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    Suekay presents

    Kindergarten Colonel - Chapter One - What's fair's fair??

    Randomness and Jack centric team fun - ship in chapters to come!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by Zoser
      Perhaps a potato peeler!
      ROFLMAOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! OMG THAT is way too FUNNY!!!!!!!!
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by Anakin
        Yeah, you know, that's almost exactly what I was discussing with a friend on MSN... Of course, before I start ranting, leave it to TPTB's responsibility to screw up if they can BUT... In all logic...


        1- at the end of Threads, Pete and Kerry are outta the picture...
        2- Sam and Jack are obviously firlting in Citizen Joe...

        1+2 = something drastic happens in Threads that leads both Sam and Jack to a stage where they come really closer to one another, if not physically, at least verbally and in attitude...

        One can always guess, but it might have to do with Jacob... Once again, (quote) "a beloved character will die"... It may very well be Jacob.
        Could this be the incentive Sam needs to realize she cannot share this with Pete, but can with Jack? That Jack is there for her and has always been?... In the equation I've just posed, it very well could...

        Of course, we can always wonder about Daniel too. What if he chooses to ascend again? Sam may realize that life is too short... No, scratch that, it's been done to death... Although, with TPTB...

        Now about Moebius. Someone posted on a specific thread about this episode an interesting theory ( 1st post): what if SG-1 returned to the past (WAY past - Ancient Egypt) and that it was actually SG-1 who told the ancient Egyptians to bury the Gate? (thus the Moebius analogy - and the ZPM => mix with Atlantis more or less hinted at)...
        I do not agree entirely with the rest of the post about SG-1 remaining frozen until now, because it doesn't match the space time continuum (Pardon the pun, Doc Brown! ), but I found this a very interesting theory.
        how do they return to present times? I have no idea, but -ever the optimist- I think they do and that indeed, Sam and Jack will step on *that* road together. No death, no ascension (done to death for both - pardon the pun, once again). It could very well be compatible with season 9 since as far as we know, there's no or very little Rick (consultant ?-although I don't like that, house husband/soul mate -I don't think Jack will offer Sam a diamond ring either, at least so soon...).
        I sincerely think we'll have an ending à la season 6, with no real cliffanger, since they didn't know, when they wrapped it, if there was gonna be a ninth season (if I recall correctly, they knew about a 7th at about the same time as they knew for a ninth.)

        I might be tagged an optimist. But in my book, Sci-Fi doesn't necessarily mean drama... Examples?... Loads... For starters, StarWars, the original three movies (of course, the current trilogy is a little bit more dramatic ); what else? Blade Runner (nice ending - SAPPY ending!), Abbys (they go back together), THX-1138 (the first film by George Lucas), The 5th element,... I've got loads but they would take too long to type down... Romance is perfectly compatible with Sci-Fi!... It makes it easier for people to identify themselves to the characters!...

        So I'm not saying they will turn it into a soap, but I'm hopeful we will have subtle ship moments that will lead us to believe.
        We probably won't get torrid scenes in the bedroom, or languid kisses, but we'll sure get some (pun NOT intended there either!! )

        And once again, I've got a blank post...
        I am so hoping that something like that will happen. It wud make my year.

        True Love! <3 True Love! <3


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          LOL (((((SueKay)))))) you are the sweetest....well I am only a member for the ............. how do I say this delicately....... I support the Worms

          But yes I am a Mum...My Twins however are turning 18 years in just about 1 month so that is why I am ALOT calmer about things

          I HAVE SURVIVED THE TEENAGE YEARS!!!!!! Bring it PTB you have NOTHING on a couple of Teenagers
          CONGRATS TAME!

          Your daughters are the same age as me! I feel so young now...

          C'MON PTB - Take on Tame - If you DARE!!!!!!!!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay
            CONGRATS TAME!

            Your daughters are the same age as me! I feel so young now...

            C'MON PTB - Take on Tame - If you DARE!!!!!!!!
            That would be her daughter and son... She had one each all at once and quit! Tame is a very, very smart woman!


