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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
    Okay I have read your three GG's comments...
    Now I have to comment...

    But RUNE i totally agree on the that POSTER!! Its depressing!!
    (I want to get into Battlestar Gallactica again, but the Blonde chickie, DRIVES me NUTS)

    Of course, blond chickie drives you nuts... she used to be a Victoria's Secret model!!! That is their whole reason for exsistance. To drive men and women nuts, in totally different ways.
    sig by PM


      Now...Daniel wearing a boonie I can handle but Jack?!?
      It's just too much.

      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        Originally posted by RDAfan61
        Congrats on the posting milestones. Mel for 1000, Sela for 800 and there was someone at 500 too but my mind has gone blank. Congrats to all of you and anyone else with a posting milestone!
        Thank's for noticing RDAfan61! That's 800 counted posts. I must have 3 times as many in the off topic / not counted posts.

        Congrats to Mel and the others for hitting their milestones as well.
        "You cannot reason with your own heart;
        it has it's own laws and beats about things
        which the intellect scorns."
        - Mark Twain -


          Originally posted by RDAfan61
          Congrats on the posting milestones. Mel for 1000, Sela for 800 and there was someone at 500 too but my mind has gone blank. Congrats to all of you and anyone else with a posting milestone!



            Originally posted by melpomene
            Did somone ask for black and white?


            or should I leave that to experts like Rune and try some color?


            *sits rubbing head* Damn, I wish someone would pad that wall!

            Apparently I missed alot of great caps over the last couple of days and a discussion about a lack of RDA/Jack next week. For my two cents---

            Jack O'Neill is a founding character of the movie and series. Gate without him is not Gate. I don't care what TPTB say. Gate without RDA is not Gate-PERIOD That's my opinion. I will watch to give the new series a chance. Unfortunately, the writing has done a slow spiral downwards in the last two years IMHO. There are notable exceptions but by and large it's not the same show. I respect RDA tremendously and i'm glad he is getting to spend the time with Wylie. As at least one person said, the man is 55 and as much as we all adore him time doth march on.

            Sorry for the drive-by post but I just had to slip a comment in there somewhere. RDA Then and Now-SIMPLY THE BEST


              Originally posted by RDAfan61
              Sorry Katkin, I couldn't resist.


              But, Bob Saget, really?
              LOL! I know what you mean. I had to look him up on the internet (haven't seen Full house since I was too young to remember) And my first thoughts rsn somewhere along the lines of 'Blech!' but it's not poor Katkin's fault. It was the sun!


                Originally posted by Sela
                Thank's for noticing RDAfan61! That's 800 counted posts. I must have 3 times as many in the off topic / not counted posts.

                Congrats to Mel and the others for hitting their milestones as well.

                Thanks Sela! Backatcha!


                  to Mel on 1000 posts
                  and to Sela on 800 posts.

                  You rock, gals!!!

                  "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                  Colonel Jack O'Neill


                    Originally posted by Ruralstar

                    *sits rubbing head* Damn, I wish someone would pad that wall!

                    Apparently I missed alot of great caps over the last couple of days and a discussion about a lack of RDA/Jack next week. For my two cents---

                    Jack O'Neill is a founding character of the movie and series. Gate without him is not Gate. I don't care what TPTB say. Gate without RDA is not Gate-PERIOD That's my opinion. I will watch to give the new series a chance. Unfortunately, the writing has done a slow spiral downwards in the last two years IMHO. There are notable exceptions but by and large it's not the same show. I respect RDA tremendously and i'm glad he is getting to spend the time with Wylie. As at least one person said, the man is 55 and as much as we all adore him time doth march on.

                    Sorry for the drive-by post but I just had to slip a comment in there somewhere. RDA Then and Now-SIMPLY THE BEST

                    Thanks for stopping by Rural


                      Originally posted by Ruralstar

                      *sits rubbing head* Damn, I wish someone would pad that wall!

                      Apparently I missed alot of great caps over the last couple of days and a discussion about a lack of RDA/Jack next week. For my two cents---

                      Jack O'Neill is a founding character of the movie and series. Gate without him is not Gate. I don't care what TPTB say. Gate without RDA is not Gate-PERIOD That's my opinion. I will watch to give the new series a chance. Unfortunately, the writing has done a slow spiral downwards in the last two years IMHO. There are notable exceptions but by and large it's not the same show. I respect RDA tremendously and i'm glad he is getting to spend the time with Wylie. As at least one person said, the man is 55 and as much as we all adore him time doth march on.

