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    Don't know if anyone has posted this, but TPTB say Jack's "Twins" and "Who's your Daddy?" were definitely ad-libs. Just something to get our mind off those terrible pics.


      Originally posted by LtLisa
      good point...maybe has to stick around since the dumba$$ is in the know about the SGC and its obviously SGC related. And that was the only comfort I took out of those puking of course (I really did get physically nauseous, not just metaphorically, when I saw those). If she does end up with him...uuggghhh...I guess I'll watch just in case, but the show will be ruined for me. I'll never again watch ANY episode that has ANY involvement in (or I'll fast forward those parts). I will NOT, EVER spend $$...and seeing as I'm yet to buy anything and probably would've (or asked the parents for Hanukah...) thats a LOT of $$ TPTB are losing from me. And it may be enough to turn me off of Atlantis (unless its sooo good that I'm hooked when S8 ends)...then they lose a viewer and more $$

      ok, done ranting ((((shipper family))))

      mad_gater (Keldor mode): Are you well now? Here, drink this water to rehydrate yourself. If you like, you can become host to my brother, Kel'sha of Ra'maklan. At least you you shouldn't get sick at these negative thoughts, unless Kel'sha is the oone who becomes ill.


        // Plus like I said I can't IMAGINE that Damain Kindler would say that about Hate mail on the Lowdown and then have the show go onto keep Ptui.... //

        What did Damian Kindler say?

        And someone else mentioned something AmandaT. said in the Chicago Tribune? What was that about?

        I don't even know why I'm here. I just thought I'd check in to see if anyone had anything to say about the season premiere, and I find all this bad news and all the frustration. I simply won't watch "Affinity" unless I hear there's something in it that redeems it -- like that she breaks up with Ptui. And even then I might not watch it. That relationship has already ruined so much that was good about the show -- especially the character Sam.

        I know I'm an infrequent visitor here, so some of you will just ignore me, but I think we should let the PTB and the advertisers know that we won't watch any more episodes that have Ptui in them. And that we won't be buying any more DVDs. Hit 'em in their pocketbooks where they'll maybe feel it. Start an online "revolution." I don't visit any other forums like this, but some of you who do could light a fire under some other sites where loyal viewers are feeling ripped off.

        What was it that Margaret Mead said? Something about how we should never underestimate what a small group of dedicated citizens can accomplish... (with apologies, Ms. Mead.).

        The ptb either don't care what a large group of loyal viewers want, OR they think that doing this stupid Ptui stuff will rile everybody up and increase ratings. Either way, they're being very disrespectful, even disdainful, of the viewers, and we shouldn't allow it.


          Originally posted by getcarter
          AH CRAP!!!! I just logged on to Gateworld and saw there were new pics posted. Being the optimistic idiot I am I peeked and I SO DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!!!!!! Which leads me to say WTF!!!! which is a big one for me because I'm a good little girl (mostly) . Haven't gone back to read any posts yet so I'm sure I'm in good company here but - CRAP!!! What the.......????
          *snickering from mad_gater/Keldor is heard*

          mad_gater (host mode): Riiiiiight Good girl my a$$!
          Last edited by mad_gater; 11 July 2004, 02:09 PM.


            Originally posted by getcarter
            Ok, I'm feeling a little better anger is a bit misplaced. My grandfather passed away on Friday so we're dealing with all the funeral arrangements & such and Stargate helps keep my mind off of things. Unfortunately, it is also taking a severe beating from me today.

            I've probably re-watched the premiere at least five (or six, or seven) times. My husband and I were watching the promotion ceremony this morning and he agreed that it looked almost like a wedding. He said he kept expecting her to reach out and hug him after he pinned the medals on her.

            It's gonna be ok....It's gonna be's gonna be ok.......what was I saying? PLEASE be ok....
            My deepest sympathies to you and your family over the loss of your grandfather!!!

            Remember, your shipper family is here for you anytime you need us!!!

            Quick pass the shipper cookies to getcarter and here is your shipper hug!

