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    I would love to see, if they resolve the chain of command issue, Sam and Jack do an elevator scene like the one from Matrix Reloaded. When Trinity and Neo are in the lift with loads of people and then everyone else gets out and Thunk! Their bag hits the floor and kissing occurs. It would be the ultimate compensation for the Chimera
    awkward elevator scene!
    . I'd like them to share a kiss in her lab as well... which Dan and Teal'c walk in on! And they're all embarrassed and Teal'c and Daniel just do that grinning thing they do in New Order... and then leave them with a suggestive comment. I can just picture Sam's reaction (mortification) and Jack's (finds it hilariously funny).


      Originally posted by majorsal
      spoilers for s7 and s8 (pete character discussed)


      Yes, I read it earlier. I was waiting for someone to mention it here first.

      My feelings on it... good and so-so. I'm kinda glad it's not going to be used on the show, but ONLY because I didn't want to see it used as PS's (wanted some way it would be Jack's, though). Amanda did give me the impression that it was 'not' going to be used as PS's because of this statement: 'Oh God, what if we do come back? I guess it would be Pete's [David DeLuise] baby. But, oh, gee, no.' That 'but, oh, gee, no' sounded like a straight out NO to me.

      *feels a headache coming on*

      This gives me hope

      if there is no possibility it can be petes then maybe in the last half of season eight he falls to the 'Black widow curse' or Jack beats the crap outa him!!!


        Originally posted by Lunar
        Oohh. No. I've never watched a hundred days... I just can't bring myself to do it. I use video clips and when it was on the TV ages ago, just after (Chimera spoilers)
        turned up I thought I could bring myself to because... well, you know, fair's fair and all that. But I just can't. Not even for the Sam angst. Brief Candle was bad enough...
        Actually, that brings me to another issue I have always had with Stargate... Jack has actually promised TWO women on separate worlds he's going to retire with them. Kinthia and Laira.
        If that's not an example of chauvinistic male writing then I don't know what is...

        I really like Hundred days because all Jack 's behaviour was unintentional ..he was very sad and lost to be stranded on that planet and although he missed his friends ..he carried on .

        ..and in a situation like that one'll probably enjoy companionship. .I was sorry for him and sorry for Sam ..who again realized how much she loved him .

        His reaction at the end was normal ..Jack is a gentleman ..and although he may love Sam ..he had a relationship with another woman in Edora ..and he just thanked her for looking after him ...he looked after her too ..and they gave each other some comfort and affection .

        We knew he didn't love her ..He kind of told her really at the beginning ..but hey ...he thought he was lost forever and Sam probably thought of that before she saw him with Lara at the end .
        She met the woman at the beginning of the show ..and she was there when she was kind of flirting with Jack I bet Sam knew that Jack may start something with that woman during all that time she was looking for him ...but she got him back at the end ..not quite the way it should be but this is what sci-fi romance is all about needs to be brewed before you can really taste it ..and when we taste the Sam and Jack romance will be major ...why ? because
        Major kiss in Mobius!!



          Originally posted by majorsal
          (continuing threads spoilers)

          I wish things were switched. Just my personality (or whatever you call it), but I would have handled Jack having a gf way better than seeing Sam with a bf. I didn't like seeing Jack with Laira (100 Days), but it didn't make me want to throw something at the tv while I'm crying my eyes out either (I just closed my eyes ). Any others out there that would have handled Jack moving on more easily than Sam?

          i have to say i think i agree

          i'm kinda on Jack's side when it comes to this enigma of a relationship

          if he's happly then well i'm happy

          with Sam it's kinda different she's had a lot of 'close' friendsips over the series that we don't know wither they amounted to anything or nothing

          Jack's only had a brush with kinthia and liria. now i didn't like either one of them, cos they where just using him really, but i could accept him with a nice human from earth


            Originally posted by Lunar
            Actually, that brings me to another issue I have always had with Stargate... Jack has actually promised TWO women on separate worlds he's going to retire with them. Kinthia and Laira.
            If that's not an example of chauvinistic male writing then I don't know what is...
            i know!!! Jack you pig!

            reminds me of shades of grey when he requested to go back to Laira, but thank penguins that he moved on to head a secret NID base ....

            Any whoo

            we know there is only one person who Jack is going to retire with, and thats gonna be right here on earth.


              Nope. I'm not accepting anything but S/J resolution!!
              I think it's unfair to accept Jack with a g/f but not Sam with a b/f or vice-versa (just MO, PLEASE no one take offence...) I'd feel kind of.... sexist... if I wasn't equally miffed at both of them going off with anyone that wasn't the other one...
              ^ Does that make any sense...?


