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    Hey Everyone!

    Wow, you guys have been posting like crazy!! I've had computer problems so I haven't been able to catch-up..

    Anyway, my thoughts on Atlantis (SPOILERS)
    I actually liked it..A lot!! I thought it was very entertaining and interesting. It held my interest till the very end. My fav. character already is Dr. Beckett! LOL! He just cracks me up! I love his sexy accent! And he's not too bad on the eyes either. I liked Dr. Weir a lot better in this than in the season 8 beginner of SG-1. And I liked Major Sheppard! He's good looking and I liked how he turned out to be a good guy in the end because at the beginning I just wasn't sure. Then their is Dr. McKay. I think I'm going to like him in this because he's not as annoying and rude as he was in SG1. I like Teyla already too. I like how she is strong and independant! I thought it was sweet how Sheppard and her instantly became friends. Lt. Ford is cool too. He's also a good looking guy! And I thought the Wraith were cool!! They are a lot scarier than the Guou'ld. (sp?)

    So all in all, I really did like it! And I think I will give Atlantis a chance...but if Sam and Jack don't get together...I'm sorry I just won't watch it. TPTB need to make a decision right now..if they want viewers for Atlantis, they better get Sam and Jack together!!!!



      Originally posted by mad_gater

      WELCOME BACK!!!!

      Have ya read that Boston Herald article that has the "shipper alliance" in an uproar ready to pounce on the reporter that wrote the article??

      Don't know how much longer I'm gonna be on here cuz it looks like there may be a storm rollin' in and it looks to be a nasty one. I saw a couple bolts out of it already!
      I think I saw the link further up in the thread and to be honest I don't think I want to read it. While I was away on vacation I was able to get my head back to shipper bliss (from all the Blue Shipper Cookies that I ate) and I would like to enjoy it for a little while longer.

      I would prefer good news if you have any!!!

      Speaking of good news, I need Marimba!!! Where is Marimba? I know that she is gonna have great news for us. I can feel it in my shipper bones.
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        I think I saw the link further up in the thread and to be honest I don't think I want to read it. While I was away on vacation I was able to get my head back to shipper bliss (from all the Blue Shipper Cookies that I ate) and I would like to enjoy it for a little while longer.

        I would prefer good news if you have any!!!

        Speaking of good news, I need Marimba!!! Where is Marimba? I know that she is gonna have great news for us. I can feel it in my shipper bones.
        This article didn't have anything negative about ship. It didn't even mention ship at all. We're just all mad cuz it was like this reporter had a personal vendetta against RDA and the Stargate program. If I were RDA, I'd be pi$$ed after reading this.


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          I think I saw the link further up in the thread and to be honest I don't think I want to read it. While I was away on vacation I was able to get my head back to shipper bliss (from all the Blue Shipper Cookies that I ate) and I would like to enjoy it for a little while longer.

          I would prefer good news if you have any!!!

          Speaking of good news, I need Marimba!!! Where is Marimba? I know that she is gonna have great news for us. I can feel it in my shipper bones.
          Just an FYI.....Marimba does not have a dial up service so she is unable to make any updates directly. She did call me and give me the little I shared with everyone the other day. Today was the day of the AT panel hopefully if the scedule did not get changed.

          So if she is able to call again I will get an update here ASAP. She is taking notes though and will give a full report when she gets back
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Just an FYI.....Marimba does not have a dial up service so she is unable to make any updates directly. She did call me and give me the little I shared with everyone the other day. Today was the day of the AT panel hopefully if the scedule did not get changed.

            So if she is able to call again I will get an update here ASAP. She is taking notes though and will give a full report when she gets back
            I hope they're good notes. In other words I hope they're not as bad as Selmak's reports!! I think he spends way too much time around Jack cuz Selmak/Jacob's reports are written suspiciously like Jack's

            Jacob (amused): Are you making derogatory comments about mine and Selmak's reports, Kel'dor?

            mg (host): Oh, no sir! As a matter of fact I was just telling the shipper family how well written your reports are. Your's too, Selmak.

            Selmak (amused): Hmph!! Riiiiight!!

