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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    There will be no cutting of Mac's hair.

    Ask and ye shall receive Critter; more long hair for you.
    OH, OH, I remember that HAIR!!

    Except when I met him.. It was Wet!!

    sorry Bragging again!!
    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      Originally posted by Critter
      I'm not sure where in the Gutter Handbook is says that today is Pick On Critter Day but as long as you pick with thunk-a-licious pictures of THE MAN....all I can say is:

      HUSSIES ..... HUSSIES .... RDA/Jack/Mac love all hussies ....all GG

      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by Jynjyr
        I'm in the mood for HAIR today. *fingers start twitching at the thought of getting her hands in that*

        aaahhhhhh.... speechless

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by Kliggins
          Have a good time Feli. I will watch over AK, Ambermoon, Anakin, Bev, Blueiris, Chevron7, Critter, Gatebee, Ivy, Jynjyr, Kiwigater, L-Jade, Mel, Meimei, Morjana, Nugglebucket, On2lls, Rune, Rural, SS, Tame, Verona, to make sure they adhere to the GG standards.
          HOORAY .... Kliggins, you don't have to look after us ....we GG are "always" on our best behavior ....HUSSIES

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Originally posted by gatebee
            HOORAY .... Kliggins, you don't have to look after us ....we GG are "always" on our best behavior ....HUSSIES
            I don't think Jack is buying that one Gatebee.




              avatar and sig by flidget


                oooohhhhh Feli is not here..... Kliggins is taking over ...GG did yo all hear that

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  Jack wants to be on top .....

                  pic fr stargate1971

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    well I bid all you good night .....Jack is calling me to ....

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Some help please.

                      A while back, someone (and I've forgotten who) posted these two behind the scene photos from "Redemption - Part One":

                      My question is: does anyone know where these photos originated from? Are they from a magazine? I couldn't find them on the DVD for this episode (or any of the season six DVDs in the photo galleries).

                      Just curious.

                      Thank you!

                      Last edited by morjana; 14 June 2005, 10:58 PM.

                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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                        Originally posted by Critter
                        Feli...I know you are already on vacation but I hope you know that I am the MOST dedicated hussie. I follow the rules to the T. I don't know where Miss Bev got the idea that I wasn't....I just don't understand.....and I am heartbroken.....I really am....she better post me a super duper thunkin' picture to apologize or I might just bury myself in my burrow forever....heart broken, that's what I am.....

                        **sniff sniff snort**
                        **cough** **cough**

                        **spits coffee on desktop**

                        Have I entered the twighlight zone?

                        Critter, honey... How to put this midly?... Did you ever had dreams of being an actress?...

                        ... Well...

                        ... Just... I don't want to shatter your dreams, sweetie, but...

                        Why don't you try and find other interests in your life?
                        *looks hopeful*
                        Say... Coffee girl instead?... It's a bright future, full of opportunities you know... Lots of coffee, lots of donuts,...
                        *looks hopeful-again*...

                        Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                          MMJC: Hey, somebody turn on the lights! It's dark in here...
                          MM: It's not the lights, Jack. Evidently Photobucket is not working...
                          MMJC: So people just can't see me?
                          MM: Not right now. So stop whining and let me go back to sleep.
                          MMJC: You're supposed to be getting ready for work, doing stupid things for me to report to the gutter about.
                          MM: *raises eyebrow* Do what?
                          MMJC: Uh, never mind...




                            My LJ


                              Originally posted by RDAfan61
                              Nighters all from me as well. Happy Thunking!
                              THUNK you for the whump parade. Message in a Bottle is one of my fave eps of season two. RDA did a fabulous job!


                                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                                Smile, yes. Hair (and girl) No.

                                Yay, short hair!

                                Short hair, yummy!!


                                My LJ

