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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    oops, look at that pic quick Feli I have to delete it cuz it's too big


      Everyone, I'm off on vacation until the 21st. I expect all of you to behave according to GG standards while I'm gone!


        Originally posted by Feli
        Everyone, I'm off on vacation until the 21st. I expect all of you to behave according to GG standards while I'm gone!
        Have a great holiday Feli. You know we will all behave like little angels whilst you are gone ......well, except for Critter, 'cause we all know she's really naughty!


          Originally posted by Feli
          Everyone, I'm off on vacation until the 21st. I expect all of you to behave according to GG standards while I'm gone!

          *whistles innocently* We'll miss you Feli! No, really we will!!!

          And I'll stop by and slap thier wrists every hour...


            Originally posted by AncientKnowledge
            lol...((((Mel)))) Jack could be your mailman....*giggles* 'I can see it now'.....
            Maleman, stop me before I go on to the malebox...


              Originally posted by Feli
              Everyone, I'm off on vacation until the 21st. I expect all of you to behave according to GG standards while I'm gone!
              Have a fantastic time, Feli! Jack'll take you to where you're going!



                Originally posted by gatebee
                where did you get that pic of RDA wearing a batman shirt.... or was that manip pic. He is indeed a very funny man. I just love humor in a man
                The batman pic was maniped by Jilly in the MS thread.


                  Originally posted by Feli
                  I'm supposed to blow into it?
                  ROFL! Bad Feli!!! Where is your mind at. Forget that; stupid question.


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    *whistles innocently* We'll miss you Feli! No, really we will!!!

                    And I'll stop by and slap thier wrists every hour...
                    Uh-huh.... yeah right!

                    Might need to warble that whistle just a wee bit louder there Mel!
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Feli
                      I'm supposed to blow into it?

                      Did she say what I think she just said?
                      She did! she did say what I think she just said!


                        Originally posted by Feli
                        Everyone, I'm off on vacation until the 21st. I expect all of you to behave according to GG standards while I'm gone!

                        Ahhhhh.... what were those Standards of Hussy Decorum again????

                        Ahhhh.... treat Jack Clones with respect.... *snort*
                        Ahhhh.... be very PG in one's dealings with sistah hussies... *giggles*
                        Ahhhhh..... never ever take Feli's paddle away from her... *LOL!*

                        AH HA! Feli's away!
                        Now the Gutter Gals can play!
                        Don't lose your grip on the saddle...
                        we can sneak a peek at the back of Feli's paddle...
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          Uh-huh.... yeah right!

                          Might need to warble that whistle just a wee bit louder there Mel!

                          Hey!!! Are you slandering my honor? My sincerity?! How dare ye!!!

                          MMC: You might as well admit when she's right Mel.

                          MJC: C'mon, what would be the fun in that?


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Hmmmm....tickling him wasn't the first thing that crossed my mind!!!!
                            Remember, where one has tickled, one can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Especially when zip-ties are involved.

                            JMC: I found them. *waves the package of ties*
                            JJC: Don't bring them in here, FCOL! *tosses them into the neighbor's yard with the BIG dogs*
                            JMC: She only seems to need the zips with you, Jack.
                            JEC: As long as I keep her away from the wall paper paste . . . we do fine, too.

                            You're never too old to do something goofy.
                            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              Hey!!! Are you slandering my honor? My sincerity?! How dare ye!!!

                              MMC: You might as well admit when she's right Mel.

                              MJC: C'mon, what would be the fun in that?
                              Nope... would never slander a sister hussy. (Just saying to cover *certain* activities... y'might wanna whistle just a wee bit louder! )

                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by Feli
                                Everyone, I'm off on vacation until the 21st. I expect all of you to behave according to GG standards while I'm gone!
                                Party! Party! Party! Party!!

                                MMJC: Now, Mei Mei, you know I can't be a part of anything that Feli would disapprove of! Unless, of course, it's with Feli!

                                Congrats on 1700!

                                And, of course, we'll behave!

                                *runs off to look up "behave" in dictionary*

