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The Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson slash and friendship thread

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    Excellent! *runs off to read*
    Thanks for finding that.


      of course that's a good fic! Imagine wrote it she's like one of the best imho...
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        Originally posted by discodiva View Post
        Great stuff L-JADE.....thanks!.....

        I'm squeeing all over the place here today.....First off Cliff is coming to Vancouver, then there's the chance of a Cliff/Michael sandwich in their double photo op....*packs cold compress to stave off the hot flushes*...

        And finally Frostfox is coming down to London next Tuesday and meeting up with me and we're going for a bit of gossip, shopping, eats, drinks and "The End Is Nigh" get together with Gipsy, Mads and the other GWer's!!!.....

        I can't wait!......
        D. *Yep, that's right - Frostfox and Deeds in London
        next Tuesday*
        J. *Can we evacuate the danger areas in time?*
        D. *Well I hear they're trying to close all the kitchen
        utensil outlets as from next Monday!*
        *snortle, cackle, snortle*
        Deeds xx
        Deeds- Hope you and everyone else has a wonderful time at the party tomorrow evening. I can't think of a better Stargate send-off than partying with other GW'ers who share your passion for the show! ENJOY!



          Lovely pic there Strider
          And that guy, second from the right .... he's bit gorgeous
          Can't believe it's the last ep tonight. I'm plagued by mixed feelings. I've really enjoyed the last couple of seasons but my heart is still with the early seasons, I think. When it comes down to it, I just don't think I'm ready to let it all go. Especially not Jack and Daniel ... what drew me to the show and what has always held me.
          I'm getting emotional now .... and Unending is still seven hours away. Goodness only knows what I'll be like by 9pm.
          Hope Deeds and Frostfox and anyone else planning to go has a fab time at tonight's End Of party. Have a swift half for me .... and for The Boys
          Much love
          + = My OTP


            Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
            Can't believe it's the last ep tonight. I'm plagued by mixed feelings. I've really enjoyed the last couple of seasons but my heart is still with the early seasons, I think. When it comes down to it, I just don't think I'm ready to let it all go. Especially not Jack and Daniel ... what drew me to the show and what has always held me.
            I'm getting emotional now .... and Unending is still seven hours away. Goodness only knows what I'll be like by 9pm.
            Hope Deeds and Frostfox and anyone else planning to go has a fab time at tonight's End Of party. Have a swift half for me .... and for The Boys
            Much love
            + = My OTP

            I've just seen unending and I must be honest, I hated it, you can probably guess the main reason why

            Yes they had to do the D/V didn't they, I haven't cringed so
            much during an ep ever. Ok so I know you can treat the whole ep as an AU, but it just felt so wrong to me, actually I think it was an AU Daniel, because we know our Daniel is with Jack, and would not even contemplate going with Vala

            And not even one mention of Jack, come on, I guess I shouldn't be suprised.

            It just felt like a waste of a final ever ep, and an excuse for TPTB to throw in the D/V ship, oh but that's ok because they hit the reset button.

            Ok,got that out of my system.............I hope you guys who went to the event had a good time anyway.

            I need some serious slashiness now, actually I think we really need some J/D fic for this ep, or just for the whole ending of the series, I have some ideas...
            (runs off to put this ep out of head and replace with J/D )

            Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


              I was wondering if any of my fellow "Bad Women" tm could do me a favor. I have reached 2000 posts and I believe that is when I can get a custom avatar. I would love one that show my love for J/D. So if you can or know someone you can direct me to, I would love you all even more.

              Haven't seen this in awhile.

              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post

                Haven't seen this in awhile.

                I have, it's propped up on the book case opposite the sofa.
                I haven't got round to a J/D avatar yet, I'm rather fond of my and my sig pretty much says it all.

                FF oops, did I forget to snip the picture. Naughty me.


                  but sometimes FF. that pic is worth a repost.


                    Originally posted by CKO View Post
                    but sometimes FF. that pic is worth a repost.
                    Always, darling, always. Slashiest. Picture. Evah.

                    Spoiler for The Shroud
                    And the hair ruffle and 'Sleepyhead' win for slashiest moment in the series, now we know what Jack calls him in the mornng when they are sharing a bed.



                      *sneaks in drops of her wall *

                      *sneaks out *
                      Last edited by Dr,jackson; 14 March 2007, 10:34 AM.


                        Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
                        Lovely pic there Strider
                        And that guy, second from the right .... he's bit gorgeous
                        Can't believe it's the last ep tonight. I'm plagued by mixed feelings. I've really enjoyed the last couple of seasons but my heart is still with the early seasons, I think. When it comes down to it, I just don't think I'm ready to let it all go. Especially not Jack and Daniel ... what drew me to the show and what has always held me.
                        I'm getting emotional now .... and Unending is still seven hours away. Goodness only knows what I'll be like by 9pm.
                        Hope Deeds and Frostfox and anyone else planning to go has a fab time at tonight's End Of party. Have a swift half for me .... and for The Boys
                        Much love
                        + = My OTP

                        We had a BRILLIANT day out!....went shopping in Covent Garden, ate fabulous pizza and even more fabulous pudding!....had cocktails and beer....cuddled my husband...oh wait...that was Frostfox Bad Woman(TM)...

                        And that was just before the actual party!......the pub was fun....met some great people and had some good chat about Stargate and other things...well in my case banging on about how good Muse were as a live band....

                        I thoroughly enjoyed the episode.....

                        I thought it was beautifully acted by everyone, I loved the music that accompanied the middle montage, I giggled a few times too (sheesh that pink nightie!!!.. - who can blame Daniel for the face on him when he saw that... ) and as far as the storyline goes, it won't affect my ship as I never ever bother about canon....I try my best to keep my "fic" side totally apart from my "viewing" side in my happy place Jack and Daniel are still sooooooooooooo doing it!....*snortle*

                        It was just a lovely emotional ending to one of my all time favourite TV programmes....and I shall miss it....*sobs quietly*.....

                        Deeds xx
                        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                          I'm really tempted to watch Unending... hmmmm... I read a Spoiler in LJ since spoilers don't bother me at all.

                          Oh! I just thought about this, since MS going to do '24' episodes, I was amused to realised that his boss/CO would be another 'JACK' (Bauer) if he ever said : Jaaaaackkk! like in Stargate, I'd fell from my chair
                 : lilferret


                            Originally posted by L-JADE View Post
                            I just thought about this, since MS going to do '24' episodes, I was amused to realised that his boss/CO would be another 'JACK' (Bauer) if he ever said : Jaaaaackkk! like in Stargate, I'd fell from my chair
                            True! But do we know if MS is going to be one of the CTU bods, or a bad guy, or what? Where are you getting this intel?
                            "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                              Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
                              I was wondering if any of my fellow "Bad Women" tm could do me a favor. I have reached 2000 posts and I believe that is when I can get a custom avatar. I would love one that show my love for J/D. So if you can or know someone you can direct me to, I would love you all even more.
                              I have a whole bunch of avatars here. Most are Daniel, but there are quite a few Jack/Daniel ones, too. Feel free to snag whatever you like. That goes for anyone here.



                                Princess is sulking. Wonder why?

                                Sorry, couldn't miss the opportunity for a Diary reference.
                                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                                Colonel Jack O'Neill