              OK, I just found out that my mum is definately NOT a shipper
              I missed the airing of A$$inity yesterday on Sky One so I had to tape it tonight instead and I decided to brave it and watch the episode again..I sat through the
              scene but I had to walk away from the T.V at the end with the
              yes,yes,yes, kissy scene
              because I couldn't bear to watch that again. So i'm standing in the kitchen trying to be totally oblivious to what is going on in the T.V and then my mum goes and shouts "Where've you gone? She just said yes to him! You missed it"
              Then I had to explain to her that, missing it was the whole reason I walked into the kitchen away from the T.V in the middle of a Stargate episode...(something I would never usually do)
              Me thinks I need to sit her down to watch my season 4 DVD's...

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                OK, I just found out that my mum is definately NOT a shipper
                I missed the airing of A$$inity yesterday on Sky One so I had to tape it tonight instead and I decided to brave it and watch the episode again..I sat through the
                scene but I had to walk away from the T.V at the end with the
                yes,yes,yes, kissy scene
                because I couldn't bear to watch that again. So i'm standing in the kitchen trying to be totally oblivious to what is going on in the T.V and then my mum goes and shouts "Where've you gone? She just said yes to him! You missed it"
                Then I had to explain to her that, missing it was the whole reason I walked into the kitchen away from the T.V in the middle of a Stargate episode...(something I would never usually do)
                Me thinks I need to sit her down to watch my season 4 DVD's...
                ooh ((( Sam o Neil ))) there there You know she'll dump thzt guy and go for Jack.You'll see !
                Lord Zedd


                  Originally posted by Token
                  Thank you.
                  Discussion of S7 Heroes GIF
                  What I noticed was the second squeeze he gave her after the neck tuck. It is a very slight hug but noticeable when slowed down and lightened. Also the rocking as he is hugging her. At first I thought my GIF was screwed up then I realized it was them. LOL.
                  One of the most romantic scene in Stargate so much more loving than that
                  grope in Sam's foyer with the spud
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Originally posted by sueKay

                    Regarding his degree.

                    To be the rank he is at, he has to have a Masters Degree or equivalent. Think he has another we don't know about?

                    BTW - What's a college degree? Is that a three year one?

                    An Associate of Arts is two years, with generally at least a year of requirements to get into a program.

                    Military Academies (i.e. AF, westpoint - army, Annapolis - navy) all grant four year degrees, Bachelor of science, or Bachelor of Arts. (there are Engineering programs out there which actually take five years for a BS. - I don't think Academies do them in that format.)

                    About the AF academy; half the cadets are majoring in some type of Engineering. Many are the Valedictorians (top student) from their high schools, another huge bunch were class presidents. The number of these groups are disportotionately represented at Military Schools, vs. other universities. One thing to remember, Military Academies are looking to train future General's and Admirals. One thing they really look for, and train for, is leadership. to the academies, the education they give is an investment, and five years of a newly commisioned Lt's life (the required service period after graduation) is considered a minimun return on their investment. (after all, the gov't pays for everything, plus paying out a stipend to the cadet for misc. expenses.)

                    A significant percentage of graduates also persure higher level degrees. Master's programs generally take between two and five years depending on the field (and university) chosen, and most require successful completion of a thesis.

                    Ph.D. generally take five to ten, and require a dissertation. (some will include master's work within the Ph.D. program so you don't have to do them seperately, and you don't always have to do a MS. first anyways)

                    So if higher rank requires at least a MS, Jack probably has one. (well, we know he's smarter than he likes to let on. (It also sucks other's into revealing more than they probably would have <lol>)
                    (I don't know what the current requirements are. didn't used to be. Col. Chuck Yeager, the man who broke the sound barrier, didn't even have a BS, let along a MS. But that was awhile ago. )



                      My thoughts about the end of Season 8/Season 9:
                      I've been reading through a lot of posts that have talked about Jack and/or Sam ascending as an excuse for the lack of them in Season 9 and I just gotta say that I REALLY REALLY don't want that!!!! If we get the shippy Sam/Jack resolution at the end of Season 8 I want Sam and Jack to be together in Season 9 I want the to be happy, together! They deserve it after all they've been through! TPTB can't get them together in one episode and then kill one of them the next, even if it is just ascending..its already been done with Daniel...we don't want it to become a cliche now do we...
                      I think it would be best for Jack to retire and come in to the SGC every so often as an advisor or something, I know there are people who don't like the idea of being a 'house husband' but we wouldn't have to see that would we...but if TPTB really are against the whole 'Jack staying at home' thing then I would go with the Alpha Site option as long as we still get to see Sam and Jack together and we know that they see each other regularly...
                      I'm still looking forward to Season 8 and I'm praying that it will end in a good way, so we get a good lead in to Season 9.