            *mg/Kel'dor sticks tongue out at Jacob/Selmak's retreating form*

            Selmak: Don't you stick your tongue out at me

            Kel'dor (muttering): Dang! How does he do that?

            mg: They know you too well, Kel'dor!

            Don't worry. Keldor and Selmak are good friends. We tease each other like this all the time!!


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Just an FYI.....Marimba does not have a dial up service so she is unable to make any updates directly. She did call me and give me the little I shared with everyone the other day. Today was the day of the AT panel hopefully if the scedule did not get changed.

              So if she is able to call again I will get an update here ASAP. She is taking notes though and will give a full report when she gets back
              Can't wait to hear all about it, especially what AT has to say. Maybe someone will have a slip of the lip!!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                Add "Shades of Grey". ...

                When I watched SOG, I was not thinking about ship in the series, having only seen two eps. When Jack says that line--which was clearly a slip. He was playing an Earther firster type and the appropriate response to Sam's question would have been something like, "I haven't been myself since I joined this bunch of bleeding heart liberals who let their stinky alien 'allies' walk all over them"--I sat up. Sort of, "Whoa, *that* was an interesting thing to say."
                I once wrote in a "which eps have ship in them" type thread that I thought SoG was a candidate, although it was Sam's reaction rather than Jack's comment that got me thinking. You're right though, Jack's line was... odd, and gives more dimension to it all. No one else agreed with me at the time though about SoG, so it's nice to read your post.

                Anyway, SoG would get my vote, it's the only time I noticed ship pre s7 without anyone pointing it out to me and it made me start a shippy fanfic. (Which is as unlikely to get anywhere as my other two half-written fanfics, but that's neither here nor there.)



                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  I know you all have gone over and over what JM said but I just found it in the other thread. I know he meant well by coming on our thread but I just have to say this about that:

                  I mean could he be any more vague? Does he mean that it's ok to jump to the small conclusion that there will be a small Sam/Jack resolution but it won't lead to the big resolution that we would like to see?
                  Hey Ship Nana, I've been thinking about that post myself...had plenty of time on my hands at the Rehab Center, ya know? Anyway, vague doesn't begin to describe his post...cryptic, enigmatic and puzzling, is more like it.

                  Well at least one of TPTB knows that we are upset and does seem to care enough to take his time to come post here.
                  If you look back, the quantity and intensity of distress was reaching critical mass...many of us were on a swift path towards nuclear meltdown, with probably an unprecedented number threatening to switch channels and/or stop buying DVDs...remember, the DVD sales have shored up MGM's bottom line.

                  So after careful analysis of this situation I think that this was probably a very positive event.
                  Someone asked whether or not Joe had posted on the Anti Ship or Pete thread..I checked for all his posts at that time, and he had NOT. A "slightly less dark" sign....

                  Never-the-less I am definitely gonna fasten my seatbelt alot tighter on the rollercoaster, bake alot more shipper cookies for us all and last but not least I am not canceling my reservations at the Southern California Commune for Wacko Shippers just yet!!!
                  It's actually quite not too bad, they speak quietly....just make sure you smuggle in the essentials (wine, shipper cookies, dvds, etc ).

                  Glad you've returned in one piece from the rainforest!


                    Originally posted by OzGirl
                    Got to agree with you here, Di. I commented on this to one of my buddies.
                    It struck me right away how different the energy level was, as well as
                    special effects, etc. I know, I know, they each have their own budgets.
                    It seems like the parent company approved a bigger budget for Atlantis
                    than for SG-1. That's what it looks like, anyway.

                    Soooooo, If Sam and Jack have to deal with LOW BUDGET, personal life
                    , I sure wouldn't mind seeing Sam and Jack interact more in the
                    "real world."

                    I wonder if Jack can beat Sam at a game of pool?

                    Maybe they could have a barbecue at Jack's house? Would Jack cook
                    beer-soaked bratwurst? (A favorite in summertime where I live...)

                    Maybe Jack could give Sam a birthday cake?

                    Oh, well, I can always imagine...

                    Maybe Sam can jump out of a cake for Jack....


