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The Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson slash and friendship thread

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    i think even the web adverts know that we're bad women as on the site now there's one saying: "I can make over $1000 an hour. Find out how" with a picture of a man's crotch with money stuffed in the pocket...*snickers*...i've got a feeling i'm getting worse!!


      Originally posted by discodiva View Post
      *giggles wildly*......can't imagine a more perfect place for a Bad Woman (tm ) to be - only wish I could have been there with you!...
      "Poking around in cemetaries?"
      "Best place for her"

      Deeds xx
      It was an interesting weekend. What with the cop we accosted on the riverfront, the trip to the voodoo shop, Tater Red's, the Indian burial mounds at Chucalissa (aka Voodoo Village), Beale Street and cemetaries... Would have been great if you could have joined us!

      Daniel: Accosting police?
      Jack: I think she has a thing for uniforms...
      Last edited by Guest; 25 March 2008, 05:50 PM.


        Just a little farewell message to all my lovely Bad Women (tm ) telling them to misbehave as much as possible while I'm away and have a thoroughly bad time....

        I'm dragging the old suitcases down to pack this afternoon - not trusting my lovely brand new ones with Evil Terminal 5 tomorrow - and will probably be busy and forget to post tomorrow morning.....wish me luck - both with travelling from Heathrow and facing Michael Shanks with THAT photo beloved of Frostfox and getting him to add his siggie underneath RDA's.....

        Hopefully I will have Con pics and reports sometime next week......

        See you on and off intermittently over the next 3 weeks....

        Deeds xx
        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


          Have a blast, Deeds! I'll keep my fingers crossed while you negotiate Evil Terminal 5! I look forward to naughty con reports!


            Originally posted by meimei View Post
            Have a blast, Deeds! I'll keep my fingers crossed while you negotiate Evil Terminal 5! I look forward to naughty con reports!

            I'll do my best to be as naughty as possible....and I have plastic Jack and Daniel with me their Desert Camo.... ....feed me a few Cosmopolitans and we'll see what we can come up with....

            Deeds xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
              I'll do my best to be as naughty as possible....and I have plastic Jack and Daniel with me their Desert Camo.... ....feed me a few Cosmopolitans and we'll see what we can come up with....

              Deeds xx
              Uh-oh Terminal 5 and the convention are not gonna be able to cope with Deeds!!


                Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                Just a little farewell message to all my lovely Bad Women (tm ) telling them to misbehave as much as possible while I'm away and have a thoroughly bad time....

                I'm dragging the old suitcases down to pack this afternoon - not trusting my lovely brand new ones with Evil Terminal 5 tomorrow - and will probably be busy and forget to post tomorrow morning.....wish me luck - both with travelling from Heathrow and facing Michael Shanks with THAT photo beloved of Frostfox and getting him to add his siggie underneath RDA's.....

                Hopefully I will have Con pics and reports sometime next week......

                See you on and off intermittently over the next 3 weeks....

                Deeds xx
                The evil of terminal five made the news over here. Sounds scary.

                BEST OF LUCK WITH THE TRIP
                & MEETING THE LOVELY MR. SHANKS.
                Looking forward to hearing all about it.
                Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )



                  To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                  From the wonderful XKCD site


                    Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
                    The evil of terminal five made the news over here. Sounds scary.

                    BEST OF LUCK WITH THE TRIP
                    & MEETING THE LOVELY MR. SHANKS.
                    Looking forward to hearing all about it.
                    Aww, poor Michael shanks having to deal with Crazy Deeds!! *snickers evily*


                      Just touching base to say I'm having a blast.....the Con is fun and it hasn't even started yet!....met up with L-JADE and am trying to be the best Bad Woman (tm ) I's Dan Shea, David Pallfy (that naughty Nubi..) and Alexis Cruz today....and the GW Dinner and a Cocktail Party tonight.....

                      Oh and the WONDERFUL Seshat has made me my very own COVER!!!....some of you may have seen her wonderful Photoshop work that she does for the actors at Cons...well the "Queen of Whisks" and her old man "Mr Deeds" now have their very own!!....and we got badges too.....

                      Back with more tales later on....

