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    Ok...well, I have to work now...but I'm off to read Ch 1 of Mei Mei's new fic...which I'm sure I'll love, as she is such a talented writer! I'll keep checking to see what's up!

    Have fun and lots of pics on ship day!



      Popping in here from work (because I know that Gateworld won't let me in this evening to say:

      Happy Shipper Day Everyone!!!

      and to thank and praise you all for the wonderful shippy vids and pics and stories and songs and poems and cookies and the map and...well, everything!
      You're all the best and I'm glad that I'm a part of this family.

      A quick response to the first notice of ship...believe it or not, I think that it was 100 Days in my case. I was catching Stargate in syndication at the time so my viewing was hit and miss. The scene where Janet confronts Sam in the lab (still one of my favorite Stargate moments) and then the look on Sam's face when Jack is saying goodbye to Laira were the two scenes that made me think that there was something developing between the two. Of course, that ep made it look a little one-sided on Sam's part, but it was enough to get me hooked and hungry for more. I then starting making more of an effort to watch and have been a shipper ever since.

      Oh...and a final thank you to Sam and Jack. Without them, we wouldn't be this big, happy family.


        Originally posted by meimei
        I love NYC! Lived there for 11 years. Been back in AR for 9 so I lost what Brooklyn accent I picked up!! LOL!!

        Hmmm, con in NY, still have friends in NY that are always wanting me to come visit!! I'm seein' a pattern here...
        C'mon, you and Mala, shipper reunion part 2!

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by sugarshaker
          Wooo – hooo! Happy Shipper Day!

          Ok, I know I’m dating myself big-time, but does anyone remember that old Supremes song Some Day We’ll Be Together? I heard it on the radio on my way to work this morning, and since it’s Shipper Day, it MUST be a good omen:

          My love is yours, baby
          Oh, right from the stars
          You, you, you possess my soul now honey
          And I know, I know you own my heart
          And I wanna say:

          Someday, we’ll be together
          Yes we will, yes we will
          Someday (some sweet day) we’ll be together
          Yes we will, yes we will

          Hey, hey, hey
          I long for you every night
          Just to kiss your sweet, sweet lips
          Hold you ever, ever so tight
          And I wanna say:

          Someday, we’ll be together
          Yes we will, yes we will
          Someday, we’ll be together
          Honey, honey, honey, honey I know it. . .

          I see Jack and Sam at a party giving each other that special look from across the room while this song is playing. (Sappy, I know, but if you can’t tell your shipper family these things, whom can you tell? )

          Caty? Marimba? I think this would make a great video!

          OK, here’s how I got started on ship:

          The first episode I saw was Solitudes and it was during that scene when Jack calls out Sara’s name and Sam says, “I’m here Jack.” I was working around the house and hadn’t been paying much attention, and I thought that Sam was the Sara he was talking about. My ears pricked up at that because it was soooo romantic and I thought they were already a couple. It wasn’t until a later episode that I realized that Sam was Sam and not Sara, but by that time, their relationship was imprinted on my mind and there was no going back. I’ve been a shipper ever since.
          That definately is a good omen
          The song sounds perfect for Sam and Jack, it would be great if Catyu or Marimba or any other shipper family video makers could turn it into an S/J vid

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by LtLisa
            on my prework morning check in <g>

            Meimei: when did you start writing fanfic?

            MG: you actually leave the gutter?!? Kel'sha is also intrigued by this statement and wants me to remond you of the time <LtLisa blushes> Kel'sha! I can't SAY, you can't either!

            Love the Grace pic...that kiss is really hot...
            Ah, Back To Reality was my first fanfic. Then the ST:Ent one, then I started "The Things" series. The third story in that series is almost done and I have another that I am working on (a S8 fic). So a couple of months, maybe. But I have always loved to write.



              Time for our celebratory breakfast


              Thanks Ship Chef!
              ship sistah

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Originally posted by sacme
                Time for our celebratory breakfast


                Thanks Ship Chef!
                ship sistah
                Well for me its a bit late for breakfast...but that doesn't mean I can't celebrate with you
                I think i'm going to go for the coffee,eggs,bacon, and toast thing and I might have a few sausages with that too

                Thanks Ship Chef!!! *she says with her mouth stuffed full of food* Its delicious!!

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  Time for our celebratory breakfast


                  Thanks Ship Chef!
                  ship sistah
                  Hmmm... Jack could serve Sam breakfast in bed!! ****long sigh**** Soon, please, PTB! That's all I would need. A kiss and hug the night before and Jack serving Sam breakfast in bed the next morning! You don't have to get graphic about it!!!

                  (Although after Ptui, I kinda think you owe us one good bed shot!)




                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                      Well for me its a bit late for breakfast...but that doesn't mean I can't celebrate with you
                      I think i'm going to go for the coffee,eggs,bacon, and toast thing and I might have a few sausages with that too

                      Thanks Ship Chef!!! *she says with her mouth stuffed full of food* Its delicious!!

                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Ok, Sam_o_Neill, you have to tell us about your sig-- the bottom one.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          Ok, Sam_o_Neill, you have to tell us about your sig-- the bottom one.

                          ship sistah
                          It just says 'Happy Sam Jack Ship Day Everyone' Ancient

                          The little pics of Sam and Jack either side were made by Sam23 (
                          Last edited by Sam_o_Neill; 28 July 2004, 06:37 AM.

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            I just got here, but I thought I'd step off the lurkers' porch here in Shippertown and join in the party.

                            Thanks to everyone who write shipperfic, create shipper vids, and keep us posted with shipper news. Thanks also to the frequent posters who keep me smiling with their antics in the S/J Shipper Threads.



                              Originally posted by Bucky
                              I just got here, but I thought I'd step off the lurkers' porch here in Shippertown and join in the party.

                              Thanks to everyone who write shipperfic, create shipper vids, and keep us posted with shipper news. Thanks also to the frequent posters who keep me smiling with their antics in the S/J Shipper Threads.

                              Welcome to Shipper Town Bucky!!!
                              Glad you decided to step off the Lurkers porch, its loads more fun when you are involved rather than just watching

                              So, grab a drink, a cookie or some cake and join in the Ship Day celebrations

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                                Happy ship day AstronomicalChick!!
                                It would be a record if we could get to 1000 in 1 day!!! I'm hoping Tame, Marimba, Kliggins, Caty and everyone come back on soon cause there isn't much going on here at the moment I wish I lived in America.......then I could be awake when everyone else on here is...
                                ((((((((((((Sam O Neill))))))))))

                                I am at work ...SO I just get to pop in for the next few hours and try to keep up .....but I am enjoying reading everyones posts and their thoughts and how they came to be *Shippers*.....

                                We are such a Cool SHipper Family!!!!!
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

