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    Originally posted by Major Clanger
    Hi all,
    stop fainting - you'd think the world had started turning the other way!! <eg>

    So, here's the deal. I'm not a shipper, but I have seen ship. I'm standing up and admitting it - after the fuss I made about Paradise Lost last year you'd have thought I'D have learned. So I'll admit that there are parts which are shippy.

    *hangs head in shame*

    nothing else to see here, move along please.


    PS. I'll be watching some more S4 eps tomorrow night. I'm now guessing that you'll be seeing a bit more of me. Get the margaritas ready!
    MC came out!...sorta...anyways no need to be in're in good company And if you need to cheer up just stop by the thunk thread.


      Originally posted by _Anubis
      Allright I am going to try to translate the whole text from German to Dutch to English.You can find the article on the link here in the quote.But you must know that I'll try!!!I has been 2 years that I have read German.Speaking it isn't hard but how it is written.Grammar and stuff.And than there is my English.Please be aware that I might spell some words wrong.Apperantly Dutch supposed to be the hardest language next to Russian.Anyhow here goes.
      Allthough it is not confirmed by MGM or the American SciFi channel season 9 of Stargate SG.1 is going to happen.That sayd by exacutive producer Michael Greenburg at the London Film and Comic Convention about the 9th season and about Richard Dean Anderson as the star of the show.According to Michael Greenburg there is going to be a 9th season BUT RDA would only appear in 4 episodes.He is going to make more time for his daughter and with that he is giving up slowly but certainly his role as General Jack O'Neill.

      About Amanda Tapping who is pragnent and is expecting a child in March will of course be there in the serie.But she will go to the shooting in Vancouver B.C. end March because of the birth of the baby that is planned during March.After all this talk and babeling the last few months it looks like a 9th season of Stargate SG.1 will happen.And of course there will be a second season of Stargate Atlantis.The ratings of Stargate Atlantis were much higher than those of the still very good and high!! ratings of Stargate SG.1 We are taking a big risk here but after learning about today we can say there is going to be a 9th season of Stargate SG.1 and a second season of Stargate Atlantis.
      Allright I did it.But it wasn't easy.So now you know A 9th Season of Stargate SG.1 and a second of Stargate Atlantis is going to happen How great is that!! Wiieee Juich Party!!! at Gate World
      howdy campers how is everybody doing?My internet was broken but now it works again and I can post here some again.Wow you guys have written a lot of stuff he that is so great to hear it A ninth seasin of SG1 and a second of SG Atlantis too bad for RDA but I understand that he want take more time for his kid.Gread job _Anubis.I can speak a little bit German as well so let me say to you 'gut gemacht' Gut gemacht is German for well done
      your friendly neighbourhood



        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Eew, Romeo and Juliet. Give me Hamlet any day.
        Give me "twelfth night" anyday

        hought I'd translate that notice on the German site, so everyone could read the whole thing.
        There's no official confirmation yet from MGM or the American channel SciFi, but a ninth season of Stargate: SG-1 is finally certain! Executive producer Michael Greenburg spoke about a ninth season at London's Film and Comic Con this morning, and was very outspoken in this regard and also about Richard Dean Anderson, the star of the series Stargate: SG-1. According to him, should there be a ninth season, Richard Dean Anderson would appear in only four episodes. Thus Rick would be able to take more and more time with his daughter, and allows his role as General Jack O'Neill to slowly but surely fade away.

        Also, Amanda Tapping, who is pregnant and expecting her child in March, will be in a ninth season, according to Michael Greenburg's remarks, though she will arrive for filming in Vancouver, B. C., at the end of March (her baby's due date is in March). How her absence would affect the first episodes was not said.

        The rest was just editorial comment on how this seems fairly likely. SG-1 Solutions posted this:
        With grateful thanks to roving reporter Sally Allan for the scoop on Michael Greenburg’s panel at London’s Film and Comic Con this morning:

        Greenburg confirmed for fans that series lead Richard Dean Anderson, who plays General Jack O'Neill, will be appearing in just *4* episodes total in Season 9.

        Season 9 has yet to be officially confirmed by Sci Fi Channel and MGM.

        Amanda Tapping, who plays Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter, is expecting her first child and will be returning to the show in March 2005. It is not known how this will affect her appearances in the episodes filmed during the first half of the season.

        (Read it here if you like.)
        Okay its not like many others I'll wait the official announcements...but to be honest I don't know how i feel about a season 9. I'd still watch it cuz its Stargate. I guess we'll wait and see.


          Originally posted by Spiderman
          howdy campers how is everybody doing?My internet was broken but now it works again and I can post here some again.Wow you guys have written a lot of stuff he that is so great to hear it A ninth seasin of SG1 and a second of SG Atlantis too bad for RDA but I understand that he want take more time for his kid.Gread job _Anubis.I can speak a little bit German as well so let me say to you 'gut gemacht' Gut gemacht is German for well done
          Thanks Spidey and welcome back Let me just say 'Danke' it means Thank you. See shippers now you can read 2 words Gut gemacht means well done and Danke means thank you
          Lord Zedd


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Well SES110 as I said..I haven't sat down and gathered my thoughts yet totally on this yet...BUT I tend to look at all things in the positive light FIRST and go from we have yet to see the second half of season 8 so I am not inclined as of YET to get angry to that point......

