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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Tooo HOT for words...........THUNKS!!


    My LJ


      Originally posted by ivy714
      Tooo HOT for words...........THUNKS!!
      You could say that......


        Originally posted by Verona
        Yeah sorry bbfan messed up a bit with my post there.
        Mac what can I say the mullet just puts me off a little.
        How much Mac have you watched? Cause the girls that don't "do" mullets usually end up lying on the ground clutching thier hearts and screaming "Hair!!! Mac Hair!!!!" After a few eps of so. Just ask Critter. Not that long ago you couldn't get her near Mac with a rope around her neck. Now she BEGS for more pics of him.


          Originally posted by AncientKnowledge
          (((((VERONA)))))) How can you say that !!!!! Mac is totally HOT with a mullet!!!
          I totally agree with you, Mac is sooo HOT with the mullet


          My LJ


            Speaking of Mac......


            My LJ


              It's kinda fuzzy.....


              My LJ


                Originally posted by ivy714
                I totally agree with you, Mac is sooo HOT with the mullet



                  Originally posted by ivy714
                  I still LOVE IT!!!!! Thunks (((((ivy))))))


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    How much Mac have you watched? Cause the girls that don't "do" mullets usually end up lying on the ground clutching thier hearts and screaming "Hair!!! Mac Hair!!!!" After a few eps of so. Just ask Critter. Not that long ago you couldn't get her near Mac with a rope around her neck. Now she BEGS for more pics of him.
                    Yeah,Mel,Critter used to HATE the Mac (which I don't understand why*lol*)


                      Originally posted by RDAfan61
                      Yes because those eps contain 2 of the best ones all season IMHO, the 2nd part of New Order and Zero Hour. I liked Lockdown as well.


                      NO, No Shelly, you got it Backwards

                      I taped Stargate Season 1, Episodes 1,2,3, and 4. OVER Pandora's Clock!!

                      And I have to Agree with you New Order and Zero Hour are my Favorites of those four!! Especially Zero Hour.. Almost all JACK!!

                      I love him in this SHIRT!! Wish this scene had lights on!!

                      Okay time to calm down now!!
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                        Originally posted by sclairef99
                        I LOVE him in Blue! Thunk you RDA Fan.....

                        I've spent the weekend immersed in Mei Mei fic! It's been wonderful!!!
                        Now that Mei Mei has that Neck siggy....I had to laugh at the several lines referring to Jack's neck in the fic "Back to Reality" and it's sequel!!!!

                        LOL!! Well, the "neck" obsession has always been there. The sig was something Mala did for my birthday in Februrary cause she knew about it!

                        Thanks for the feedback!!


                          Originally posted by RDAfan61
                          One more slightly impish grin. LOL The forum stayed up! Yay


                          Cya all later
                          I think this is one of the Best Parts in Paradise Lost!!

                          and Blowing up the FISH!!
                          Oneill "That is just wrong on so many levels"

                          I love that LINE!!
                          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                            Originally posted by AncientKnowledge
                            Oh my......MEIMEI.....I just finished reading your FAN FICTION!.....I've never really had a chance to read your FF untill now,and "Back to Reality",kicks some major a**!!!!! !!!!!Now I'm reading "reality" now.....I can't wait to see what gonna happen!!!!!!!!!
                            LOL! You and sclairef99 posted feedback almost at the same time!! Glad you like it!! I have another couple of stories lurking. Miss Tame is betaing one now.

                            And as far as that other thread... I started hanging there a few months ago as research for one of the fics Tame's working on. It has a little Dan/Jan thing as a side story to the J/S plot. The hussies over there are just so funny with their captions on multi-thunk pictures that I kinda hung around. But I always come back to Jack... After all, who could resist this!


                              Originally posted by bbfan
                              I haven't been over to the 'other' thread... maybe some day. Right now, I just can't get enough of RDA/Jack/Mac.

                              LJC: *Gives Lorie a big hug*
                              LMC: *Dittoes the move*
                              LRDAC: *Plants a huge honkin' kiss on Lorie's lips*
                              Lorie: Oh... WOW!

                              Hey, Hey, Lorie, you have a RDAClone too!! (oh by the way, nice Sig pic)

                              Remember now, we can't spread them around too much!! not many of those available!!

                              ONTLLRDA *winks at ONTLL, while sitting on the couch*
                              ONLTLL Later GG's
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by bbfan
                                Ummmm... Thunk = RDA+Jack+Mac... we must not forget Mac.

                                Lorie, you got that Wrong!! (sorta)

                                THUNK = RDA+Jack+Mac+JackR+JimHolland+(Jynjyr's Legend Guy)+GH Character+

                                Okay I know I know never going to get to end of the PLUS line
                                So Why don't we just Say

                                Equals ****ThUnK**** ouch!!!
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