                      Awww!! I just watched the last few minutes of Entity and caugt something Shippy I missed the first time around... The scene in which Sam's conciousness returns to her body... Notice how Jack goes to the bedside and at the *very* end, as the scene fades to black, you can see him raise his hand to the bed like he's about to hold Sam's hand, then he hesitates, glances back as if to go "oh wait, there are people here, dang regs" and just taps the bed near her hand to cover. Awwww. *sigh*

                      /me goes back to catching up reading the thread...
                      Mandy _|,,|


                        Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                        Knock, there? *puts down suitcase*

                        Welcome back, Di! I'd been wondering about you (and Brian). We've lost a few members the last few days, which has (thankfully) slowed the thread down. But I've missed the drink diva (that would be you) and the rest of the family. I guess by next week we'll all be back again in preparation for the next new ep.


                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by Ship Nana
                          I know you all have gone over and over what JM said but I just found it in the other thread. I know he meant well by coming on our thread but I just have to say this about that:

                          "All I have to say is don't jump to conclusions. Or, more precisely, jump to small conclusions - but don't assume that they'll necessarily lead to a big conclusion. Or, better yet - watch all of season 8 before you start consider giving away all your wordly possessions and moving into a commune in Southern California. Its going to be a rollercoaster year for our gang."

                          I mean could he be any more vague? Does he mean that it's ok to jump to the small conclusion that there will be a small Sam/Jack resolution but it won't lead to the big resolution that we would like to see?


                          Does it mean because Pete offers Sam the ring and maybe or maybe not she takes it doesn't mean that they will end the series together?

                          I don't post here often, but I think that it means the latter. IE Shippers are going to be distraught for the first half (or more) of season 8 because Sam is going to choose Pete, BUT! by the end we'll have S/J.

                          What *kind* of S/J and how much S/J remains to be seen.

                          Just my take on it.

                          Makes me happy, anyway. And saves on cookies.

                          Well at least one of TPTB knows that we are upset and does seem to care enough to take his time to come post here.

                          So after careful analysis of this situation I think that this was probably a very positive event.
                          I think so too. And, I don't think JM's motives were entirely mercenary. He didn't have to come in here to calm our fears. I'm *still* not buying the season 7 or 8 DVDs until I see the final outcome, but I'm definitely hopeful (and setting aside some money for next Spring).



                            Originally posted by sacme
                            Welcome back, Di! I'd been wondering about you (and Brian). We've lost a few members the last few days, which has (thankfully) slowed the thread down. But I've missed the drink diva (that would be you) and the rest of the family. I guess by next week we'll all be back again in preparation for the next new ep.


                            ship sistah
                            Thanks ship sista, and Mad Gater, and LtLisa, for the welcome back!! Boy, it feels good to be missed, and you're right, the catching up wasn't too bad. I'm even optimistic about our fav duo!! Sometimes a little break is a good thing.

                            Hey, I just saw the movie I, Robot today. Two MAJOR thumbs up on it. Will Smith wakes up in nothing but shorts...tight ones. All I could think of was "Jada gets THAT in her bed every night?? D@@mn....." Even a shower scene...*Di fans herself, having a hot flash*

                            Where was I? Oh Yes, a great scifi tale, excellently executed, great action and writing. A must see for the serious scifi fan.



                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              I know you all have gone over and over what JM said but I just found it in the other thread. I know he meant well by coming on our thread but I just have to say this about that:

                              "All I have to say is don't jump to conclusions. Or, more precisely, jump to small conclusions - but don't assume that they'll necessarily lead to a big conclusion. Or, better yet - watch all of season 8 before you start consider giving away all your wordly possessions and moving into a commune in Southern California. Its going to be a rollercoaster year for our gang."

                              I mean could he be any more vague? Does he mean that it's ok to jump to the small conclusion that there will be a small Sam/Jack resolution but it won't lead to the big resolution that we would like to see?


                              Does it mean because Pete offers Sam the ring and maybe or maybe not she takes it doesn't mean that they will end the series together?

                              Well, seeing as we were freaking and despairing about the Affinity pics, I'd say he was referring to Sam and PS.




                                Sorry if this has been mentioned before... I'm half a thread behind in reading!

                                Originally posted by sacme
                                I still don't get this. These two men are on opposite ends of the spectrum. you can't prepare for Jack with Pete. ugh.
                                Maybe it was meant as more of a "the grass isn't always greener on the other side" kind of thing?
                                Mandy _|,,|