            I will gather my thoughts though and hopefully you will find something worthwhile in it
            He Tame I noticed you have a new signature.Perhaps you got tired of the old one
            Lord Zedd


              Originally posted by SG1Poz
              Love this Clip Token! It's so darn obvious that Jack is leaning towards Sam plus [spoilers]was I dreaming or wasn't it acknowledged in the season seven DVD in the audio commentary?[/spoiler]

              Hmmmm I think it was, I think i'm going to watch it now just to

              True Love! <3 True Love! <3


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                I can see this working in a few ways.....IF they bring in AB as the leader of another Team that works closely with SG1 then I can see this as an opportunity to get to know more characters WITHOUT losing the SG1 Dynamic AND maybe getting to see Sam in command FINALLY and back to the *Going through the Gate* having the missions be a bit *Bigger* so two teams are needed OR just having more interaction with the other teams. Something to that effect would bring ACTION back to the show. AND YET keeping SG1 to teh forefront...
                I am not sure if a forth is needed BUT that still may be the way to go...bring another military member into the mix..and while I definitely like AB as first choice a new face wouldn't be a bad thing

                Ahhh now for my favorite part of this reply how will it effect Sam & Jack
                I am not doing spoiler space because this is COMPLETE AND PURE FANTASY on my part so if you missed the big and bold words ...<shrug>
                For those of you in the chat room you read the bare bones of my idea

                A lot of fan fiction has alluded to the story of Jack becoming the Alpha site Commander. and I think this is a very plausible reason for Jack to be away from the SGC....He doesn't have to retire and give up his career BUT he is no longer in Sam's chain of command. Sam can visit ALOT because the Alpha site needs her all the time to look at things and well when she is on down time she lives there ............WHY...well Sam was not in the first episode BECAUSE they were on THE HONEYMOON

                This also leaves Sam in her position as SG1 commander and she loses nothing in her career AND we have preserved the regs for all who like that aspect.

                It would be no different then if Jack was in a house in Colorado Springs waiting so I can see this being a good plan of action AND keep them both within the SG storyline.......BUT TPTB may retire Jack and have him sit at home who knows......

                BUT having Jack as the Alpha site commander also puts him a position to help or jump into the *fray* if needed and that could explain the episodes he is in. Also if Sam is away for a bit...Well She is off seeing her hubby It all stays within the SG1 story and if they bring in a few new faces to add to the excitement and action I can see this getting exciting again
                Oh i love that idea and i bet they do take that
                path,imho that would keep everyone happy, all they have to do now is "get Grace in there"


                  Has anyone seen the music vids on the Dedicated to stargate sg1 website, cuz they are really good. . Some really nice Sam and Jack ones on it.
                  Dedicated to stargate sg1

                  True Love! <3 True Love! <3


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt
                    MC came out!...sorta...anyways no need to be in're in good company And if you need to cheer up just stop by the thunk thread.
                    yes, but which one... as you know I hang out a lot in the Shephard thread, the Daniel thread, the Jack thread... Baal, Heru'ur (if he had one) and I'm about to check out the Maj Davis one...

                    yeesh, I'm so confused! Next I'll be admitting to liking Jacob!


                    ain't gonna happen.
                    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                      Originally posted by Major Clanger
                      yes, but which one... as you know I hang out a lot in the Shephard thread, the Daniel thread, the Jack thread... Baal, Heru'ur (if he had one) and I'm about to check out the Maj Davis one...

                      yeesh, I'm so confused! Next I'll be admitting to liking Jacob!


                      ain't gonna happen.
                      Now dear-just remember the old saying-denial is not just a river in Eygpt. You know you adore Jacob-you just have to admitt it-you'll feel better about things. Really.

                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        not really. showtime treated the show like crud, and so did mgm for that matter

                        then it went to scifi and all of a sudden there's advertising and no shortage of way to 'squeezed every last drop' from the show.

                        the magazine is just another aspect of that
                        It's also a success feeds on success thing. Most, if not all, merchandizing happens only if a vendor approaches MGM for a license to make Stargate crap. The studio/network/corporate overlord doesn't so much decide to merchandise stuff as give permission to those who ask (and pay through the nose). Sci-fi has raised the profile of Stargate enormously by twice-yearly advertising blitzes and airing it near-constantly. So more people are going to think there's a market and approach MGM to get licenses to make stargate magazines, apparel, games, models, and doodads. So, finally, we see all sorts of stargate swag everywhere after years and years of next to nothing.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          OKay only just caught up with this thread- flippin 'eck! YAY SEASON 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!Only 4 eps with Rick??? *sob* it own't be the same, and there had better be an S/J resolution before he goes to only 4 eps. Rick has a great affect on the show and I'm really going to miss that I adore him so much it won't be the same I'll still watch but I duno- I'm gona miss my eye candy.


