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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    A little anouncement from Mc C Estelle .

    Estelle asked me to tell all the shipper family not to worry ..but she won't be able to come to the board for another 2 days ...Her poor mum was involved in a car crash recently , broke her leg ...and need lots of help from her lovely daughter.

    Estelle..... wish your mum a very good recovery ...and come back to us soon

    She's a lucky lady to have Estelle as a daughter.
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by michelleb
      exactly!!! i made exactly the same point about a thousand posts back (two weeks ago)..he knows what it's like to kiss her, she has no idea what it's like to kiss him, apart from one little daydream that can never be as good as reality anyway. she probably thinks
      those lacklustre kisses with pete are as good as it gets
      she has no idea, does she? all he has to do is just give one hot, lingering, passionate, loving kiss, and all thoughts of other men, or regs, or anything else will go out of her head.
      Good point michelle.
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        My last 5 videos are:

        "Without you " Michael Bolton
        "You are my kind " Santana-Seal
        "Don't make me wait" Seal
        "Why don't you and I " Santana-Kroeger
        "Hold on " Jet.

        Marimba also posted 2 yesterday and 2 the day before that.

        Enjoy them all

        CATY! I can't download your vids
        When I click Save as it comes up saying
        'Unable to download, the server was reset'

        Any Idea why??

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Good day shippers!!!

          HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUGARSHAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          I won't be posting my opinions for all of the episodes in the ep' threads, as I have yet to see them all. I have however seen A$$inity, and I will go and re re post my opinions there.

          I have now got over 100 review for The general's hell! I feel loved!!!!

          My website's well underway, but it's very graphic-free at the moment. I've only got 20megs so I want to make it last.

          I've had end of season thoughts as to what I think will happen
          In the second last ep, Sam will dump the dud spud. In the last ep, Sam and Jack will have an adult convo and will agree to take things slowly in their relationship (so the antis won't go ship-crazy). There will be one kiss to confirm that they are a couple, before they go fishing! If there is a season 9, I think a good season opener would be Daniel, Teal'c, possibly Walter or Siler or Cassie (the usual suspects) deciding to go and annoy Jack at the cabin, unaware that Sam is there. They get there and find Jack rather *ahem* busy.

          Just my ramblings!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            Yep, except how do you commit to another man while having feeling, any kind of romantic feelings even uncertain ones, for another man. Sam holds equal responsibility for what happens between her and Jack and she's the one
            who's engaged
            not Jack. She's the one who has the pressure on her, not Jack. She's the one that if she's wants to go into
            this relationship with
            needs to pursue her feelings with Jack now! Otherwise she is not being fair to anyone including herself!
            Well put Nana... well put.
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              *makes clicking noises w/tongue & shakes finger at Sam_o_Neill*
              Naughty Girl!
              *Hangs head in shame*
              I'm sorry, its just so hard to stay away from spoilers especially when you lot seem so excited about it

              Well... if it's S&J alone... people in the SGC who know who they are (and w/Jack commanding operations at the SGC, everyone knows who he is) & they could & would 'perceive' that something naughty was going on & spread bad gossip that would impact everyone's jobs at the SGC... IMHO, that's yet one more reason why both Sam & Jack have avoided anything that could be remotely interpreted as a "ship" on base (except of course in front of their trusted buddies, Daniel & Teal'c... ).
              Yeah you're right about that, i bet there is already loads of gossip going aroung about both of them, they wouldn't want anyone to come to the wrong conclusions...but people on bas edon't have to know they are spending time together, they could do it in secret....and just tell Daniel and Teal'c,or all of them can hang out together like in Lost City, that would be fun to see again

              AMEN sistah! I mean TPTB have not (&will not, from the various interviews we've posted links to here) addressed a multitude of plot arcs we know exist & think are important to the show, but when they leave out the basics (and a briefing/debriefing scene can be just as good as any other if the dialogue & acting is right...)... it just.... well... even though life is about change... it doesn't seem right or like SG.
              I agree, I don't respond well to change, especially not in Stargate i'm only just getting used to the fact that Jack is General and I still can't get used to people calling Sam Colonel But I have to say overall I am enjoying Season 8 so far,the storylines have been good its just that there are little things missing from the eps like team bonding and briefing and Doc Fraiser

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                Oh yeah....

                But can't you see a reprise of Prodigy happening?

                Carter: What do you think you were doing, breaking a police officer's nose like that?
                O'Neill: Swing high?
                Carter: That's not funny
                O'Neill: No, CArter, you wouldn't think so, now, would you?
                Carter: What's this got to do with me?
                O'Neill: Everything
                Good one Tracy Jane.
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by wynter
                  HEY SHIMMERING STAR THANK-YOU!!!!!!

                  i'm glad you guys liked the scene,but shimmering star had a lot to do with my rough copy like i said i was the sponge and she was the icing on the cake.

                  So i would like to say a big thank-you to her.

                  i haven't watched the latest episode but i'll watch it later,looking forward to it big time.

                  Awwww... you're welcome.
                  The scene was still your baby…
                  I just sat there & thought to myself… hmm… if I had wynter’s scene how would I build on it? So I built on it, shared it w/you & you were *most gracious* enough to let me repost the “tweaked” version on our Thread.

                  The kudos are yours for coming up with the idea.
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Hey guys!

