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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    <my bolding, not auralan's...>

    Sounds unprofessional & potential ethics violation to me. What's the Family think?
    That could present a problem.


      Originally posted by auralan
      Things like on that thread are why I mostly stick to posting anything of substance here. Much less chance of misunderstanding and need to justify of my viewpoint here. Also, there's a heck of lot more understanding when I go a wee bit off the deep end.

      And I'm feeing much better now. Pay no attention to the nice men in white coats. They're just ... bringing me a nice new jacket.
      Like when ol' Billiard Ba'al shifts the gravity towards the gutter??


        Season 8 Spoilers Threads:
        Originally posted by LtLisa
        //I think Pete is in this one. There's a tail end of a conversation that's very likely between Sam and Pete. We see Sam watching somebody walk away and she's not exactly in the happy camper club. The doubts seem to be hitting her hard//
        I'd love to read this convo...I want spoilers for anything related so I can be prepared
        I'd love to read it, too! All I saw was the tail end where and she looks at somebody who's walking upstairs as she tried to hide her doubts. Based on the context of the episode, it's pretty clear that was Pete. What the ocnversation was, your guess is as good as mine.
        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


          Originally posted by kiwigater
          Thanks! I'm pretty chuffed Except that I had to leave work early to be there for the installation, and had to leave some things running, so here I am.... back at work....

          I'm with Ship Nana and ship sistah on this one! I just groaned and then went to my Happy Place with a very big drink... It's not even the spoilers themselves that get me, it's the resultant bickering, I just want everyone to get along (in a "we all have different opinions, but what the hey!" kinda way ) And now I'm going to go to the Thunk Thread to cheer myself up.
          Mind if I join ya for that drink?


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            GIMMIE THOSE COOKIES! i'll fight ya for them.

            see? TPTB even have us fighting amongst ourselves now. what have we become?

            GIMMIE THOSE COOKIES!! ggggrrrrrrr
            Now now children!!!! Do I have to break out the zat?!?!?!


              Originally posted by Token
              I'll tell you what! When we get our T-shirts and mugs, everyone take a picture of yourself (sack optional ). Send them to me, and I'll see if I can't "magically" create a group picture. (Mala has inspired me! )
              sounds good to me!! Di runs off to the gym to lose 25 lbs. before the t shirt and mugs come...


                Spoilers season 8: threads.
                Originally posted by LtLisa
                thats why I keep mentioning it...I feel like TPTB have shoved the regs in the way of Sam and Jack, but Jack's gf is involved in the SGC...c'mon...she couldn't just be some girl? I'm feeling a bit cheated; they can bend the rules, but why won't they do it for Sam and Jack?
                That's what I'd call setting up a precedent. This is a very good thing for us, really.

                They're defining what the rules are in their universe with Kerry. They're setting up the case that a civilian in a position of some authority over a military officer can have a relationship with that officer without it being a violation of the regs. Could come in handy should Jack, oh, follow Kerry's advice and resign to take a civilian post running the SGC like Weir did.

                Yea, they've been setting this one up a looong time. I always said they had a plan. First they introduce Weir to show a civilian can be in charge of the SGC. Then the oversight chick gets involved with Jack to show a civilian with authority can get involved with an officer in spite of the potential conflict of their positions. Next she drops the anvil that Jack could lose the military regs issue by taking command as a civilian the way Weir did. Then he'd be the civilian with some authority over an officer he was intrested in pursuing a relationship with. Gee, look at that, we already have a proof of concept that this isn't a problem. Nifty, huh?

                Ship ahoy!
                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Or how about near a cemetary?

                  Oh, I've got it. can buy them side by side plots!!!!!!
                  Or maybe the house is a money pit so that when falls thru the floor he can say that he's "falling" for her.


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    Like when ol' Billiard Ba'al shifts the gravity towards the gutter??
                    Exactly! Mmmmm.... gutter. I'm thinking ... nothing I can say in a PG forum.
                    *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                      Originally posted by LtLisa
                      yeah, forget flowers....thats a great aniversary present!

                      Just true to form that's all! Where else can you go after crashing a 50th wedding anniversary of people you don't even know?!
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                        Bet you didn't know that Pete has been giving Sam nothing but his love, kindness, and devotion, according to some anti S/J fans.
                        I see him becoming controlling. He's making all these decisions without first consulting Sam. You don't do that in a relationship.


                          Originally posted by meimei
                          Tame is always a sweetheart! And TPTB shouldn't be tickin' her off!!

                          And how are the kitties?
                          YEAH!!!!!!! What she said

                          Actually I am not really Ticked off ... I am just tired of feeling like a rat in one of the Round wheels in a cage *running & running* in circles.

                          I am still just trying to figure out WHY was this info realeased SO EARLY?????

                          WHY WHY WHY Enquiring Minds want to know???
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by LtLisa
                            thats why I keep mentioning it...I feel like TPTB have shoved the regs in the way of Sam and Jack, but Jack's gf is involved in the SGC...c'mon...she couldn't just be some girl? I'm feeling a bit cheated; they can bend the rules, but why won't they do it for Sam and Jack?

                            going back to my happy place....

                            He's no threat to O'Neill ~RDA
                            Carter loves O'Neill. She adores him. ~AT
                            Case in point, "sis." I'm starting to wonder if the PTB truly know what they're doin'.


                              Originally posted by auralan
                              Season 8 Spoilers Threads:

                              I'd love to read it, too! All I saw was the tail end where and she looks at somebody who's walking upstairs as she tried to hide her doubts. Based on the context of the episode, it's pretty clear that was Pete. What the ocnversation was, your guess is as good as mine.

                              Ok then, I GUESS that is hightailing it out of town because she told him that Jack is gonna beat the living daylights out of him!!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                YEAH!!!!!!! What she said

                                Actually I am not really Ticked off ... I am just tired of feeling like a rat in one of the Round wheels in a cage *running & running* in circles.

                                I am still just trying to figure out WHY was this info realeased SO EARLY?????

                                WHY WHY WHY Enquiring Minds want to know???
                                Why ask why?

                                Hmmm.... commercials are catchy aren't they!