                      Thank You for listening
                      I'm going to go for a nice, calming walk around shipper town now...I may even stop off at the Shipper Town Bakery and grab myself a bag of cookies

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        Urgh. Just rewatched A$$inity.
                        In the words of comic book guy "Worst episode *ever!*"
                        It's not just
                        Sam and Pete. I think it's seeing it bigger. Everything's so cheesy! The Trust dudes are... well, hammy to say the least. The dialogue's so cliched and ridiculous 'You'll be okay,' says Daniel at one point. Well, he might be so blase about death and getting shot and all that he thinks being lined up with your backs to the wall is 'okay' but I sure as hell wouldn't!! And Pete...
                        Oh where to start...
                        Pete is a like an over excited puppy. Carter ends up seeming more like his *mother* than his girlfriend. I really mean that, the one thing I really did like about this ep was how AMAZING AT looked... but with Pete wide eyed and practically wagging his tail throughout this ep she seems about fifty. There's no sparkage, the BOTH just seem entirely desperate.

                        I'm sickened and disgusted.


                          Originally posted by Zoser
                          One of the most romantic scene in Stargate so much more loving than that
                          grope in Sam's foyer with the spud

                          There's a REASON 's a
                          spud. <ptui>

                          There's so much more depth to the interactions between S/J. That is a very nice hug scene.

                          Kudo's to (I'm sorry I can't remember <hangs head in shame>) for posting a cleaned up version of it



                            Originally posted by _Anubis
                            ooh ((( Sam o Neil ))) there there You know she'll dump thzt guy and go for Jack.You'll see !
                            Thank You
                            And I know she will dump the spud eventually, its just that I had managed to put the
                            to the back of my mind but now its back up front again

                            I have faith in TPTB! They won't let us down!
                            (They wouldn't dare! We are shippers after all )

                            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                              Originally posted by Lunar
                              Urgh. Just rewatched A$$inity.
                              In the words of comic book guy "Worst episode *ever!*"
                              It's not just
                              Sam and Pete. I think it's seeing it bigger. Everything's so cheesy! The Trust dudes are... well, hammy to say the least. The dialogue's so cliched and ridiculous 'You'll be okay,' says Daniel at one point. Well, he might be so blase about death and getting shot and all that he thinks being lined up with your backs to the wall is 'okay' but I sure as hell wouldn't!! And Pete...
                              Oh where to start...
                              Pete is a like an over excited puppy. Carter ends up seeming more like his *mother* than his girlfriend. I really mean that, the one thing I really did like about this ep was how AMAZING AT looked... but with Pete wide eyed and practically wagging his tail throughout this ep she seems about fifty. There's no sparkage, the BOTH just seem entirely desperate.

                              I'm sickened and disgusted.
                              I'm right there with you Lunar!
                              Just try to remember that we are going to get rid of Pete and Sam and Jack will be together! Its just a matter of time! Ship will prevail!

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                Okay peeps...

                                Here's what I THINK will happen in season eight part 2

                                Starting with Prometheus Unbound - I think we will gradually see a change of attitude on Sam and Jack's part. They'll be more at easy with each other. I think that there will be a chat between repicarter and Sam, them Replicarter and Jack, possibly giving hints as to what's to come.
                                I think however, this reenergised rapport on the way back to friendship will dissappear in either Its good to be King or Reckoning, maybe spurred on by an incident. This will cause more shippy angst and a leap in the rate of heart attacks among shippers. Whatever this incident is, Sam and Jack will begin creeping around on eggshells around each other. I feel that Threads is the catalyst. Sam will finally snap, and make a decision once and for all about who she really wants.

                                This is Speculation. I just needed to air my ramblings!
                                I can go with your thoughts.

                                Yeah, I've notice some easing of tensions. Sam's involved with , so she thinks she can trust herself around Jack. (quick, someone grab the smelling salts, she MUST be out of it.)

                                Interesting thought a chat between Sam/ and replicarter.

                                I'd vote for It's good to be KIng. Mayborne's a proven shipper


