do see that there's a code for a pic, it's just not showing up on my screen.

                        Okay, for some reason it shows up in IE but not Netscape. Like I said, weird.

                        sharp *shaking head*


                          Originally posted by sharp
                          Okay, for some reason it shows up in IE but not Netscape. Like I said, weird.

                          sharp *shaking head*

                          *delayed shock*



                            Hey Hussies!!! Look!!! I can THUNK from work again!! This so makes up for the totally crappy day I've been having.


                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                              Working between thunks takes practice. I try to squeeze in as much as I can.

                              Yep. I like to squeeze Jack in too.

                              Last edited by Queen Eleta; 15 July 2005, 02:34 PM.
                              sig by PM


                                To all posting milestones that I've missed


