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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Jack teaching Siler how to beg!

    Picture taken lovingly from Tame
    Desperate Thunker


      Originally posted by Critter
      Begging takes up a lot of space, don't you know?????

      And it's hard work, don't forget!!!
      Don't I know it's hard...

      HI-HO-HI-HO It's off to work I go.


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        These birthday wishes are so sweet
        They're not too sugary and mushy
        Your pic of Jack is such a treat
        For our one-year-older hussy!

        But that pic is my Abyss
        An Episode I will not miss
        As you may say
        This Episode will Play
        Who my neighbour has borrowed
        Of an Episode that is Hallowed!!
        I will Watch again tonight
        and the Future is Bright
        because it is back
        and SO IS JACK!!!

        As you can see from Above, My ABYSS is home!!
        so its off to dreamland, and my JACK Clone!!

        Oh man, this Rhyming stuff is Addictive
        But it is of Jack that we Misgive
        So Give a Good Cheer
        Because its of Jack, WE are HERE!!

        Okay, okay, time to stop...
        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


          Sticky up hair Jack (for Bev who begged so nicely) teaching Siler how to beg....

          From Tame's collection as if you didn't know!
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by Critter
            You mean like J-A-C-K?????
            It's words like that ,that inspire "non-PG" thoughts like.....oops..never mind.

            Where was I?
            Oh yeah,...."Yay Siler on 800..."
            *nice save nugs*

            greetings from the "Bluegrass State"where the grass is actually green,just like everywhere else


              Originally posted by gatebee
              gbmc: Feli is not here ....the GG are now starting to get brave.
              gbjc: Don't worry now gbmc, the GG will take good care of us.
              gbmc: Well that is what I am worried about. There are only two of us
              and how many GG are there right now.

              Gatebee, if you or your Clones misbehave we can report you to the

              S.P.C.J.C. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Jack Clones)

              but don't worry, Feli is gone on Holidays, we are free!!

              but be nice to your Clones!!
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Originally posted by sgt.siler
                Don't I know it's hard...

                HI-HO-HI-HO It's off to work I go.
                Have a good day at work dear.....that's what Jack says...

                Thanks to Tame for the piccie
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by sgt.siler
                  I agree. Oh you meant his hair?

                  but I agree with you!!
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Originally posted by sgt.siler
                    Jack can't believe Critter has never heard that before...

                    While I honestly believe that RDA/Jack is the hottest man around, sometimes pictures are posted that just make me want to curl up on the couch and stare the picture to life. Do you know what I mean? Well, this is one of them. Don't know what it is about the face but HOT DARN I want this man!!!!!
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Whoa!Look at the time...
                      I'll catch y'all later,got to get supper started.
                      I'm not even going to suggest you trying to behave with Jack running around in here..


                      Editing to add my 12-year old came up,looked & wanted to know what "Thunk"was.Told him it was the sound you made when you fell on the floor,...& it happened alot here.He asked why.I told him if he left me alone for a minute I'd let him back on the computer.
                      I'm gonna have to use that lock on the door more often
                      Last edited by nugglebugget; 15 June 2005, 12:38 PM.

                      greetings from the "Bluegrass State"where the grass is actually green,just like everywhere else


                        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                        but I agree with you!!
                        Oh yeah....pretend innocence....go on try it.....NOPE! I don't believe you!!!!
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by nugglebugget
                          Whoa!Look at the time...
                          I'll catch y'all later,got to get supper started.
                          I'm not even going to suggest you trying to behave with Jack running around in here..

                          Don't worry, Jack will keep us in line....but remember I'm first!!!!!

                          Thanks for the use of your pictures (((((Tame)))))
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Originally posted by Critter
                            800 POSTS.....
                            SILER YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!

                            Picture from Tame's collection, naturally
                            WHOO HOO!!! GREAT 800 posts! GO SILER!


                              Originally posted by Critter
                              While I honestly believe that RDA/Jack is the hottest man around, sometimes pictures are posted that just make me want to curl up on the couch and stare the picture to life. Do you know what I mean? Well, this is one of them. Don't know what it is about the face but HOT DARN I want this man!!!!!
                              *claps*.......YOU SAID IT GIRL! I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!!! YOUR THE BEST ...... !!!!! (((((CRITTER))))


                                Originally posted by Critter
                                Oh yeah....pretend innocence....go on try it.....NOPE! I don't believe you!!!!

                                Well as you Say Critter!!

                                Takes One Hussie to know another Hussie

                                Just taking lessons!!

                                "OH I don't believe this... They FOUND her out!!"

                                "Like it was Hard to Do!!"

                                "You mean!!"

                                ONTLL Guys, Guys, I am innocent!!
                                Last edited by OneillTwo"LL"s; 15 June 2005, 12:45 PM. Reason: Forgot something!!
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

