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    Originally posted by Sergeant Phil
    Totally agree with you !! Playing with our nerves is in a way part of the deal, ok we like to be teased a bit, but the game has gone on for quite long now, and season 7 developments, not to mention this year's, are a little too much, I've discussed this at length on a German forum with friends, 80% of us thinks this way, too many more PS would provoke a real quiting wave !!

    Sam (ok she's my fave but...) has changed a lot these last months, and not aways for the better, TPTB should really consider getting her marks a little higher, cos' some of the things she's done, including these back and forth trips between Jack and Prrruit and Jack and Prrruit, are really annoying me now !!! she wanna get married to the Cow faced guy, to hell with it, let her do !! she wanna destroy her life and Jack's ?? let her do ! the series won't have any interest at all and we'll go to sleep earlier !!!

    Phil's 1st rant on the thread !!
    Congratulations on your first rant!

    Now admit it! You feel so much better don't you?!!!!!!!
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by Sergeant Phil
      Yep, true !! RDA and AT started the Ship in Out of mind, IMO of course, and they have played it along quite well, the chemistry between the 2 oozes from the screen...if TPTB want to stop it, what will the actors do?? stop playing ? stop giving shippy winks and looks and smiles ?? for the rest of season 8 and whole season 9 ??

      if it goes that way, count me out...I'll invent Ship in my poor head !

      Better yet, read fanfic. There is some great stuff out there!!!!!!!!!! Alot less work that way also.
      Ship Nana


        I'm still on thread 14 and I just read the news about Tooti. I wanted to tell you, Kri, how sorry I am to hear that. I had to have my cat put to sleep in May. She was the third cat I've had to have euthanized in the last 7 years. The first I had for 13 years since she was a kitten; then I adopted a 17 year old cat and had her for 1 year; then I adopted a 14 year old and had her for 3 years. It's never an easy decision, but you always try to do what's best for them no matter what. Sorry this is OT, but I wanted to offer my condolences.

        s u g a r s h a k e r


          Just thought I'd post something which seemed funny to me and hopefully a bit prophetic.

          I looked at my reminder calendar the other day and saw I'd written on one day's square, "S&J's anniversary."

          The weird thing was I kept thinking "Sam and Jack" and it was a bit before I remembered who the real S & J were.


            Originally posted by getcarter
            That's hysterical Mala!!!! I think I have a permanent reservation!!

            Yep sign me up to Mala!!!!!!!!

            That picture hits toooo close to home is all I have to say!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Well Bucky... I have to say that was a wonderful and well thought out post

              But I hope you are wrong.... Because if you are right I might as well turn off Star Gate right now if that is all I have to look forward too. A whole lot of earth bound episodes that are RDA lite, AT smooching it up with a character that I really don't like and virtually no Team episodes. And NOTHING really in the way of my favorite couple besides a bit at the end of hey you wanna get together - yeah and off they go...... No Thanks Just not worth the ride TPTB want to put me through to get there.

              I'm afraid that I very much agree with you Tame. After all we've been through, the rollercoaster ride and all, a quickie ending just isn't worth hanging around for. I sure hope we aren't headed in that direction.

              I guess I'll hang in there until we get some indication of which way the wind is gonna blow and it better not be from the direction of the Shipper Town Trash Dump!!!!!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Token
                I think trying to please everyone is what's getting them in trouble. You never can please everyone! They should go with their vision for the show and let the chips fall where they may. Viewers know when they are being placated, and it usually doesn't work. Even antis and shippers are saying, "Make a CHOICE either way and let's get on with Stargate!!"

                Your points about RCC's writing of ship in episodes is well taken and agreed upon; however, I don't think the way you phrased your post is diplomatic. RCC's comments in the Lost City commentary were quite hopeful for ship and even funny! I'm not sure you are addressing just this Thread or the whole forum.

                Edited to say: RCC was the one who said fans are the ones with "issues".

                Everyone in the Shipper Family has a right to their opinion even if it differs from others' opinion. That is what makes this Thread a Family. If from time to time we vent our fustrations toward TPTB, it is just that "venting". No real harm is done! The fustration level of Shippers is understandable, and this Thread is an outlet if needed.

                I am not going to "lay of TPTB slightly" because TPTB "might" give me what I want. If I feel they are doing something wrong I have the right to say so as long as I keep it within GateWorld's rules. If I play "nice" will that mean I will absolutely, positively get my Shippy Ending?? I think not! But if it did, I would be shining their shoes with my shirt!

                I will send positive, encouraging letters to TPTB, but this Thread is home. Since it is home, I should feel safe and welcome to express my opinions. That is how I see this Thread. As you read posts, you will know that we are the most resilent, optimistic, FANTASTIC group of Stargate fans anywhere (little biased)!!

                Here, here Token! Well said!!!!
                Ship Nana


                  I don't know where the original quote is but...

                  RE: RCC's "shippers have issues" comment

                  I think he's right. BUT BEFORE YOU STRING ME UP, hear me out.

                  I do believe that there are fanatics out there. The ones who live, breathe, eat, sleep, dream, exist "ship." Obsessive? Probably. And that's putting it lightly. And I also believe that "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" whereas, the loudest most obnoxious (and more) shippers are seen by people on the outside and a generalized statement is made.

                  I don't like the generalized statement, but it doesn't mean it goes away. It exists. And thats what RCC (and other PTB) see.

