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    Originally posted by AmberLM
    Hi Caty, I'm not criticising or nething but 'Walking After You' is by The Foo Fighters not Five For Fighting! But I agree, it's a great shippy song 'cept it's one of my two M/S ship songs (along with 'Walking In Memphis' *shippysigh*!) so I don't like to associate it with Stargate. Then again, if you've never heard it before, it's a fab song for S/J ship!

    I also think that 'Harder To Breathe' by Maroon 5 is a GREAT anti-Sam/Pete ship song! I've even done a music vid to it.

    Oh thank you Amber ....I got the groups mixed up...but I still like Foo fighters "Walking after you"..I really like the x-files movie was great ..I love it

    Walking in Memphis reminds me of the episode " Post modern prometheus " the black and white episode ..Poor little was a sad and funny episode ..both at the same time ...the end was great ....and I love the cartoonish dance at the end ..Mulder and Scully dancing together so good ...The x-files ...had an enormous amount of ship really I can't believe it now thinking back about it ...

    "Bad blood "is one of my favourite episodes's so funny ...with scully who had to go back in the lab twice do an autopsy.....and in "Sysigy" Scully is so jealous of the female cop....I know ..I know ..they were were all affected with some kind of meteorological phenomenom....but it was funny to watch her for the whole episode having a go at Mulder ..all the time ...Funny when she said "You ditched me" hahahahahah

    Anyway ..back on topic ...Sam and Jack forever together.



      Originally posted by Catysg1
      They are both very secret about their feelings ..and bottle things up alot ..which is NOT VERY GOOD for the MIND
      or our sanity!!! hey, maybe they should get some kind of alien disease that makes them blurt out whatever's on thier mind

      'i wish you'd just kiss me, jack..did i say that out loud?'

      ' dump him!!! dump the potato head right now..i'll marry you, if you want to be married!! right here, right now, i'll call hammond to do it, hell, i'll get the president to do it..why are you all looking at me like that? i can't help it, it's the virus!'

      but Mulder got there at the end
      took his time about it though

      ...and so will Jack
      soon. it must be soon. i can't wait much longer!!!

      ....he just needs to steal that little black box ..and throw it in the gutter. hehehehe

      "whoops-a-daisy, sorry about that , guess you can't marry anyone without a ring,sam, can i have a word? i've got a ring of my own right here. " that'd be funny.
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by michelleb
        took his time about it though

        Well yeah ...about 7 years cuz by "requiem"...I think they were just starting to be together as a couple ..wonder what happened in that motel room in "REQUIEM" I know Scully didn't feel very well but still .....and in the episode when she spent the night at Mulder's flat after Mulder's mum died ..and Skinner turned up the next morning.....There were lots of ship in the x-files.

        soon. it must be soon. i can't wait much longer!!!

        and for Jack 8 years so far ...and no bed hugging scene with sam so far ... I know they can't ...but hugging in bed or hugging at SG1 (Heroe 2) is the same for me ...You can hugg a man in bed ....and nothing else may happen (Mulder and Scully)....

        you can be best friends , soulmates ..or whatever.... !!!!!like Mulder and Scully and give each other a hugg in bed please Jack ...could you please hug Sam in bed soon ?!!...either in your
        IDEALLIC dream world but we shippers ...want to see it real



          Hey guys!

          So, it's been weeks of insanity and I haven't been able to post. I'd been in horrible withdrawel, and then of course I see Affinity. Knowing that I had this big trip I was going on the next day, I was just going to bring the tape along and watch it later, but I saw the teaser and was thinking about that pic from awhile ago, and, not being able to stop myself, stayed up all night watching the episode. I couldn't go on the forums for fear of the computer waking up everyone in the my household, so instead I just wrote rants and bitter fanfic all night long. I was, however, under the impression that I would have internet access during this trip. How very wrong I was. So, after a week and a half of compete isolation from the world and anybody who actually watches Stargate, here I am.

          So, in a word,

          ***Spoilers for Affinity***



          Oh god, how incredibly clingy and annoying was ?

          AND he got involved in the program. Now why diidn't I see that one coming?
          Oh wait. I did.

          When she said "I'm sorry" in the car I was SO sure that she was gonna say no, but nooooooooooo, she had to think about it some more.

          I did like it though, when she and Danny and Teal'c were talking about relationships and she was ranting. That was some quality watching.

          And I *loved* it when she told Jack. That entire scene was golden. My heart felt like it was physically wrenching when he snapped the ring box shut, and it leaped as she said "and what about you?"

          *Why* must he be so supporting? I know 'he just wants her to be happy' or whatever, but he should be fighting for her! This is exactly what lead to him being like he was in 2010, which in my opinion is the worst thing ever. I cringe whenever I think about it. Does anyone else think of that song by Rhett Miller, 'Come Around'? Much badness is going on here.

