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    Gads....Let the Shipper Love fest begin (((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))

    Maimba is contagious
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by marimba26
      Thanks! We aim to please I am in a good mood and I'm feeling really shippy today!

      I feel good about the spoilers and i've so far sent two emails and a phone call to tell them how much I want Sam and Jack together!!! I told them that I think, based on the spoilers I've read, that "Threads" sounds like it could be a really good ep and that it could be a wonderful way to get Jack and Sam to finally confront their feelings and get together and that I hope that they do that!! I even said that, if they get Sam and Jack together this season, I will watch AS MANY seasons as they want to make and I will very happily go down and buy DVDs for said seasons!!! Then I of course ended with my sincere thanks for whoever is taking the time to listen to my pathetic pleas!

      Anyway--I think sunshine is contagious and I'm determined to spread it everywhere I go!!! And I'm glad your keeping me because I'm keeping you too! Anyone who could be such a great mommy to all those kitties deserves an award in my book!!!
      That is so way cool, I have been a bit tired and not sure what to say in the phone call and you gave me some GREAT I feel more confident about calling

      Thank you for saying such nice things to me!! I have been such a cranky butt cause I am not getting enough sleep and you guys are so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! thank goodness the kitties don''t care what I look like when I am feeding them
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Gads....Let the Shipper Love fest begin (((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))

        Maimba is contagious
        Shipper virus????

        Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Gads....Let the Shipper Love fest begin (((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))

          Maimba is contagious
          egads!!! *worried look* Is she really??
          Well, bring it on, cos I'm all about the Loooove Fest too!

          Here's how I was feeling....
          optimism pessism

          Here's how I am now....

          and now with the rest of the family....

          and simply beacuse it's too cool...


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            egads!!! *worried look* Is she really??
            Well, bring it on, cos I'm all about the Loooove Fest too!

            Here's how I was feeling....
            optimism pessism

            Here's how I am now....

            and now with the rest of the family....

            and simply beacuse it's too cool...

            So am I!!!! Of couse I've also had a few beers too!!!!


              Originally posted by auralan
              Spoilers Season 8 "Threads" and "Affinity"

              I would guess Sam and Kerry have met before in a professional capacity as she's on the SGC oversight committee. Kerry has likely had opportunity to see Sam and Jack interact on duty and she definitely picks up on an awkward vibe when Sam shows up at his house. She even calls it awkward. That's probably where the pieces clicked for her that the reason for Jack's relcutance to be fully invested in their relationship has a name.

              Also, in rereading to confirm that, I realize I mis-stated something earlier that may be significant. It's not Kerry that wanted the relationship kept secret from the SGC. Kerry says that Jack didn't want anybody in the SGC to know about it. Sorry about that confusion.

              It could definitely give her a big helping of life's too short to live half-way. The question is what she'll do with that, especially immediately after seeing Jack with Kerry. I suspect her conversations with Jacob, however they go, will be key to Sam's next move.

              The other thing to keep in mind, whatever move Sam makes, is that Jack now has all the information. He knows Sam's having huge doubts about Pete. He has to know he's a major issue there because of how she approached him -- even if she never said the words because Kerry arrived. He's free since Kerry dumped him. Kerry also made him acknowledge the Sam issue out loud and threw a solution on the table. Then she gave a good hard shove. He has literally no reason not to act at this point. Sam may be headed another direction when he acts, but it's pretty clear she wouldn't turn him down if he showed up with all the answers. As RDA said, Pete's no threat to Jack.
              Auralan, thanks so much for answering all of our questions and providing all this info. I am VERY excited about this episode and really hope it means the ship is sailing and isn't changed to keep things going for season 9 *crosses fingers*

              I know you probably can't give us word for word dialogue from the script pages you have seen, but I am really curious about how Jack acknowledges the Sam issue out loud. Does he say he has feelings for her or 'cares for her more than he should'? And how does Kerry give him a good hard shove? I am just dying for more details, even though I know dialogue will most likely be changed in the actual episode once RDA does his ad-libbing etc.

              How are we going to wait 5 or 6 months for this to air?????


                Originally posted by Goshengirl
                Auralan, thanks so much for answering all of our questions and providing all this info. I am VERY excited about this episode and really hope it means the ship is sailing and isn't changed to keep things going for season 9 *crosses fingers*
                How are we going to wait 5 or 6 months for this to air?????
                Goshengirl, meet mad_gater, our local Shipper Town Bar Keep... Be careful what you order tho, apparently he's already had a couple of beers...


                  Originally posted by Goshengirl
                  Auralan, thanks so much for answering all of our questions and providing all this info. I am VERY excited about this episode and really hope it means the ship is sailing and isn't changed to keep things going for season 9 *crosses fingers*

                  I know you probably can't give us word for word dialogue from the script pages you have seen, but I am really curious about how Jack acknowledges the Sam issue out loud. Does he say he has feelings for her or 'cares for her more than he should'? And how does Kerry give him a good hard shove? I am just dying for more details, even though I know dialogue will most likely be changed in the actual episode once RDA does his ad-libbing etc.

                  How are we going to wait 5 or 6 months for this to air?????
                  Goshengirl, the bar's specialty today is the "Flaming shot." We have other fine drinks on our menu as well: including chocolate rum milkshakes, rum and cokes made with half rum and half coke, and we also have some blue jello shots left. THese Jello shots are made with 3 parts vodka and 1 part water.


                    edited to add: OK, it appears these are OLD comments, so don't get your knickers is a twist *tries to untangle own * I'll leave the quote up, cos I hadn't seen it before, and cos GW has included this article in a new post (Aug 4).