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            I can see this working in a few ways.....IF they bring in AB as the leader of another Team that works closely with SG1 then I can see this as an opportunity to get to know more characters WITHOUT losing the SG1 Dynamic AND maybe getting to see Sam in command FINALLY and back to the *Going through the Gate* having the missions be a bit *Bigger* so two teams are needed OR just having more interaction with the other teams. Something to that effect would bring ACTION back to the show. AND YET keeping SG1 to teh forefront...
                            I am not sure if a forth is needed BUT that still may be the way to go...bring another military member into the mix..and while I definitely like AB as first choice a new face wouldn't be a bad thing

                            Ahhh now for my favorite part of this reply how will it effect Sam & Jack
                            I am not doing spoiler space because this is COMPLETE AND PURE FANTASY on my part so if you missed the big and bold words ...<shrug>
                            For those of you in the chat room you read the bare bones of my idea

                            A lot of fan fiction has alluded to the story of Jack becoming the Alpha site Commander. and I think this is a very plausible reason for Jack to be away from the SGC....He doesn't have to retire and give up his career BUT he is no longer in Sam's chain of command. Sam can visit ALOT because the Alpha site needs her all the time to look at things and well when she is on down time she lives there ............WHY...well Sam was not in the first episode BECAUSE they were on THE HONEYMOON

                            This also leaves Sam in her position as SG1 commander and she loses nothing in her career AND we have preserved the regs for all who like that aspect.

                            It would be no different then if Jack was in a house in Colorado Springs waiting so I can see this being a good plan of action AND keep them both within the SG storyline.......BUT TPTB may retire Jack and have him sit at home who knows......

                            BUT having Jack as the Alpha site commander also puts him a position to help or jump into the *fray* if needed and that could explain the episodes he is in. Also if Sam is away for a bit...Well She is off seeing her hubby It all stays within the SG1 story and if they bring in a few new faces to add to the excitement and action I can see this getting exciting again
                            ACTION ADVENTURE AND STILL ROMANCE!!!!
                            I know we talked about this in chat last night, and yes, I am supposed to be on the way to the office.... (need more coffee first) but I just want to publicly add my "YEA!" to the off world base commander idea!

                            Threads S8
                            My brain has fixated on retired because of Spoiler Mistress Auralan's info that Jack tells Kerry that he has thought about retiring. But now that you have planted the idea, I don't see the Pres just letting him walk away. It could be a compromise to let him get on with his personal life and keep him active in the program. I've read the frat regs very carefully for fic research and they include relationships with civilians that are in the pay of the AF, so if Jack was still running the base, there would still be those pesky regs. An off world commander of another base would be a perfect solution!

                            Tame, I think you are brilliant!! But of course you know I think that already since you are my wonderful beta!!! Unfortunately, I don't know if TPTB have enough brain power left over from SGA to think of something like this.... It would require them to use the round spinny thing!


                              Originally posted by meimei
                              I know we talked about this in chat last night, and yes, I am supposed to be on the way to the office.... (need more coffee first) but I just want to publicly add my "YEA!" to the off world base commander idea!

                              Threads S8
                              My brain has fixated on retired because of Spoiler Mistress Auralan's info that Jack tells Kerry that he has thought about retiring. But now that you have planted the idea, I don't see the Pres just letting him walk away. It could be a compromise to let him get on with his personal life and keep him active in the program. I've read the frat regs very carefully for fic research and they include relationships with civilians that are in the pay of the AF, so if Jack was still running the base, there would still be those pesky regs. An off world commander of another base would be a perfect solution!

                              Tame, I think you are brilliant!! But of course you know I think that already since you are my wonderful beta!!! Unfortunately, I don't know if TPTB have enough brain power left over from SGA to think of something like this.... It would require them to use the round spinny thing!
                              What a great post to read first thing in the morning. GREAT IDEA Tame and thanks for reposting it MeiMei so that I could see it bright and early. EXCELLENT idea. I LIKE IT! Is anyone listening....I mean anyone that has any say in the show? I know, I know the shows are already filmed...but it's still a GREAT idea! Tame you are so smart!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by kiwigater
                                Thank you guys for putting in the effort to translate this for us!
                                I'm a little more optimistic about our chances for a good ship resolution than I was before. I guess it depends on if they want to maintain the status quo (booorrrinnggg! We've been waiting 8 YEARS!!! that's long enough, we need some reward!), or if they want to shake things up a lot
                                Yes, thank you Melyanna and Anubis...we really appreciate it. It is so nice to have Shipper Reporters all over the place. We are the most informed group there is!!! I am happy to hear about a season 9...whether I will be happy with season 9 or not remains to be seen.... They had better start using that Stargate again, I'll tell you that. Either that or they'll have to change the name of the show!
                                Desperate Thunker