          So, anyways, I'm not worried about her eventually ending up wit Jack. That is a given. What I *am* worried about is that the show is gonna have a 'wedding' episode.

          *spoilers for later in 8th season*

          Apparentely, Chris Judge is writing an episode this season, and in it somebody gets married, and somebody dies. Now, I originally assumed that it would be T and Ishta the space amazon, but since Affinity and Christa (who I did end up liking, despite my misgivings), I thought that I might be Ry'ac or someone like that, considering that all of CJ's episodes so far have been mainly Jaffa-based stories. However, this is another thing that could happen:

          It has been said that is that one guy that will not die from Sam's black widow curse, on a bid to disprove it. However, if they do end up getting married, and I stress the 'if', then there will be no other way to get out of it other then him dying (hooray!). If this is the case, then in CJ's ep. the person getting married will be Sam, and person who's going to die will be .

          The whole point of this is that the real reason that I love Stargate so much is that it was fiirst and foremost an awesome scifi show, that combined space and ancient cultures with the best sense of humor and writing I had scene since the early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was the first show that got me off of being an annoying preteen who was too embarrassed to say that I liked Star Trek. Before my realization of Sam and Jack, it was the stories that I loved, and ever since Chimera it has been my main concern that there would be more episodes that consisted of Sam's 'dinner date'. If Pete becomes a reaccuring character and this engagements continues, then you can bet that there's gonna be an episode where she's looking for a wedding dress, or writing up the invitations, and trying to decide between "Chicken or Fish?". If the sci fi aspects of the show go, then, much as I love it, I don't think that I'll be rushing home every friday night to watch. And I don't think I'll be too sad if I miss an ep.

          I'm hoping that soon they'll be letting my more favorite writers out of their cages, and that the character of Jacob Carter soon returns, but until then, well, I'll be worried.

          And though I haven't yet watched 'Covenent', um, guy finds out about the project, you usually don't just tell him everything and wait for him to tell the world. Oh wait, I'm thinking about *before* Chimera.



          Shippiness Ho! (I hope.)

          Sam and Jack Forever!!!!


          really really (I REALLY mean it this time) Must Die!!!!!!!!


          and of course,




            I really should have watched A$$inity straight after I got my exam results on Thursday but due to various uncontrollable circumstances (being away from home, having no internet connection etc.) I had to wait til this evening to watch it (it is now Monday or I guess Tuesday since it's now 1.35am!). Now I'm pretty glum. Straight after I got my results nothing could have made me any less happy but now that the shine has worn off the feeling's not so good. I'm still holding out for a miracle tho, whoever said it is right, we shippers are nothing if not optimistic!

            Oh, sorry to disagree Teryl, but Patrick Stewart in cowboy gear and leathers is just *wrong*! (I looked up at my TV 5 minutes ago and was faced with that sight!)
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Oh, sorry to disagree Teryl, but Patrick Stewart in cowboy gear and leathers is just *wrong*! (I looked up at my TV 5 minutes ago and was faced with that sight!)


                I have just realized how incredibly long and snarky that entire post was, so have come to apologize.

                Does anyone know of any good and fluffy fan fiction, as that I think is what I need write now. Or humor. Humor would be good.

                Ship Nana, when you get a chance could you put my name on the Shipper Medal Of Courage? I think it would do my heart some good. Thank You!

                And Thanks for being such a great family everybody! I never really noticed how hard it was to be a lone shipper until I started coming here and then stopped.

                Together we shall triumph in the fight against !

                Arrr!!!!!!!!, he'll walk the plank he will!

                Sam and Jack Forever!

                and the safe return of Jacob Carter. He'll set everything straight.





                  Originally posted by AmberLM
                  Hi Caty, I'm not criticising or nething but 'Walking After You' is by The Foo Fighters not Five For Fighting! But I agree, it's a great shippy song 'cept it's one of my two M/S ship songs (along with 'Walking In Memphis' *shippysigh*!) so I don't like to associate it with Stargate. Then again, if you've never heard it before, it's a fab song for S/J ship!

                  I also think that 'Harder To Breathe' by Maroon 5 is a GREAT anti-Sam/Pete ship song! I've even done a music vid to it.
                  link please!

                  oh, Jimlad? the person who gets married is
                  Ry'ac not Sam (thank God)

                  "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                  describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                  <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                  Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                    Originally posted by LtLisa
                    link please!

                    oh, Jimlad? the person who gets married is
                    Ry'ac not Sam (thank God)

                    Actually, by best and biggest hope (as when it all somes down to it I am an optimistic shipper) is that due to some crazy alien ritual/influence....

                    Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill!

                    "But all we did was drink from the same cup!" (or something.)

                    "Sorry, but that is the law. And if you try to break the joining then we can't have a treaty with your people to mine all these giant deposites of trinium and naquadah. That's too bad really."


