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The Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson slash and friendship thread

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    Originally posted by discodiva View Post
    Well I was right....the tooth had to come was a "baby" tooth that I've had far longer than I ever should have - like an extra 40 years there was an abcess underneath the I'm a little more "gappy", with a sore mouth but relieved it's done before I head to Vancouver fact I'll be in the air in exactly 5 weeks' time....

    Right now I need painkillers and a "Jack hug"....

    Deeds xx

    Sorry to hear about the dental work.
    Here is another Hug for you.

    Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


      Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post

      Sorry to hear about the dental work.
      Here is another Hug for you.

      Thanks's feeling a lot better today and to be honest I'm glad it's was causing a lot of trouble and pain and I'd rather have the gap and be pain free!....

      Talking of pain....I feel of the saddest moments between J&D...

      Deeds xx
      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


        Ok Andreas has just posted new pics for Continuum and the last one is a major spoiler.

        My first reaction was eep!! Wow let's hope there will be lots of J/D angst!!


          Originally posted by Daniel's shadow View Post
          Ok Andreas has just posted new pics for Continuum and the last one is a major spoiler.

          My first reaction was eep!! Wow let's hope there will be lots of J/D angst!!
          Yeah, I saw it. What a spoiler. But given the nature of the story (time travel/alternate reality) I suspect that all will be right in the end.



            Originally posted by Daniel's shadow View Post
            Ok Andreas has just posted new pics for Continuum and the last one is a major spoiler.

            My first reaction was eep!! Wow let's hope there will be lots of J/D angst!!
            Where?? Linky? Please??


              Originally posted by Switch42 View Post
              Where?? Linky? Please??
              Here ya go.


                Originally posted by Centrau Guardian View Post
                *hands painkillers over and runs off to steal spare Jack-clone*

                Hope you feel better soon!

                Thank you for the lovely welcome! (Though the crowd doesn't seem all that small!) And considering Dr. Jackson's Diary those boys do far more than just bite... Got thoroughly chewed out for being 20 mins late for college...

                It was completely worth it!

                I know Eos from SOMEWHERE and am now driving myself insane trying to figure out exactly where... did she write for anything else?

                Oh yes, drive me utterly jealous by boasting away! *laughs* Sounds like Vancouver was fun. Now that's a threesome I'd never considered before... interesting... *thoughtful*

                Glad you're enjoying yourself here....our thread ebbs and flows...sometimes it's quiet while we're all off doing real life stuff, or reading fic, or writing it, as is the case of our wonderfully talented hussies, jdjunkie, switch, meimei and anyone else I've missed, then all of a sudden the thread bursts into life with all kinds of naughtiness....

                Not sure about EOS - I've only come across her on the FDAS - but she's darn funny isn't she?....

                As for the The Diary - sometimes I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself and once even fell off my chair so hard that my husband thought I'd broken something.....

                I've been very lucky to have been to two Van Cons in a row (inc. one with the lovely Frostfox ) - this is my 3rd (and probably my last) one........I promise to bring back lots of gossip and I'll do my best to listen out for anything Jack/Daniel related in Continuum that Michael may let slip....

                Deeds xx
                Last edited by discodiva; 28 February 2008, 01:03 AM.
                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                  Originally posted by meimei View Post
                  Welcome, Centrau Guardian, to the THING that is the J/D Thread!

                  Deeds! Big hugs! I hate going to the dentist but better now than trying to find a dentist in Canada!

                  I'm doing a drive-by hi cause I just started a new story last night and I'm anxious to get back to work!

                  (((Meimei))) and all you other lovely ((((Bad Women)))) thanks for the "dental hugs".....feeling fine really glad it's out.....

                  I'm off with my hubs to visit my son in Canterbury - he's taking me out for lunch as an early Mother's Day present, as he'll be busy working on Sunday.....I'm looking forward to visiting my favourite Spanish Tapas/Tex Mex mix restaurant....I feel a frozen Marquerita and a Paella coming on!...

                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    Originally posted by Kady View Post
                    Snark? i was gonna say that Daniel looks more like he's pissed off with Jack! Oops! Aww...Jacky-poo has been a naughty boy!! *snickers*

                    Jacky-poo is quite often a very naughty boy....

                    *You got that one right!*

                    Deeds xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      Originally posted by Daniel's shadow View Post
                      Ok Andreas has just posted new pics for Continuum and the last one is a major spoiler.

                      My first reaction was eep!! Wow let's hope there will be lots of J/D angst!!
                      Originally posted by Switch42 View Post
                      Where?? Linky? Please??
                      Originally posted by Daniel's shadow View Post
                      You have to register with Repro-images but it's well worth it....Andreas has some superb hi res pics to drool over...

                      Spoilers - but not THAT one - for Continuum....


                      Deeds xx
                      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                        Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                        You have to register with Repro-images but it's well worth it....Andreas has some superb hi res pics to drool over...

                        Spoilers - but not THAT one - for Continuum....


                        Deeds xx
                        Near matching poses!! *squeals*


                          Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                          You have to register with Repro-images but it's well worth it....Andreas has some superb hi res pics to drool over...

                          Spoilers - but not THAT one - for Continuum....


                          Deeds xx
                          So odd that it's Daniel with the P90, not Jack. Of the two, I always think of Jack with the gun first. Even though Daniel has gotten proficient with weaponry.
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                            Originally posted by Mickey23 View Post
                            Of the two, I always think of Jack with the gun first. Even though Daniel has gotten proficient with weaponry.
                            In a thread with these type of readers, you really should be careful of lines like these. My mind went straight to the gutter.

                            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                            From the wonderful XKCD site


                              Originally posted by Mickey23 View Post
                              So odd that it's Daniel with the P90, not Jack. Of the two, I always think of Jack with the gun first. Even though Daniel has gotten proficient with weaponry.
                              Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                              In a thread with these type of readers, you really should be careful of lines like these. My mind went straight to the gutter.

                              Yup indeedy.....mine did too!.....*cackle*....

                              Deeds xx
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                                In a thread with these type of readers, you really should be careful of lines like these. My mind went straight to the gutter.
                                Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                                Yup indeedy.....mine did too!.....*cackle*....

                                Deeds xx
                                i'm glad to see i'm not the only one, then? *snickers*