                  99% of us are pretty darn tame. I wish that was clear to them though


                    Originally posted by Brandie
                    I don't know where the original quote is but...

                    RE: RCC's "shippers have issues" comment

                    I think he's right. BUT BEFORE YOU STRING ME UP, hear me out.

                    I do believe that there are fanatics out there. The ones who live, breathe, eat, sleep, dream, exist "ship." Obsessive? Probably. And that's putting it lightly. And I also believe that "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" whereas, the loudest most obnoxious (and more) shippers are seen by people on the outside and a generalized statement is made.

                    I don't like the generalized statement, but it doesn't mean it goes away. It exists. And thats what RCC (and other PTB) see.

                    99% of us are pretty darn tame. I wish that was clear to them though
                    Very true...I know I made metion of that in my letter to TPTB...That NOT all of us that would like the Sam & jack resolution are *rabid* or would even think of sending *hate mail* - to bad they want to lump us all together to often

                    Although I am kind of jazzed that 99% of you are all ME All you Darn Tames

                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar

                      Although I am kind of jazzed that 99% of you are all ME All you Darn Tames

                      LOL ! I just realized that might not have been the right adjective to use.. perhaps docile? Maybe "not-so-psycho?"


                        Originally posted by gatewatcher
                        just a happy note:
                        I wanted to tell you guys what my husband made for me.
                        You know there are vry few merchandise items for Stargate
                        He made me a "gate" complete with steps and chevrons that glow red
                        the 39 symbols are hand carved around the circle and it is sooooo cool.
                        I've turned him into a fan and at least a 1/2 shipper.
                        I just wanted to share abouat my cool new gate

                        Ok, I'm jealous now!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by Ship Nana
                          I'm afraid that I very much agree with you Tame. After all we've been through, the rollercoaster ride and all, a quickie ending just isn't worth hanging around for. I sure hope we aren't headed in that direction.

                          I guess I'll hang in there until we get some indication of which way the wind is gonna blow and it better not be from the direction of the Shipper Town Trash Dump!!!!!
                          Same here. If too much "stuff" ends up at the Shipper Town Trash Dump, it will send an aroma over Shipper Town that will cause an evacuation!

                          I am to the point of "whatever". I'm no longer excited about the future of Sam and Jack. I'll watch unless more bad news is heading for the Dump. I'll still talk, chat, and have fun with the family. However, when I heard of Sam's "acceptance", I lost the "good" feeling about Sam and Jack. I want them to be together, but it was too high a price for me to pay emotionally. What is done is done. If I had a choice knowing what I know, I would want the subtle UST back and never ask for more then I could imagine what I want.

                          I'm still having fun with you guys; otherwise, I would be outta here!

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by Brandie
                            LOL ! I just realized that might not have been the right adjective to use.. perhaps docile?
                            ok better so not me I am too flaky with raisins I might add

                            Originally posted by Brandie
                            Maybe "not-so-psycho?"
                            OOOHHH don't let this bunch fool you that much..think about it we live in a make believe city drinkiing make believe drinks, eating make believe cookies. We have to people that think that are ....<whispers> Tok'ra and we are constantly grabbing drinks that aren't really there...... Also we all mumble and grumble and sometimes sing to ourselves ON THREAD and we ride in a Roller Coaster that is in all of our imaginations and SOME OF US REALLY GET SICK

                            so I think saying that 99% of them were all Tames was actually pretty close and very nice
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by vixen_vic
                              Like Phil i thought i'd also stop lurking and say hi!Also a big 'wow' to all the ppl who do the vids- they r sooooo good!!!I'm just about to go to Germany to teach for a yr (for my degree) so am going to miss the new eps.....don't know how i'll cope?!?!!Especially with not seeing Threads!!argh!
                              Vic xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                              Welcome Vic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Glad you delurked!!!

                              You are gonna need to pack lots and lots and lots of shipper cookies to get you thru a whole year!!!!!!!!!!!! No time to chat as I better start baking for you right away!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by Elfinwood
                                Spoilers: Season 7: Heroes

                                I have to agree with you. I just watched the DVD commentary for Heroes part II Saturday night and RCC was a participant. He was the one who wrote the hug into that episode and he said that he did not think that AT and RDA would do it. He then went on to comment about how there were fans that would be opposed to it, but he felt that two people who had gone through what Sam and Jack have together over the years would respond this way. I think that he did refer to it as abnormal love, but I don't think that he meant it in a negative way. In fact, I got the feeling throughout the commentary that he had problems articulating what he wanted to say a lot of the time. He appears to be a rather introverted person, so maybe it is easier for him to write than talk. I, personally, love RCC's work and have faith that he will, along with Brad Wright's guidance and the input of all of the other writers and producers, give us a fitting resolution.

                                Of course, if does not go, I will deny that I have said any of this.
                                spoilers for New Order:
                                Well, that makes me feel a *little* bit better but it still irks me no end that he felt the need to make the nasty remarks about shippers that he did. I agree that with Brad's guidance, he is better which is why I am REALLY glad that Brad is back this season. Just remembered something while we're heaping praise on RCC for being *shippy*--he wrote the second half of "New Order" and I'm sorry but I can't help but think that "Nice to see you, sir" and "Likewise" just isn't very shippy to me...
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