                      Sorry for the drive-by post but I just had to slip a comment in there somewhere. RDA Then and Now-SIMPLY THE BEST

                      Can I hear an "AMEN Sister" ? Stargate isn't Stargate without Jack O'Neill (or O'Neil).

                      You're never too old to do something goofy.
                      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                        Originally posted by RDAfan61
                        Coming late to this but, Jack and I had to say something. Russell Crowe we can kind of understand but... Bob Saget?!?!

                        I know!!! I know!!! I put my hands up and say I have no idea how this started. I guess he just grew on me. My kid has made me sit through four episodes of Full House a day for the last six weeks. It just crept up on me without me realizing it. God, somebody please help me before I start up the Bob Saget thunk thread!!!!!

                        DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                          Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                          Okay, so I was watching a few S7 commentaries and evry one - I mean every one of the directors had to mention about how RDA's schedule was limited and sometimes they had to shoot multiple episodes on the same day. GRR!! That's so frustrating! Yes, we all knew that he reduced his schedule. It was for a very good reason - his daughter. I'll never fault him for that. But, FCoL, let's not mention it during every commentary. Sheesh.

                          Had to vent. Had such a bad afternoon
                          Agree totally. It’s weird how Daughtergate keeps coming back to bite us in the ass.

                          DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                          WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                            Originally posted by Ruralstar

                            *sits rubbing head* Damn, I wish someone would pad that wall!

                            Apparently I missed alot of great caps over the last couple of days and a discussion about a lack of RDA/Jack next week. For my two cents---

                            Jack O'Neill is a founding character of the movie and series. Gate without him is not Gate. I don't care what TPTB say. Gate without RDA is not Gate-PERIOD That's my opinion. I will watch to give the new series a chance. Unfortunately, the writing has done a slow spiral downwards in the last two years IMHO. There are notable exceptions but by and large it's not the same show. I respect RDA tremendously and i'm glad he is getting to spend the time with Wylie. As at least one person said, the man is 55 and as much as we all adore him time doth march on.

                            Sorry for the drive-by post but I just had to slip a comment in there somewhere. RDA Then and Now-SIMPLY THE BEST

                            You said it, Rural. And thanks for doing your bit to save me from BobSagetness – it’s a dreadful disease that seems to have afflicted me since I arrived Stateside.

                            DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                            WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                              Originally posted by Ruralstar

                              *sits rubbing head* Damn, I wish someone would pad that wall!

                              Apparently I missed alot of great caps over the last couple of days and a discussion about a lack of RDA/Jack next week. For my two cents---

                              Jack O'Neill is a founding character of the movie and series. Gate without him is not Gate. I don't care what TPTB say. Gate without RDA is not Gate-PERIOD That's my opinion. I will watch to give the new series a chance. Unfortunately, the writing has done a slow spiral downwards in the last two years IMHO. There are notable exceptions but by and large it's not the same show. I respect RDA tremendously and i'm glad he is getting to spend the time with Wylie. As at least one person said, the man is 55 and as much as we all adore him time doth march on.

                              Sorry for the drive-by post but I just had to slip a comment in there somewhere. RDA Then and Now-SIMPLY THE BEST

                              totally agree with you .... those pics are to die for ....

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                Originally posted by Ruralstar

                                *sits rubbing head* Damn, I wish someone would pad that wall!

                                Apparently I missed alot of great caps over the last couple of days and a discussion about a lack of RDA/Jack next week. For my two cents---

                                Jack O'Neill is a founding character of the movie and series. Gate without him is not Gate. I don't care what TPTB say. Gate without RDA is not Gate-PERIOD That's my opinion. I will watch to give the new series a chance. Unfortunately, the writing has done a slow spiral downwards in the last two years IMHO. There are notable exceptions but by and large it's not the same show. I respect RDA tremendously and i'm glad he is getting to spend the time with Wylie. As at least one person said, the man is 55 and as much as we all adore him time doth march on.

                                Sorry for the drive-by post but I just had to slip a comment in there somewhere. RDA Then and Now-SIMPLY THE BEST

                                I totally agree with you Rural. Stargate just isn't the same without RDA. I'm going to watch too out of morbid curiosity. IMO Stargate ended last season. RDA just makes a few 'guest' appearances this season. *shrugs* I'm also peeved that the composed by Joel Goldsmith...will ALSO be cut from this season. We'll end up with nothing, but a 10 second intro to the show. Just so they can add 50 seconds more of commercial time that we'll just mute or simply TIVO out?! What are they going to cut next? Gate travel?

                                /Rant *wanders off steaming and mumbling*