                      Oh and to keep on topic I'm carrying my Shoes around in my Pants + THING!! Jack/Daniel bag that Hastiekido made for me!....

                      Deeds xx
                      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                        The question of the decade:

                        Just what was Daniel doing in Jack's office naked?

                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                          Laughs. I'd accuse you of lowering the tone, Thunderstorm, but I fear it might be too late for us!!!

                          Originally posted by Jackie View Post

                          The question of the decade:

                          Just what was Daniel doing in Jack's office naked?

                          I don't know, but I do suspect that it was a little gift from TPTB to those of us of a slashy persuasion. We always wanted to see Daniel naked in Jack's office. So did Jack. Everyone happy.

                          Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                          Just touching base to say I'm having a blast.....the Con is fun and it hasn't even started yet!....met up with L-JADE and am trying to be the best Bad Woman (tm ) I's Dan Shea, David Pallfy (that naughty Nubi..) and Alexis Cruz today....and the GW Dinner and a Cocktail Party tonight.....

                          Oh and the WONDERFUL Seshat has made me my very own COVER!!!....some of you may have seen her wonderful Photoshop work that she does for the actors at Cons...well the "Queen of Whisks" and her old man "Mr Deeds" now have their very own!!....and we got badges too.....

                          Back with more tales later on....

                          Oh and to keep on topic I'm carrying my Shoes around in my Pants + THING!! Jack/Daniel bag that Hastiekido made for me!....

                          Deeds xx
                          Glad you survived Heathrow. Enjoy. Be wicked. Don't break Mr Shanks, we need him.



                            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                            Glad you survived Heathrow. Enjoy. Be wicked. Don't break Mr Shanks, we need him.


                            I'll do my best - on both counts.....although naughty Kavan Smith has probably spawned a thousand OT3's involving Lorne, Beckett and McKay, after a random slash related comment at his panel yesterday....*snickers*....

                            Deeds xx
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                              I'll do my best - on both counts.....although naughty Kavan Smith has probably spawned a thousand OT3's involving Lorne, Beckett and McKay, after a random slash related comment at his panel yesterday....*snickers*....

                              Deeds xx
                              well, don't keep us hanging, woman!! You can't say something like that and then not say anything about it!!


                                Originally posted by Kady View Post
                                well, don't keep us hanging, woman!! You can't say something like that and then not say anything about it!!

                                Well there were a lot of comments flying round from various guests about the male to male relationships/friendships at this Con.....even Dan Shea commenting on the "closeness" of Jack and Daniel and muttering something about not knowing what sort of things RDA/MS got up to in their respective closets.........*snortle*.....and I think Kavan's remark was to a question about who in Atlantis would Lorne hook up with if the character were gay.....Kavan replied that it would probably be David and Paul!....I THINK he meant to say David's and Paul's characters!!!......

                                And of course we had confirmation yet again from Michael about Jack and Daniel being the typical "Old Married Couple".....or, and I quote, "A couple of Raving Queens" followed by the "But Jaaaack!" and the "Oh It's always the same thing with you Daniel!" comments from Michael..........he also commented again on the preponderance of ad-libbing from them both throughout the seasons and that the writers had tended to give up on "read-throughs" after about the third season due to the constant "piss taking" by both Rick and Mike of the scripts!....

                                BTW we had very scruffy Mike yesterday and thanks to the lovely Marimba I got the chance to sit in Row A for his and Lexa's panels.......if my pics turn out any good they'll be sent to ms-online when I get back from my holidays...

                                I also got my THING!! photo signed......Julie Brown's first comment was on the size of Richard's signature....she said "Whenever we get one of these, it's always so large that it's difficult for other people to sign it"...however Michael managed a squiggle in the top left hand corner so I'm happy.....

                                No J/D puppet porn in the bar from me...I haven't been on top form healthwise at this Con so I had to bail for a few early nights.....which was a shame but certainly did not stop me from enjoying the Convention.....

                                Oh and OT but very important.....Corin Nemec is one of the sweetest guys I have EVER met!.....

                                Deeds xx
                                Last edited by discodiva; 07 April 2008, 01:38 PM.
                                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks

