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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Ahhhh those Sunday mornings with Jack & me alone here in the Gutter ...

    makes up for the frustration of not being able to post anything last night, *sniff* the Internet hates me


      Okay, no prizes for guessing which ep I was watching *embarks on a swift Scorched Earth mini-thunkathon ... was he HOT in this one or what?


        Looking kind of wistful ...


          Looking kind of yummy

          kind of??


            Originally posted by sharp
            Oh wow!!! I get my own clone! You bet I'm staying!

            sharp *doing happy dance*
            ... Let's see...

            > Clone(s)... Jack, Mac, are almost mandatory, now the way you use them is totally up to you...

            > thunk manual provided by Jynjyr

            > Thunk gear: thunk belt (recently improved version available), thunk helmet

            > if you don't know how to swim, I'd suggest a lifevest or taking a crash course in how to swim: the gutter can be overflown rather frequently by... Err... various bodily fluids (drool... )

            Be careful of Feli's paddles when you post, this is a PG forum and we're very good GGs, we respect the rules (yeah, right!), right GGs?...

            I think that is all?... The heat outside combined with the heat inside *cough* may mess with my mind...
            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


              Looking kind of 'Who did this to my hair'

              (and yes Bev, we KNOW it was you!)


                Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                Ummm... maybe it's me, but.... being spanked by a Jack paddle doesn't really seem like .... punishment.

                Well, when Feli's holding it... it is...

                No offense meant (((Feli))) our great Moderator... Just to say that you're an efficient moderator...

                I'm good at sucking up...
                Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                  Insert obligatory 'Willya look at the size of that thing' comment here


                    Originally posted by sharp
                    Hey All,

                    I rarely visit here but I think that's just changed! Was told about this thread and...yowza.




                      Originally posted by Ruralstar

                      *SLIDES DOWN AND SLAMS INTO WALL* BANG!!!!!

                      Damn girl

                      Rural? *taps hand*

                      Rural?! *taps cheeks*...


                      Jack? Mac?... get your a$$es here!.... oh, and Mac?... bring your tools, there's a big hole in the wall... God does she have a thick skull!
                      Last edited by Anakin; 03 July 2005, 05:19 AM. Reason: typo
                      Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                        Originally Posted by Queen Eleta
                        Ummm... maybe it's me, but.... being spanked by a Jack paddle doesn't really seem like .... punishment.
                        I SWEAR I wasn't thinking that too

                        *keeping a sharp eye out for Feli while I polish up my grovelling act ^_^ *
                        Last edited by Rune; 03 July 2005, 05:30 AM.


                          I know I've forgotten some posting milestones. Forgive me for lumping them all into one, but I think I've caught Amber's headache. This alternates between the head and the tooth. I just cannot win this week:



                            Honestly, I have no manners.

                            To all the new GG's a big hello &


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              awww hiding RDA's smile...This should not be, it's such a purty smile


                              What a baby face!

                              Baby face?... Yeah, I can do baby face too...

                              Yet somehow, I prefer THE MAN with a few lines... these make me wonder if he was of legal age-LOL!!!
                              Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                                I know I've forgotten some posting milestones. Forgive me for lumping them all into one, but I think I've caught Amber's headache. This alternates between the head and the tooth. I just cannot win this week:
                                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                                (((C7))) Sorry you're still not feeling too good, you need plenty of rest and pampering, Jack says he will give you a nice soothing massage

