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    hey i just realised i've got two green jelly blocks now! yay!!! thanks everyone!!!


      Originally posted by sacme


      ship sistah
      ROFLMAO!!!!! Perfect!


        Originally posted by Deborah
        Sorry to butt in. I just read the spoilers and I gotta say, the words...

        "alternate timeline" and "time travel"

        ...don't bode well for Sam and Jack's potential relationship/resolution.

        I always worry when the PTBs use plot devices like that to explore the 'what if' scenarios. It means they don't have to commit to anything, they don't break Air Force Regs and by the time the 45 minutes is up they can hit the RESET button. Episodes like...

        There but for the Grace of God,
        Point of View
        and 2010

        ...come to mind.

        On the other hand, Jack's potential retirement from the Air Force to be with Sam does provide an excellant cover story for RDAs further reduced schedule.

        Both RDAs and ATs absence could easily be explained away with the same story-arc if the PTBs make that leap.

        I think after 8 years of ambiguous shippiness and having brought Sam and Jack's respective personal lives into foreground of the show, the PTBs have no choice but to overtly confront the issue. The spoilers so far seem to indicate that both Sam and Jack aren't happy with their guest-star love-interests because of their feelings for each other. There really is only so long the PTBs can put off or skirt round the obvious answer to their dilemma.
        Welcome Back!
        I too am worried about the big reset button It would be a hollow ship () if in the end they erased Sam and Jack confronting their feelings for each other Like ses said, I too have the option of using MY big reset (ie. off) button. You can only play with me for so long before I get tired and grumpy and want to see some good solid SHIP! I don't want the Sam and Jack show, get them together and then get on with the Sci Fi FCOL!


          Originally posted by kiwigater
          Welcome Back!
          I too am worried about the big reset button It would be a hollow ship () if in the end they erased Sam and Jack confronting their feelings for each other Like ses said, I too have the option of using MY big reset (ie. off) button. You can only play with me for so long before I get tired and grumpy and want to see some good solid SHIP! I don't want the Sam and Jack show, get them together and then get on with the Sci Fi FCOL!
          don't worry i'm sure they won't erase everything..... have some faith in tptb... i know its hard now but....
          we WILL get SHIP!!!!!!


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Gads!!! I so agree with you on that pink parfait jacket...MAJOR FISCHER I LOVE THE NEW SIGNATURE!!!!!!

            I also agree with both you and Sally...and a few others...if TPTB have to resort to Ascension YET again...well then geez....PLEASE PLEASE someone .....Oh heck I WILL CALL THEM ...HIRE ONE just one new writer....

            One new writer has GOT TO HAVE a new idea... please!!!!

            ok I feel better know
            Me too. At the end of Season 8, I want Jack and Sam to be both mortal and together as a couple.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by sclairef99
              Whoa.....I just jumped into another thread on this forum...and this guy said Carter was his least fav and not much for RDA either.....

              It was just so foreign to me! I felt like I was drowning in another thread and that he just couldn't be watching the show I was watching....

              I like my shipper home in the shipper thread....throw me into the shipper commune in a little padded room for I can get out of shock....

              Oh and don't forget the lovely padded jacket that goes with the padded room!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by meimei
                I'm with you, Sally! I would rather see Sam in the pink poofy jacket again before I see them kill her off, even temporarily! I want to see Sam kicking some Goa'uld posterior and then coming home to some snuggling with Jack at the end of a long day!

                S8 & S9 Speculation
                Besides, they've been there, done that, and if they try to go there again, it will not bode well for S9 at all. We need fresh stories, not rehashing old ones using different characters. That is what is going to make or break S9 for me. The stories. I don't mean that they can't finish up old storylines, just don't use the same story again. I don't think anyone is going to ascend this time. Daniel has been there, it wouldn't make sense to do it again.

                Jack won't, Abyss wasn't that long ago... He didn't want to then and I can't see him doing it now! And Sam, well, I think they can come up with something better to explain AT's absence than ascension or temporary death. They might not have to do anything. They are very practiced at filming around RDA's abbreviated schedule. I don't see why they can't do that with AT. The eps won't be showing until July! That should be plenty of time to work their magic. Unless, of course, they left all the magic on the Atlantis set!!

