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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Critter

    Have you ever had the kind of day
    When no one would come out to play?

    One day that happened to me
    And I found this thread to look and see

    This is the Shippy thread about Sam and Jack
    Once I found it, I was hooked and kept coming back

    We are a very talented lot
    Some would even say we are hot

    We have those who post Shippy pics
    Others write great Shippy fan fics

    Still others create Shippy videos
    That make us tingle from our heads to our toes

    Everyone is full of (((((Shipper))))) hugs
    Gosh! You can even buy Shipper mugs

    If you're lurking, don't be shy
    Come it a try

    This is the greatest thread around
    Come and join us in wonderful Shipper Town

    It doesn't matter if you're gals or guys
    As you can see, our Shippers are incredibly wise

    Come one, come all to Shipper Town
    We've got the best Sam/Jack Shippers around

    Keep the faith, we will win
    It's plain to see that our SHIP WILL COME IN!
    LOL! So much talent!! And I would have never thought of Videos and Toes!! LOL!



      Originally posted by Mala50
      Good idea!

      Hey, do you think I should send this to TPTB??
      (via Penguin Express, of course!)

      ((((((((((Mala))))))))) ROFL!! I'd watch this programme!


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Woohoo! Mei Mei! 1,000 posts!

        (and most of them sober!!)

        ooooo that pic makes my toes curl and not because its set in a cold place

        congrats mei mei


          Originally posted by Critter
          Lovely Caty...

          Thank you Critter I suppose you noticed the little thing in it

          Again great poem ..and it's so true about videos and toes

          Carry on with the poems Critter
          I'm sure you could do plenty of them for Sam and Jack too



            Originally posted by Mala50
            Good idea!


            Hey, do you think I should send this to TPTB??
            (via Penguin Express, of course!)

            I've said it before, but I'll say it again!

            Mala the Great
            is a genius!!

            Ship and spoiler deprived and we keep on laughing!!


              Originally posted by nickatell
              I think whether or not AT returns for Season 9 will depend largely on how well her pregnancy goes. Remember Gillian Anderson she only missed one episode and was back to work after that. They lead a different life than most of the rest of us and considering she is on a very popular show that seems to be growing, I'm thinking she will be back soon, again if all goes well.

              Originally posted by auralan
              I hate to make this an age issue, but Gillian was significantly younger. It's much easier to bounce back quickly when you're in your early to mid twenties than it is when you're a decade or more older. And I'm not just talking pregnancy, any injury or major change to the body is a LOT easier to handle when you're twenty-something. The body just doesn't bounce back as fast as you get older and you feel it a lot more. Grumble.

              I feel like I should be yelling at some kids to get off my lawn or something.
              Thanks auralan! I was afraid it would be me shaking my cane at the whippersnappers! I had my children *way* far apart: the first one just as I turned 30 and the second at 39. Huge difference in how long it took me to bounce back. I know AT is much fitter than I was at 39, but I had been running 5 miles three or four times a week before I got pregnant, so I wasn't exactly from sloth city. Frankly, I hope she takes the time to enjoy her baby and be a mom.

              There's another difference: Gillian Anderson was at the very start of her career--I took off two weeks after the first delivery because I was in a new position--and "The X-Files" could easily have replaced her at that point (the start of the second season). AT has eight years in with "Stargate " as well as other projects--the much less demanding "Proof Positive" for one--that will keep her employable for when she is ready to return to full time work. So, good luck to her whatever she decides.

              And good luck to us. I think whatever happens--end of Stargate or Season 9, Sam and Jack will be together. We may not get the shippy scenes we want, but I think S/J will be canon.

              That's the story from the old age home.



                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                since I stole this I figured I should wait a page to use it ...
                Happy Birthday, LtLisa!!

                What a lovely birthday display!

                Mei Mei thinks it might be familar...

                Wait, stole it? From Mei Mei...

                See her powers of deductive reasoning have not been completely fried by season eight!!

                Oh, well, it's for a good cause!! HB LtLisa!


                  Originally posted by Zoser
                  Just had a thought - If they wanted to use the spud as a reoccuring character in SGA, the wraiths could put him in one of those cocoon thingys and his arm could flop out for a wraith feeding every so often. I could handle that as long as I didn't see his face.

                  as Wraith junk food!


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Woohoo! Mei Mei! 1,000 posts!

                    (and most of them sober!!)

                    What a loverly piccie!! She looks like she's gonna lean over some more and kiss him on the cheek...

                    Mei Mei will leave it at that cause she's thinking of all the ways that she could have kept Jack warm!!!

