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The Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson slash and friendship thread

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Pfui. I am renown for my quiet, retiring nature and pure thoughts.

    FF And I typed that with a straight face! Go me!
    *spews coffee*


      -is amused- thanks for the wb deeds, but i never actually left i've taken to lurking i have....
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        Well, we are all moved in to the new place! yay!! I'd say 75-80% unpacked. My parents came over today to help get some things organized. It was great.

        I've forgotten how "annoying" stairs can be. If only we could install one of these:



          Originally posted by Switch42 View Post
          I've forgotten how "annoying" stairs can be. If only we could install one of these:

          Install what? A hot and cold running Jack/Daniel?

          But well done on the move, it's hard work. When I was a teenager, I had to move next door while our landlord repaired our house.
          So I packed my 1000 books in boxes, took them out of my bedroom, down the stairs, out the front door, into the house next door, up the stairs and into my new bedroom. Which was on the other side of the wall of my original bedroom. I was so tempted to just knock a hole in the wall from one room to the other and pass them through!



            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            Corrupt? Us? Inconceivable...

            FF chaste, and frequently caught
            Originally posted by Kady View Post
            You are not exactly Miss Innocent yourself!! LOL
            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            Pfui. I am renown for my quiet, retiring nature and pure thoughts.

            FF And I typed that with a straight face! Go me!
            Originally posted by Kady View Post
            Yeah and my nan was a circus clown!!
            Originally posted by meimei View Post
            *spews coffee*

            That's what I love on here.....As soon as I log on I know that you Bad Women (TM ) will have lots of laughter and smut for me to enjoy....

            Deeds xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              -is amused- thanks for the wb deeds, but i never actually left i've taken to lurking i have....

              Oh well....I'm very pleased you stuck your head out of the lurking hole then!.........I know how you feel though...I've taken to lurking on a few threads nowadays.....this is the only one that I call my real home now....

              Deeds xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Originally posted by Switch42 View Post
                Well, we are all moved in to the new place! yay!! I'd say 75-80% unpacked. My parents came over today to help get some things organized. It was great.

                I've forgotten how "annoying" stairs can be. If only we could install one of these:



                Glad the move went off smoothly Kerri.....

                Once you're all unpacked and properly settled you'll love it (stairs included )...

                Has it stopped snowing over there yet?.....

                Because I can

                Deeds xx
                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  Install what? A hot and cold running Jack/Daniel?


                  Well....what else does a girl want for Valentine's Day?.....

                  Apart from them both turning up just wearing a red bow....

                  * bows?...No way Daniel!!*

                  *Anyway, blue suits you far better!!*

                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                    Well....what else does a girl want for Valentine's Day?.....

                    Apart from them both turning up just wearing a red bow....

                    * bows?...No way Daniel!!*

                    *Anyway, blue suits you far better!!*

                    Deeds xx
                    I'm not fussed.
                    Red bow, blue bow, no bow.
                    Singly or together.

                    FF easily pleased


                      Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                      I'm not fussed.
                      Red bow, blue bow, no bow.
                      Singly or together.

                      FF easily pleased

                      *snickers* go rush off to lj and read jd's's beautiful......*sappy sigh*...

                      Deeds xx
                      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                        Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                        That's what I love on here.....As soon as I log on I know that you Bad Women (TM ) will have lots of laughter and smut for me to enjoy....

                        Deeds xx
                        I'm glad we amused you!!

                        Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                        Glad the move went off smoothly Kerri.....

                        Once you're all unpacked and properly settled you'll love it (stairs included )...

                        Has it stopped snowing over there yet?.....

                        Deeds xx
                        I'm sorry but this photo has me snickering because it looks as if Jacky-boy has thrusted his groin forward ever so slightly! It might be because of the light. Am i alone in thinking this?


                          Originally posted by Kady View Post
                          I'm sorry but this photo has me snickering because it looks as if Jacky-boy has thrusted his groin forward ever so slightly! It might be because of the light. Am i alone in thinking this?
                          Cripes, so deep in the gutter, there's not hope for us now.
                          Not waving, drowning.



                            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                            Cripes, so deep in the gutter, there's not hope for us now.
                            Not waving, drowning.

                            Am i that bad?! *snickers*


                              Originally posted by Kady View Post
                              Am i that bad?! *snickers*

                     takes a lot of work to become a Bad Woman (TM FF)....

                              Keep up the good work!!!.....

                              Deeds xx
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                Originally posted by Kady View Post
                                Am i that bad?! *snickers*
                                We all are. Birds of a feather and all that.


