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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for s8's threads


    Kerry's probably played by DDL in drag. *snort*

    OMG Aunt Sally!! ROFLMAO
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      Oh yeah ..I'd love to see that too but Do you really think TPTB is gonna give us that ????

      It will be really good though as good as "point of view" used to be ...That kind of episode you see ...excellent ...good story crappy plotline ..straight to the fact ..and let's get on with it LOL and who says we can't have romance in sci-fi ..hey ..?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If it was done this way's the best ..It's pure sci-fi story ..Who needs a stupid episode like "Chimera" and most of" A$$inity"...tell me certainly not the Stargate fans We like episodes like "Point of view" Divide and conquer" "beneath the surface" but now considering it's the end if the show ..we just need the UST be replaced by RST ..That's all ...and this can be done too ..even in sci-fi Well I think I said it all ..and I feel good


      I doubt they will give us that but they might give us something a little bit like that, just vaguer so we have to dig around to find the true shippy meaning to it
      And there is nothing wrong with Romance in Sci-fi!! Why don't TPTB get that?

      As for what you said, I agree. You said that well

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Originally posted by michelleb
        yeah, janet might have approved of pete as a two week flirtation, but as a
        fiance? no way. she would have had a quiet word with sam in one of their girl's evenings, and subtly pointed out all the times she'd seen jack sitting by sam's bed, and how upset he was in entity...and when sam needed that 'do i say yes' talk she'd have gone to janet, and not broken jack's heart by laying that on him..and janet would have said say no.

        i miss janet. i hope the rumours about her coming back are true
        I agree, Season 7/8
        If Janet was still there everything would be fine, Sam would never of had the chance to think about saying yes to Pete, Janet would of set her straight!
        Janet could tell sam just how much Jack loves her and give her a kick up the A$$ to do something about it.

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Has anyone read the stargate script book for 2010? Why the heck did they take out O'Neill's line "Colonel Carter or is it Mrs Ambassador now?" It would have made so much more of an impact I think! Sorry, just something that's been annoying me ever since I read it.

          Can I also add a WOW to that Desire vid? It's AMAZING!
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            Thanks marimba26, Nikkirose, kiwigater and Tame!!

            Originally posted by Nikkirose
            WOW!! You should do movie previews professionally! Ok quick question... where is that AT scene from? Its about 15 seconds into the video! It doesnt look like SG to me! GREAT JOB you do beautiful work!! And its HOT!! And purely suggestion!! *doesnt smoke, but after that.......*
            It's from Nightwalkers! When Teal'c, Jonas and Carter are in the bedroom talking about something



              Originally posted by majorsal
              spoilers for s8's affinity

              I was going to quote this one part from a transcript, but I couldn't find one for Affinity. So, the part I want to discuss is when Sam's in her lab and Jack comes in (the ring scene). I can't remember his exact words, but it was something like 'I can't believe I'm going to say this', or something close. Anyway, I remember Sam's reaction was kinda like she was surprised he said that... or disappointed he didn't say something else. Think she was disappointed that Jack didn't say the words she wanted/needed to hear?

              i thought the exact same thing. when he came in and said
              i can't believe i'm going to say this (i think those were the words), the look on her face certainly seemed to me as if she was thinking 'oh my god, he's going to say it! he's going to tell me how he feels!' and then when he says 'i really need that report, her face falls.

              and i went through the same thing..when he came in, and said that, i thought 'yay, the moment has come..and damn he looks hot'...and i was terribly disappointed when he asked for the report..then a second later she pulls the ring out and i'm screaming 'for god's sake tell her now before it's too late' but noooooo
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                (((((((((Shipper Family))))))))

                Hopefully the second half of Season 8 will give everyone what they are hoping for

                Keep on Shippin'
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  Okay, stupid question, but I wonder about these things.

                  We know that Jack speaks at least four languages, most likely more. (Spanish, French, English, Russian, some Latin, and most likely Iraqi and a lot of other world languages.)

                  So my shippy question? If he was going to speak it to Sam to impress her, which language would he use? (Yes, this may end up in a fic, but it's "out there" right at the moment. The seed of an idea.)

                  Thanks for all the opinions!
                  I don't know. Someone said french, so maybe that.
                  I thought Jack didn't know russian. Nyet?

                  That's another thing that bothers me about the dumb routine. The majority of people on the planet know more than one language, but very few people know more that three or four. Jack has to know a lot of languages if he's former Black Ops. Every person I've met who is multi-lingual is very intelligent, but Jack's portrayed as a complete dumbass and that really annoys me.

                  Back to your normal shipping!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    The closest I see Janet getting to the Star Gate is the return of Teryl to the Cons....unfortunately
                    Funny that. I'm meeting her soon. Anyone got any letters you'd like me to give to her? I'd be more than willing to do that!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by majorsal

                      Kerry's probably played by DDL in drag. *snort*

                      ROFLMAO!!!! haa haa ive never laughed so hard


                        Originally posted by sueKay

                        Can I ask a financial question?

                        I'm planning to go to my first con in a couple of months and I'm wanting a t shirt from the Ship Shop for it.
                        If I was to send someone a postal order with the amount of money and P&P, would they be able to buy a t shirt for me?

                        This is just in case no-one I know can buy it for me!
                        Sue Kay, I could get it for you. Since I'm just down the road...


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          spoilers for s8's threads


                          Kerry's probably played by DDL in drag. *snort*

                          ROFLMAO!! He gets everywhere!


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            spoilers for s7's Heroes and Grace, and s8's Affinity


                            I like your idea. I also think it would have been good -and just as powerful- to have Janet permanently disabled in Heroes and having to quit the AF. That way, if they had continued (which they did), they could have had her make an appearance or two.

                            On that note, I'm very bothered by the fact that no one's mentioned Janet OR Cassie. The writers are clearly up for personal life issues, so why not bring up missing their friend or how's Cassie? Why is the only personal issue we get with Sam about PS?

                            But to reply to your post, I think Janet would have nailed Sam on her choices from Grace on. Concerning Affinity, I think Janet would have said, "Sam, don't you dare jump into something big when you have unresolved feelings for a certain someone else." .... I really miss Janet.

                            Where is Cassie? Is Sam not looking after her now? Even if they just gave a mention in passing conversation it would help. *sob* I miss Janet too.


                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              i have stargate dreams too. often shippy (if not, involving daniel...and you don't want to know what happens in those). and yes, i can TOTALLY see sam punching ba'al for what happened to jack...if she knows everything. i can't see jack telling her, and i don't think janet would.
                              I know isn't Daniel cute???? He's lovely in real life...

                              Well that should shock any anti-shipper-Danielites reading the thread shouldn't it??

                              Notice I'm being specific and avoiding generalisations here!


                                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                                Sue Kay, I could get it for you. Since I'm just down the road...

                                I'm gonna ask about first and see if anyone would be willing to buy it for me.

                                When are we gonna go for that Coffee?
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