            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by GoneShippin'
              I like, I like.....we'd finally get that opportunity for Jack to drop wiht a right hook. Yess......

              Jack should shoot him in the a$$!

              Yes. I have a fixation on hurting in that particular area of his body!


                Originally posted by NG.1
                TO ALL


                I just want to know if any of the actors/TPTB have given any clear indication yet as to what they are planning in the line of Sam/Jack's future storyline.

                Also a suggestion from my side (don't know whether it will be allowed):
                How about we start a new thread, something in the line of those who are against Sam/Pete and for Sam/Jack. There all of us can add our names to that thread and hopefully it will reach the eyes of the certain important people.
                Presumably that is what THIS particular thread is for. We're all about S & J here!


                  Originally posted by N8iveTexan
                  /me grabs a paper bag for ShipNana

                  That's become my new mantra as well...

                  My bf just cheered (cracked!) me up when I showed him that picture... he said, "C'mon honey! Who is he kidding? That's obviously a candy ring he got out of a gumball machine down the street!" LOL

                  In RL I just heard about the gumball machine rings being recalled due to high content of lead. Ya see is now trying to poison Sam! Or maybe drug her so that he can get info from her. OHHHHH, he could be a snakehead afterall!!!!

                  Sorta OT... Did y'all know you can put a user picture (max 100x100 px, <40k) in your forum profiles? Some LJ Icons I made Feel free to yoink for your profile or journal/blog.
                  Thanks for the link. Your pictures are great. I especially like your subtitles!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    I guess you should add something to the green shipper cookies to also stop queaziness due to

                    You got it.

                    Motion Sickeness Shipper Cookie - when eaten prevents motion sickness from TPTB shipper rollercoaster ride and also stops queasiness due to Pete.
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      Happy Thoughts.....Happy Thoughts...

                      ya know BCM...I too never wanted an S&J FULL episode but NOW I do too. and all the rest be DAMNED if Daniel can have have episodes with his wife and Teal's can be making out with his wife , then with the Ista, and now we will have had to put up with Sam and kissing at least THREE freakin times in the span of less than a year after waiting HOW LONG for each kiss between her and Jack....OH YEAH I want a FULL S&J episode.....

                      Happy Thoughts, Happy Thoughts, Happy Thoughts, Happy Thoughts

                      YEAH ME tOO AND IN BED BARELY CLOTHED

                      AND I will not watch Atlantis ..I don't like Doctor weid...She got on my nerves in new order.....too much in my face like potatoe head....and I'm very agressive tonight ...I'm actually very mad at all those sam, big potatoe head pics.....and the ring!!!!YUK..I hope it's a cheap one ...and she throws it down the gutter...will be best for you Sam and go and run in Jack's arms...and kiss him 10 times ...or kiss him just one very long time for 10 minutes ..on screen

                      Last edited by Catysg1; 11 July 2004, 02:23 PM.


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana

                        In RL I just heard about the gumball machine rings being recalled due to high content of lead. Ya see is now trying to poison Sam! Or maybe drug her so that he can get info from her. OHHHHH, he could be a snakehead afterall!!!!

                        Thanks for the link. Your pictures are great. I especially like your subtitles!!!
                        *Sam and mad_gater/Keldor pass on the street*
                        *mad_gater/Keldor and pause and turn to face each other, 's eyes glow)*
                        (Goa'uld mode): You are Tok'ra! I despise T----!
                        *mad_gater zats him 3 times*
                        Sam: Thank you mad_gater and Keldor! I knew there was something off about him, I just didn't know what. My naquada senses aren't as strong as yours!

                        mad_gater (Keldor mode): It is no problem.
                        mad_gater (host mode): Yeah. Just be glad we're rid of another of the vile parasites!


                          Originally posted by getcarter
                          Ok, I'm feeling a little better anger is a bit misplaced. My grandfather passed away on Friday so we're dealing with all the funeral arrangements & such and Stargate helps keep my mind off of things. Unfortunately, it is also taking a severe beating from me today.