                    I allways hoped crazy alien rituals would enter into it somehow.

                    See, this is why I love the sci fi!


                      Originally posted by Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
                      I have just realized how incredibly long and snarky that entire post was, so have come to apologize.

                      Does anyone know of any good and fluffy fan fiction, as that I think is what I need write now. Or humor. Humor would be good.

                      Ship Nana, when you get a chance could you put my name on the Shipper Medal Of Courage? I think it would do my heart some good. Thank You!

                      And Thanks for being such a great family everybody! I never really noticed how hard it was to be a lone shipper until I started coming here and then stopped.

                      Together we shall triumph in the fight against !

                      Arrr!!!!!!!!, he'll walk the plank he will!

                      Sam and Jack Forever!

                      and the safe return of Jacob Carter. He'll set everything straight.




                      SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                      is issued to the following Shippers:

                      Ship Nana
                      Mei Mei
                      Ship Sistah
                      Chevron Seven
                      Sam O Neill
                      Dipsofjazz with a side of cookies seved by Jack and a tucking in
                      Mishy Mo
                      Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                      Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
                      Ship Nana


                        can i b added 2 ship nana plz plz plz


                          [QUOTE=AmberLM]I really should have watched A$$inity straight after I got my exam results on Thursday but due to various uncontrollable circumstances (being away from home, having no internet connection etc.) I had to wait til this evening to watch it (it is now Monday or I guess Tuesday since it's now 1.35am!). Now I'm pretty glum. Straight after I got my results nothing could have made me any less happy but now that the shine has worn off the feeling's not so good. I'm still holding out for a miracle tho, whoever said it is right, we shippers are nothing if not optimistic!

                          I know how you feel! I thought I handled Affinity OK but for days after I felt pretty glum. Shipper optimism prevails though! Instead of finishing the tragic/sad music vid I started making after THAT show, I went for fun upbeat and happy S/J moments. Check out the new vid 'Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars' at


                            Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                            can i b added 2 ship nana plz plz plz

                            SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                            is issued to the following Shippers:

                            Ship Nana
                            Mei Mei
                            Ship Sistah
                            Chevron Seven
                            Sam O Neill
                            Dipsofjazz with a side of cookies seved by Jack and a tucking in
                            Mishy Mo
                            Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                            Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              Hi Caty, I'm not criticising or nething but 'Walking After You' is by The Foo Fighters not Five For Fighting! But I agree, it's a great shippy song 'cept it's one of my two M/S ship songs (along with 'Walking In Memphis' *shippysigh*!) so I don't like to associate it with Stargate. Then again, if you've never heard it before, it's a fab song for S/J ship!

                              I also think that 'Harder To Breathe' by Maroon 5 is a GREAT anti-Sam/Pete ship song! I've even done a music vid to it.
                              There´s a song I love it´s "Leaving on a jet plane" by Chantal Kreviazuk. The lyrics:

                              All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
                              I'm standin' here outside your door
                              I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

                              But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
                              The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
                              Already I'm so lonesome I could die

                              So kiss me and smile for me
                              Tell me that you'll wait for me
                              Hold me like you'll never let me go

                              'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
                              I don't know when I'll be back again
                              Oh, babe, I hate to go

                              I'm ...

                              There's so many times I've let you down
                              So many times I've played around
                              I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

                              Every place I go, I think of you
                              Every song I sing, I sing for you
                              When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

                              So kiss me and smile for me
                              Tell me that you'll wait for me
                              Hold me like you'll never let me go

                              'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
                              I don't know when I'll be back again
                              Oh, babe, I hate to go

                              Now the time has come to leave you
                              One more time, oh, let me kiss you
                              And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

                              Dream about the days to come
                              When I won't have to leave alone
                              About the times that I won't have to say ...

                              Oh, kiss me and smile for me
                              Tell me that you'll wait for me
                              Hold me like you'll never let me go

                              'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
                              I don't know when I'll be back again
                              Oh, babe, I hate to go

                              And I'm leaving on a jet plane
                              I don't know when I'll be back again
                              Oh, babe, I hate to go

                              I made a S/J music video myself with this same song but I don´t have a website (I wouldn´t know how to create one and furthermore I think I wouldn´t have enough time ).

                              One thing about affinity [SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):]
                              What about Ishta?? There´s not only the fact Krista is tooo young for Teal´c, who has..102 years? In New Order T said to Sam Krista and him still keep in touch.
                              Don´t know. Maybe TPTB need a little lesson about how to handle relationships.

                              Sorry for the gramar errors Its a bit difficult tome to explain in english.
                              Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

                              ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
                              By the way, do you know his address??


                                Ship Nana,

                                Thank you so much!

                                By the way, have there been any new additions to the list of cookies in the last few weeks? Any ones to counter bad engagements perhaps?

                                Shippiness Ahoy!


