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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by RDAfan61
    Hello My fellow Gutter Gals!!!

    My DVD recorder has been replaced and I went a little nuts. LOL There are 69 caps of Sacrifices up at my site for your viewing pleasure. There's a few lovely arms shots for those inclined in that direction and even a gratuitous tongue shot tho it was from a distance so not very obvious.
    Hope you'll stop by and take a look.

    A little nuts?? and so FAST!! Great pix, Shelly!


      Well, it's been a long, long weekend here... Ive been feeling sort of in a pensive mood... Here's one I've been fooling around with - from Paradise Lost...



        OK, some links to my screencaps from Season 8 SACRIFICES...

        Loved the scene with Teal'c. I thought that RDA was funny and looking good in his black tshirt!

        Blue BDUs

        Nice smile (he's smiling a lot these days!)

        Btw, if you want to see my Jack and Sam caps, they're on the S/J Shipper's Thread post #1886


          Originally posted by Mala50
          Who? This guy? Nope, don't see the appeal!

          *GASP* ............*stares speechless at the sexy half nekkid man in the pic*


          McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

          TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

          McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

          MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Well, it's been a long, long weekend here... Ive been feeling sort of in a pensive mood... Here's one I've been fooling around with - from Paradise Lost...

            My dear Mala you can fool around as long and often as you like. Gods how yum is that pic? THUNK you Gutter Fairy.


              Oh, ladies. (I use the term loosely.) The pics have been AWESOME. I've taken some of them to use with my "coin" colllection. (And I'll credit those I took.)
              But, I've gotta tell ya, never, NEVER watch 8 hours of Stargate and MacGyver while working with those gorgeous pics. I don't know if it was the RDA overload (if there is such a thing), or the nachos before bed, but I could have sworn I had Jack and Mac in my living room watching TV, drinking the last of my beer and ginger ale and arguing about whether or not a person could make explosives with what could be found around the house. While I was enjoying the scenery , I got worried when they headed for the kitchen and garage.
              *note to self: No more nachos.*

              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                Originally posted by Mala50
                OK, some links to my screencaps from Season 8 SACRIFICES...

                Loved the scene with Teal'c. I thought that RDA was funny and looking good in his black tshirt!


                Blue BDUs

                Nice smile (he's smiling a lot these days!)

                Btw, if you want to see my Jack and Sam caps, they're on the S/J Shipper's Thread post #1886
                *slides beneath the waves* Oh those were very nice indeed. I love that man's smile. Maybe TPTB were listening, or maybe RDA got sick of looking all dour, whatever the reason I'm so happy to see that smile.


                  Originally posted by Jynjyr
                  Oh, ladies. (I use the term loosely.) The pics have been AWESOME. I've taken some of them to use with my "coin" colllection. (And I'll credit those I took.)
                  But, I've gotta tell ya, never, NEVER watch 8 hours of Stargate and MacGyver while working with those gorgeous pics. I don't know if it was the RDA overload (if there is such a thing), or the nachos before bed, but I could have sworn I had Jack and Mac in my living room watching TV, drinking the last of my beer and ginger ale and arguing about whether or not a person could make explosives with what could be found around the house. While I was enjoying the scenery , I got worried when they headed for the kitchen and garage.
                  *note to self: No more nachos.*

                  *passes nachos to Jynjyr* If eating those makes you post images like that then I want to give you all the encouragement you need!


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    OZ!!! Good to see you again!

                    Girl, I've missed you! I've missed your words! I've missed our gutterly wanton (yes a new phrase!), orga-um,JOY- inducing, late night RDAfests!

                    Glad to see you back!

                    Oh, what'll we do when he's gone from TV? I don't know....He's just getting better and better....

                    Here's a new one for you!

                    You're dang right, he's getting better and better!! (How is that possible?
                    Aren't there laws of physics involved somehow? No entropy here, I'll say!
                    Definitely laws of CHEMISTRY, though. Oh yeah. Talk about boiling points...)

                    Thunk you SOOOOO much for supporting my "gutterly wantonness" --
                    love your new descriptive phraseology -- with this pic **sigh**
                    and those links to the new season you posted later.

                    I'll be tingly all day! Energy (among other stuff) will be flowing to get me
                    through this wonderful work Monday.

                    See you later, Mala and the rest of the Gutter Gang!

                    If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                    appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                    full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                    in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                      Originally posted by Jynjyr
                      Oh, ladies. (I use the term loosely.) The pics have been AWESOME. I've taken some of them to use with my "coin" colllection. (And I'll credit those I took.)
                      But, I've gotta tell ya, never, NEVER watch 8 hours of Stargate and MacGyver while working with those gorgeous pics. I don't know if it was the RDA overload (if there is such a thing), or the nachos before bed, but I could have sworn I had Jack and Mac in my living room watching TV, drinking the last of my beer and ginger ale and arguing about whether or not a person could make explosives with what could be found around the house. While I was enjoying the scenery , I got worried when they headed for the kitchen and garage.
                      *note to self: No more nachos.*

                      Shopping List:
                      Stuff to make Nachos
                      More stuff to make Nachos

                      Note to self: Ask Jynjyr if there were jalapenos on those nachos... If she gets dreams like that from nachos, Mei Mei wants recipe!


                        Mei Mei notices time of last post....


                        Note to self: No more early morning thunking! Mei Mei must get ready for work instead of thunking!!!

                        (Runs for shower mumbling... "Late for work AGAIN!"


                          Oh, I have to say to Shelly:

                          I so love your "capture" pages! Don't know what I would do without my
                          severe overdosage of Jack O'Neill. LOL

                          And Rural:
                          You always come to the rescue when it looks as if there will be a Jack/Mac/
                          RDA drought, posting pics links like a mad woman! Love it.

                          We Gutter Folk float about here in circles, salivating and waiting for any
                          juicy RDA scraps to come our way. Thank you for all the work you put into
                          it for us poor, deprived, lustful hussies. (That goes for you, too, Mala.)
                          (and Kliggins) (OK - EVERYBODY: Take a bow! LOL)

                          If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                          appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                          full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                          in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            *passes nachos to Jynjyr* If eating those makes you post images like that then I want to give you all the encouragement you need!
                            *Hands over some chocolate* If nachos help, imagine what chocolate would do.
                            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Nice smile (he's smiling a lot these days!)
                              That is one nice smile. Great way to start the morning! Thanks.
                              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                the pictures are all ones we've seen before, mostly from teh season seven. but the info...there's tons of it!!! complete lists of gou'ald, medical reports on jack, name of all the symbols on the gate and tons's fascinating. and a fic writers gold mine.

                                and of course, the dvd. i watched broca divide again..i have to laugh, when sam jumps him and says i want you' and he says 'why?'. it's bleeding obvious why, mate! because you're a gorgeous, sexy, hunk of alpha male who standing in the shower room still wet, with your top and goodness knows what else off!!!!
                                Thanks for that ino michelleb - I have been umming and arghing as to whether to get it or not, but by the sounds of it, there's no contest *heads off to newsagents*