                          I've probably re-watched the premiere at least five (or six, or seven) times. My husband and I were watching the promotion ceremony this morning and he agreed that it looked almost like a wedding. He said he kept expecting her to reach out and hug him after he pinned the medals on her.

                          It's gonna be ok....It's gonna be's gonna be ok.......what was I saying? PLEASE be ok....

                          Much as we don't like to admit it, Stargate SG1 IS a tv show, a form of entertainment. Occasionally we need a bit of perspective about the truly important things in life........

                          I'm sure I can speak for the entire shipper family in saying we're so very sorry for your loss, and we're here for you.

                          and OF COURSE it's gonna be all ways.


                            Hey all.

                            Somebody said something about newbies a while back, well I'm another. I posted earlier today, but I'm gonna post again!

                            After years of putting up with TPTB in various shows, I've had enough. Affinity is the last straw!!!

                            This is the first draft of the letter I'm gonna sent to TPTB. I just want to see what everyone thinks of it. If you want your name put on the bottom, just email me at

                            [email protected]!

                            Right. I'm away to kel-no-reem. It'll get those icky pics out of my mind!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              I think TPTB do what they really want and don't seem to care much about the fans ...and all the time and work we all put by posting here ...making creations for Sam and Jack ...They are cruel people ...who just want to upset us .....and I'm really fed up..and may concentrate on making my holiday video editing next...They ignore us ..I'll ignore them. It'S SAD BUT TRUE.

                              Last edited by Catysg1; 11 July 2004, 02:35 PM.


                                It would actually help, if I'd included my letter. Oops!

                                Well folks here you go! (my brain's fried!)

                                Dear SG1 Production/Writing Staff,

                                I am writing on behalf of a large number of fans and myself, with regards to the ongoing story arc between Brigadier General Jack O'Neill and Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter.

                                Before I began to regularly Stargate SG1, I was a regular viewer and fan of another science - fiction show - Star Trek Voyager. This show had a similar - but less prominent - story arc between two characters, namely Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay. While this may not seem relevant, I'd like to point out some similarities between the two storylines.

                                The writers of the show played with this storyline, and it seemed at times that the two characters would 'get together'. Fans ran similar plans and petitions, to those of SG1, but the writers decided not to resolve the story. This embittered many fans, and many 'Shippers' have now dubbed the show's finale 'Endshame'

                                The decision not to provide closure or a resolution to this storyline are - in part - responsible for many fans not showing interest in either the DVD releases or the spin-off - Enterprise.

                                I cite this example in order to make a valid point. The writers have to listen to the fans, in order to preserve the show's general well being. Don't make the same mistake as the people at Paramount did - You're all a lot more intelligent than that!

                                Up until a few months ago, I was only a casual viewer of Stargate SG1. Even then, the on-screen chemistry between O'Neill and Carter was prominent. I feel, that being reasonably new to watching the show, that I can look at the 'Jack/Sam' relationship with a clarity that many Shippers can't. I see the relationship as good thing, as ultimately it humanises the characters, and makes them more believable.

                                Before I myself became a Shipper, I looked around online in order to get a deeper insight into the workings of the show, and the general opinion of the fans. Not to my surprise, I found that the overwhelming majority of viewers wanted to see the Jack/Sam relationship move up a gear, i.e. to become romantic.

                                In recent months, it seems to me that the writing staff have been disregarding the fan's wishes in this matter, This has been personified by the arrival of the character Pete Shanahan, whose character is disliked, not only by Shippers, but by many non-biased viewers as well. It seems to me that the writing staff are side-stepping the entire Jack/Sam arc.

                                I apologise if this letter sounds like a rant, but I am getting frustrated with the whole Jack/Sam scenario. My fellow shippers and I would like to know if you'd like to review your stance on the story arc. If not, we would like some sort of statement telling us what will be happening, so that we can either know what's to come, or breathe a huge collective sigh of relief.

                                I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us such a gripping and enthralling series to watch (this is certainly the first television programme I've written in to!). No matter what happens, I will be watching season eight (sorry, but I can't speak for many of my friends).

                                Yours faithfully

                                Susan Dailey (Scotland)
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