                    Not to rain on our parade - and I was all nicely bouyantly happy- but I was just reading the Cult Times Interview with RCC (its the Aug 4 article on Gateworld's main page), and I've copied the segment below....

                    (ie. all of us ).

                    Speaking of Carter, Cooper mentions that her boyfriend, Peter Shanahan (David DeLuise) is back on the scene: “Much to the dismay of many people.” He laughs. “Pete is definitely back in a couple of episodes, which will be a lot of fun. I mean, there’s a lot of stuff on the Internet about ‘Stalker Pete’ and it’s clear that some of these people have quite a few issues of their own that they have to deal with, but the whole discussion thing is fun.”

                    OK, now is this a NEW "the shippers have issues" comment, or have I stumbled upon one of the old ones????
                    I can't even begin to tell you how annoyed this sort of comment makes me. I know I've seen some of the fallout from these sorts of comments in the past, but the reason I bring it up now (when we're mostly in a Happy Place - sigh) is that it's under a new article on GW.
                    I mean, I'm all for discussion, but don't go blithely asigning the fact we're upset about the some of the characters direction this season as OUR fault! (because clearly we have issues..... grrrr!).

                    OK, I'm done ranting. I'm hoping this is one of the OLD comments, and I'm just stirring up cr_p that's already been dealt with......
                    Last edited by kiwigater; 04 August 2004, 02:06 PM. Reason: This is an old article - despite the new date on GW



                      Okay, now to quote my friend circle's mutual catchphrase:

                      We don't have ISSUES! We have FUN!


                        Originally posted by aeromathlete

                        Okay, now to quote my friend circle's mutual catchphrase:

                        We don't have ISSUES! We have FUN!
                        LOL! I love this! I think it shall be my new catchphrase....
                        In fact, with your permission, I do believe that's going to be my new sig...???


                          We have issues eh?

                          Well if issues means "perception" then sure, we have issues

                          Don't blame us for perceiving that PS is a little stalker-ish


                            Originally posted by nickatell
                            Spoilers Season 8 "Threads" and "Affinity"
                            I am curious as to how Kerry comes to the realization that Jack still has feelings, oh heck loves Sam? I mean they don't even meet each other until Sam comes over, so it is not like she has seen the looks they give each other or feels the sexual tension when they are in the same room, so what then brings her to this conclusion?

                            Also, I think Jacobs bad health also plays a significant role in this, otherwise why now? I mean after seeing Jack with Kerry, just losing Janet and now possibly her father, I wonder if Sam finally realizes that life is too short to be spending it with Pete who she thinks is great when she now knows her feelings for Jack are real, or she could take it as "see he really didn't have any feelings for me" and continue her delusional relationship with Pete (please no).

                            I think I may tape Affinity because I really, really, really, (did I mention really) don't want to see Jacks face when she tells him (my heart can not handle this anymore). Then when Season 8 ends with Jack and Sam together (please, please) I can go back and watch it. Hearing about it won't be so bad, but seeing his face and knowing what he will be feeling especially with how we know he feels about her in "Threads" will absolutely kill me.
                            Yeah but the good news is that you won't even havet to tape it first since it is in the second half of the season our shipper family members in Europe will get to see it before it airs here in the states.

                            That way we can put both hands up in front of our faces and peer between our fingers and read what they write about the episode. They get to go thru the agony first. Just consider it as taking one for the family!
                            Ship Nana


                              H I there
                              I have said in the past that I could not understand the type of information in spoilers and interviews that we were being given as they appeared to be pushing the relationship between S/ at us and were more or less saying if do not like it well it is to bad. I also could not understand the reasoning behind this publicity especially knowing the number of pro Sam and Jack fans there are out here. So I tend to agree that TPTB may finally have realized the potential damage this information and attitude could have in loss of viewing figures, therefore the reason we have these spoilers for later in the season is to keep us interested and hopefully placate us.
                              I have to say I am feeling much more positive after reading the latest spoilers and all your post.
                              TPTB PLEASE DO NOT LET US DOWN.

                              Can someone please give us again the addresses to email or phone our support for a positive resolution in Sam and Jacks relationship? I agree with other respondents that TPTB may be looking for feedback and after reading some of the anti Jack and Sam post on various sites; I think we need to get our two pennyworths in. For those of you who have not heard that saying before it means we need to get our points of view in
                              Jack and Sam forever


                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                I hope this message doesn't repeat because it acted like it didn't go through the first time. Anyway suddenly you can't shut me up. I just wanted to say thank you to all who bring us the "spoilers". I know there are some who don't want to be "spoiled" and I can respect that, in fact I use to be that way. Considering recent events though for me it has been safer reading the "spoilers" because that way there is a lot less screaming at the tv and after waiting so long for a new episode with the hope of ship, a lot less depression. This way I can prepare myself for the up-coming mountain in the way of my shipper rollercoaster ride. Thanks and please any information you guys find out please keep us informed, with the proper spoiler identification of course. Thanks again you guys make this road a lot less bumpy.
                                Yep and it allows you to prepare by eating the proper Shipper Cookies and drinking lots and lots and lots of beverages of your choice!!!! Of course all prior to certain episodes. That way you might not even notice the presence of . Then again, you might not notice anything as you might be passed out on the floor!!! LOL
                                Ship Nana