                    ETA: Now see what happens when Mala actually puts a message and a pic together for Mei Mei! Mei Mei can't get past the pic!!!

                    Thanks Mala and what do you mean "most of them sober"???


                      Originally posted by Bucky
                      And good luck to us. I think whatever happens--end of Stargate or Season 9, Sam and Jack will be together. We may not get the shippy scenes we want, but I think S/J will be canon.

                      That's the story from the old age home.

                      I agree completely. Of course, I'm just another resident at the old age home. Currently residing in the sick and infirm ward with a nasty cold.
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Originally posted by Critter
                        ODE TO MY SHIPPER FAMILY


                        Brava, Critter! I can see you've been busy! and so creative...

                        How about some leather Thunk to go with the Ship?


                          Originally posted by shelsfc
                          Ooh, and if say not really a spoiler, just wishful speculation for Moebius

                          future Sam just saw our Jack and didn't realise it was Jack from the past....or vice versa.
                          Future Jack: Hi Sam, honey - I wasn't expecting to see you. *kisses her*
                          Sam: Sir?!?
                          FJ: Sir? You haven't called me that since you told me you dumped Pete for me.....
                          Sam: This is so much like my dreams it's scary!!
                          Oooh that reminds me of Babylon 5, in the episode "War Without End" when John Sheridan jumps into the body of his future self and meets Delenn in a prison cell and she tells him not to worry, their son is safe. And he's like wha? huh? and she says "Don't worry, it doesn't matter, nothing matters as long as you are with me...John...I love you." and then she kisses him!

                          So then he knows they're going to end up together and have a son. But it's all weird because HIS first kiss of her happens before HER first kiss of him. See, because for him, it's the first time they have kissed, but future Delenn has already kissed him lots of times. So after he gets back to his own time, later (for him) when he kisses her, it's the first time she's been kissed by him, but it's his second kiss.

                          And um...this is on topic because Jack kissed Sam in WOO but then the loop went around again, making it so it didn't happen for HER but HE still remembered. Plus AU Samantha kissed him in PoV, but I don't know if that should count since technicially they're sort of different people. BUT anyway, from Jacks perspective he's already kissed her, so the next time they kiss, it will be his second (or third) but her first (I don't count the Grace kiss because A) it was a dream and B) I haven't seen it yet).

                          Does your head hurt yet? Gosh I love paradoxes!

                          My point is: KISSING! LOTS AND LOTS OF KISSING! Because Sam will ALWAYS be trying to catch up with Jack and he will always be 1 (or 2) kiss ahead of her!
                          Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                            Originally posted by Starfury
                            Oooh that reminds me of Babylon 5, in the episode "War Without End" when John Sheridan jumps into the body of his future self and meets Delenn in a prison cell and she tells him not to worry, their son is safe. And he's like wha? huh? and she says "Don't worry, it doesn't matter, nothing matters as long as you are with me...John...I love you." and then she kisses him!

                            So then he knows they're going to end up together and have a son. But it's all weird because HIS first kiss of her happens before HER first kiss of him. See, because for him, it's the first time they have kissed, but future Delenn has already kissed him lots of times. So after he gets back to his own time, later (for him) when he kisses her, it's the first time she's been kissed by him, but it's his second kiss.

                            And um...this is on topic because Jack kissed Sam in WOO but then the loop went around again, making it so it didn't happen for HER but HE still remembered. Plus AU Samantha kissed him in PoV, but I don't know if that should count since technicially they're sort of different people. BUT anyway, from Jacks perspective he's already kissed her, so the next time they kiss, it will be his second (or third) but her first (I don't count the Grace kiss because A) it was a dream and B) I haven't seen it yet).

                            Does your head hurt yet? Gosh I love paradoxes!

                            My point is: KISSING! LOTS AND LOTS OF KISSING! Because Sam will ALWAYS be trying to catch up with Jack and he will always be 1 (or 2) kiss ahead of her!

                            yes!my head hurts!but in a good way.Poor sam to have no memory of kisssing jack.Much confuse jack a know sometimes i forget i never kissed jack.that was the most vivid dream....


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              And this is new how?
                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              I'm sorry but I must have missed the memo that said I needed to explain the pics I post....except for the fact that I find them shippy. I'll try to give a deep and meaningful dissertation with my next pic!


                              I like this pic is yellow...and um...Sam's not!
                              LOL! Bev - I must have missed the memo, too! And may I say, that explanation was incredibly deep...(even deeper than Teal'c!)

                              As for me, I'll keep my thoughts shallow! The shallower, the better, I say!


                                mmm yellow yellow is good