                Originally posted by Lunar
                I would love to see, if they resolve the chain of command issue, Sam and Jack do an elevator scene like the one from Matrix Reloaded. When Trinity and Neo are in the lift with loads of people and then everyone else gets out and Thunk! Their bag hits the floor and kissing occurs. It would be the ultimate compensation for the Chimera
                awkward elevator scene!
                . I'd like them to share a kiss in her lab as well... which Dan and Teal'c walk in on! And they're all embarrassed and Teal'c and Daniel just do that grinning thing they do in New Order... and then leave them with a suggestive comment. I can just picture Sam's reaction (mortification) and Jack's (finds it hilariously funny).
                yeah this would be cool

                that scene in Chimera needs a lot to make up for it


                  Hi there. I'm really a lurker in your threads a couple of times a week but I get so lost in the threads and don't have much time on the internet (because someone always has to use the damn phone) but love reading your stuff. It makes my day. I'll probable never be able to find my own post again but thanks for reading this far.
                  Also I'm so excited(prematurely of course because I don't know what will happen) that there will be a cracking big snog and declaration of love in the late season that my every waking hour is occupied with it. My boyfriend thinks I'm daydreaming, my tutors think I'm an idiot and my driving skills have gone down hill so hopefully the wait will be over soon


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    I highlighted 'husband' above: what makes you think PS was her husband in the ep?

                    Okay, I assumed bc
                    why else would Sam be living on a farm with Pete? The convo goes something like this...

                    Pete: "Sam, I bought a farm and I want you to come live with me?!?"
                    Sam: "Sure Pete I would love to. No tech, no doohickeys, just pigs and cows and manure, can't wait. Just take me away from all this saving the universe and science stuff."

                    IMHO, I can't imagine Sam just "living" with a guy (unless it's Jack)...on farm no less...unless they were married.


                      Originally posted by marimba26
                      But I'll take a whole season of Unas before I'll watch another episode of Pete in season 9! And NO PTB, that is NOT an invitation to give us more Unas eps!!!!
                      Vague season 7/8 spoilers:

                      I'm pretty sure I'd let them have one episode where
                      Pete's called in as a local law enforcement rep (not a love interest)
                      before I'd take a full season of Unas grunting. Ugh. Can't stand Unas episodes.
                      *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                        This is another drive-by Me Too post by Lunar!
                        I can't stand the Unas eps either. Too preachy and too much of Daniel being super-nice. I prefer Angst!Daniel more than Goody-two-shoes Daniel...
                        I'd still rather watch them than an episode with S7
                        Pete and Sam lovin' in it...


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          (continuing threads spoilers)

                          I wish things were switched. Just my personality (or whatever you call it), but I would have handled Jack having a gf way better than seeing Sam with a bf. I didn't like seeing Jack with Laira (100 Days), but it didn't make me want to throw something at the tv while I'm crying my eyes out either (I just closed my eyes ). Any others out there that would have handled Jack moving on more easily than Sam?

                          I think it was easier to watch with Jack because
                          we knew that he didn't love them, that there was no deep feelings. I especially didn't like laira (partly because I don't care for the actress I admit) but I never felt Jack had any attactment to her other than desperation.
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Originally posted by blueiris
                            I think it was easier to watch with Jack because
                            we knew that he didn't love them, that there was no deep feelings. I especially didn't like laira (partly because I don't care for the actress I admit) but I never felt Jack had any attactment to her other than desperation.
                            None of them ever lasted very long, either. One episode wonders are pretty easy to ignore. You wait for next week and never hear of it again. I don't think there's much of a comparison to make between one episode wonders and things that last most of a season.
                            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                              Good point there. Jack has never proposed to any of his 'alien babes' has he?
                              They were never more than one episode wonders... or one episode wobbles from a different perspective! In fact S7/8 spoilers/spec
                              it looks like Kerry is following the established pattern for Jack's g/f. One episode relationship... I just hope we don't have to see any more sex scenes... It's embarrasing when you're watching with younger relatives... and there's just something so... so... so very *cheesy* about Jack love scenes.. They're kind of cliched, like 'here's the main character getting it on...' I know I'm probably in a minoity here but while I'm perfectly happy for Sam and Jack to be doin' it wherever the please I don't want to *see* it. Hear about it, see other people's reactions to it if they walk in on it (cos can't you just see Daniel doing that!?) etc but not see it. That's not what Stargate is about
                              Anyway, that just happens to be how I *feel* about it... What about you?


                                I was thinking and season 8
                                when Fifth pulled the thoughts out of Sam's head and put Pete and Sam living on a farm, the reason was: Fifth wasn't very good at delving into Sam's mind. He pulled out one thing *floating* around in there. Sam was trying to think what life would be like with Pete. She was probably thinking "I'll be like June Cleaver down on the farm. A nice, sweet guy as my husband, a nice little farm with chickens and horses, it'll be nice.........and sweet. It really will. **If** Fifth had botherd to look around or wait for the next part of that thought he would have gotten: I'll be with a nice, sweet, cute guy (that doesn't make my heart pound and my blood run hot, and I'll live on a nice little farm, not trapse around the galaxy with the man of my dreams then go home a make WHMS (is that the right saying?) beside a lake under the stars.
                                That's why I think Fifth built the scenario he did. The reason it took Sam so long to make up her mind is she has been trying to decide if she can settle for the one, when the other is what she really desires. Not that there's anything wrong with living on a farm, its just what Sam sees as a long way off from her dream. I think when she finally said yes, if was the equivalent of Sam jumping off a cliff without thinking.
                                I predict that before she hits the ground, she will scream "oh my God, what have I done" then out of nowhere, Jack is there to catch her.

                                These are the workings of a sleep deprived mind.
                                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