                I agree with you! I would like to see fresh stories for Season 9 rather than rehashing the old one unless of course it is closure or continuance of an existing story line that moves that story forward.
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Bucky
                  I agree with you on this one, Thinkey. If tptb were not going to use ascension to
                  bring back Janet
                  , then it seems unlikely that they'd use such a powerful--and noticeable--plot device just to take care of some scheduling conflicts. Besides, if tptb use ascension for anything except
                  bringing back Janet
                  , I'll be royally pissed.
                  Absolutely. I don't think there would be anything worse than ascending Sam and/or Jack just because of scheduling problems. Not only would it seriously restrict their characters more than their abreviated shooting schedules but it would put a major crimp in the steady development of their tentative romance.

                  While its true that ascending one of them could have some potentially poignant moments, there's also the potential for

                  (a) a lot of grieving and moping, which we just had with Daniel.
                  (b) a lot of air time ignoring, moving on from or not even mentioning the ascension. (a la Daniel).
                  (c) a major rift between Sam and Jack for most of the season and a lot of readjusting when one deascends.

                  The only plus point I can think of is Jack deascending naked!

                  Originally posted by Bucky
                  On the other hand, I'm still in the group that is less than enthusiastic about Season 9. With two actors playing major characters less than committed to full time participation--and many of the writers and producers distracted and seduced by the new avenues possible in "Atlantis" --it just seems unlikely that "Stargate" will be the show I love. Bucky
                  I too had mixed feelings about a ninth season. The first thing that went through my mind was this can't be good for Sam and Jack. Even though we might get to see more ship in Season 9, its bound to be a logistical nightmare to get RDA and AT in the same scene together let alone the rest of the team.


                    woohoo, my internet is now working!!! *does a little internet is working dance*


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      Sorry I meant Jack would kiss Replicarter thinking it is the real Carter and the real Carter would show up while there kissing.I doubt we will see that happen.We may get a Sam or Jack dream scene.
                      Hi Shippers!

                      I haven't read any of the show spoilers for the rest of season 8, and was wondering if I should? Is Threads the big episode where we might get some ship? I have a general idea about
                      Kerry coming into the picture, and moving to the Springs and buying a house
                      but I do not know for sure when all of this happens and how it all affects Jack and Sam. Also, I don't know how
                      Replicarter comes back and about all of this time travel stuff you all are talking about.
                      . Is it worth reading ahead, or will it just depress me?

                      CONGRATS TO TAME! I can only bow at your feet and aspire to someday be as great and powerful as you. Or was that the Wizard of Oz? don't mind the man behind the curtain! tee hee!


                        Originally posted by Deborah

                        The only plus point I can think of is Jack deascending naked!
                        Welcome Deborah! Have you been directed to the THUNK thread? Cuz this thought is extremely THUNK worthy! I just hurt myself thinking about that possibility!!


                          Originally posted by aeromathlete
                          In the SkyOne spoilers for Moebius, someone said there would be

                          "a *major* Sam/Jack kiss. Therefore, one can only hope that first of all, that this is true and not someone jerking our chains, and then second of all, that it's the beginning of the final, long-term relationship between Sam/Jack that we've all been waiting for.

                          Or that (spoiler for Moebius, speculation)
                          THE kiss is not an AU or out of timeline one as well. It must be one that they both remember and it is our timeline Jack and Sam.
                          Ship Nana


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            First I want to say THANK YOU.....

                            I can't see it though ... I am at work and they block ALL pictures so I will save this for when I get home.... and then I will thank you again properly
                            hahaha do I get a golden one,Tame.Afterall I'm your second prime.The first prime has a golden one.Perhaps I have a silver emblem ????
                            Lord Zedd


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              I read somewhere that in Gemini ..Sam ...
                              will become "emotional "..Got to be related to Jack ..I hope it's not to do with Pete again ....I'm sure it's replicarter who may have done something to Jack ..and she (Sam) either saw it or heard about it ....Or could be something related to the dream she had if Jack is in there If she fights replicarter at the end ..and apparently she has injuries ..they must be pretty bad ones I expect a scene at the infirmary and Jack will be there too. .



                              Yep a scene in (spoiler Gemini - Speculation)
                              the infirmary between Sam and Jack at this point in time with an injured Sam could be beneficial to moving our Shiip toward the Shipper Town port.
                              Ship Nana


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