                    Homecoming is on just now on Channel four in the UK!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      I've had end of season thoughts as to what I think will happen
                      In the second last ep, Sam will dump the dud spud. In the last ep, Sam and Jack will have an adult convo and will agree to take things slowly in their relationship (so the antis won't go ship-crazy).
                      Ewwww.... ugh! That nasty word....
                      Any slower & they'll be writing out their wills & advanced medical directives...
                      I'm not arguing w/you or making fun of what you've said... it's just that *slow* is starting to become a distasteful word for me re: S/J's ship...
                      There will be one kiss to confirm that they are a couple, before they go fishing! If there is a season 9, I think a good season opener would be Daniel, Teal'c, possibly Walter or Siler or Cassie (the usual suspects) deciding to go and annoy Jack at the cabin, unaware that Sam is there. They get there and find Jack rather *ahem* busy.
                      LOL! And when Jack doesn't answer his door, D & T go peeking in windows...
                      because J's truck is there & they're afraid something has happened to him again... and when they peek in his bedroom window they would see....
                      **PG FORUM**
                      Teal'c's eyebrows would raise & Daniel would mumble something about 'well... now maybe isn't such a good time & maybe we should come back later...'
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        Ewwww.... ugh! That nasty word....
                        Any slower & they'll be writing out their wills & advanced medical directives...
                        I'm not arguing w/you or making fun of what you've said... it's just that *slow* is starting to become a distasteful word for me re: S/J's ship...

                        LOL! And when Jack doesn't answer his door, D & T go peeking in windows...
                        because J's truck is there & they're afraid something has happened to him again... and when they peek in his bedroom window they would see....
                        **PG FORUM**
                        Teal'c's eyebrows would raise & Daniel would mumble something about 'well... now maybe isn't such a good time & maybe we should come back later...'
                        I don't want SJ to go slow, but I know if TPTB make them go fast( not in that way you dirty minded little..) there'll be a MASSIVE anti-ship backlash.
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                          Now meimei... Tame should (*MUST*) do yours first. They're much more important to shipper mental health than my wee bittie of a vignette... It's also important for Tame's mental health... since your NC17'll keep her attention much more than my PG or PG13 attempt... and need I mention it's very crucial to Tame's hub's *ahem* health if there's more *things* for them to (*experiment*) with...

                          And I said I was going to read your Life's Journey's fic this a.m. & over 2 hours later... I'm still here trying to catch up on responding to older posts since I spent (much needed & well-spent) time in the Alternative Therapy Room 2 evenings in a row... I *AM* going to read it today tho... likely will print it out to read since I need to get my bottom outta this chair!
                          Nope, first come first serve! Tame is an equal opportunity Beta!! Besides, I want to read yours!!!

                          See TPTB! You don't give us ship, we all start writing our own!! If you aren't careful, we'll all be reading and writing on Friday nights, rather than watching SG1 and Atlantis....


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            I'm not sure how it exactly happened but it happened a long time ago in the old thread. We started calling him and then progressed to the spud reference and it just went on from there.

                            We were never making reference to the DeLuise guys but rather to the Pete character. Noone said that DDL wasn't good looking. As a matter of fact we try very hard to keep the actors and the characters they play separate and we try to always be respectful of the actors.

                            However, the way Pete was initially portrayed all the looks in the world for whoever played the role wouldn't have helped. Pete was certainly unattractive in behavior!!!! And we didn't like what Pete presented which was a clear and present danger to our ship.

                            Hope this answers your question.

                            As for my personal tastes, it's RDA/Jack all the way!!!!!!
                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                            If I recall someone called a sack of potatoes... and then the potato jokes (check out Mala's potatohead collection) just came fast & furious... Spud is one of his lasting tags... along with the emoticon.

                            So true, ShipNana... any actor would have had a hard time trying to project an empathetic character out of that writing. For a "nicer" guy... the actions they had him take would have had to have been totally rewritten... and they weren't about to do that...
                            MEA CULPA, MEA CULPA!!!

                            OK, once and for all, I confess!! I started the Mr Potatohead thing!! See my Potatohead Collection and explanation from my page:


                            "Sam is really no more a black widow than DJ or Teal'c. Heartbreak and tragedy seem to come with the job. That said, it would certainly be nice to see at least one of our characters establish a strong, romantic relationship that will last past an episode or two. Maybe Sam will find a nice guy she can connect with and develop just such a relationship that will last - up to season's end when she dumps the unsatisfactory chump like a sack of potatoes and gets together with Jack." ~ Stargate SG-1 co-executive producer Joseph Mallozzi, 2003

                            This silly collection grew from a discussion of this comment that I posted on the GW Sam/Jack Shipper's thread. To me, it was clear that P. was meant to be that 'sack of potatoes'. But as written, P's actions hardly made him a 'nice guy'! Thus, the idea of P.= Mr.Potatohead was born. And then for some reason, these graphics just flew out of my - um, head?! Really, I don't have a Mr. Potatohead obsession, I swear!


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              I don't want SJ to go slow, but I know if TPTB make them go fast( not in that way you dirty minded little..) there'll be a MASSIVE anti-ship backlash.
                              Dirty minded! Moi! Never! You must be talking about Shimmering Star! I would never think of Jack and Sam in anything other than a simple romantic kiss!

                              (Mei Mei runs to corner to laugh hysterically at what she has written above!! *giggle* *snort* *giggle*)


                                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                                RDA is tons better looking than DDL. In my opinion.

                                Oh yes, I agree! RDA vs DDL? No contest. Just my opinion, of course!!

                                Oh no, I'm not obsessed.... Seriously, I do like THE MAN.... not that you could tell, could you?

