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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by N8iveTexan
    LOL! Did you notice Sam's body language in Sacrifices?
    Sam generally has "neutral-to-closed" body language. She usually opts for a modest/relaxed slumped-shoulder stance, or her hands in her pockets and arms/shoulders relaxed, and often with her arms crossed or hugging herself. The scene were SG1 discusses with Bra'tac, she's "wide open" - standing ramrod straight with fists on her hips, chin up, shoulders back and chest jutted out as if to say "Look Jack!"

    And guess where Jack's line of sight was through 90% of the discussion?? He kept forcing himself to look away, FCOL! One of the most hilarious scenes in season 8, IMHO.

    Or maybe it was just the camera angle?

    and see where jack is sitting?
    normally he's behind the desk, which places an effective barrier between him and sam, both physically, and as a reminder that he is her commanding officer. but not in that scene. bra'tac is behind the desk, but jack is perched on the desk, near the front, placing him much closer physically to sam, and effectively removing the barrier between them.

    there are so close to giving in to each other

    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by SG1Poz
      Hiya's, I have a question which I've posted at another Sam/Jack group but would like to see your thoughts. I guess I better put SPOILER SPACE for this one.

      **************SPOILER for THE LOST CITY PT. 1 *****************
      these ****SPOILERS THE LOST CITY BELOW*********************

      Ok, I was just re-watching The Lost City Part1 when I thought, "Did we ever get an answer as far as to what Jack whispered to Teal'c
      at the ending of TLC pt1 just before Teal'c departs through the Stargate?
      I know there were many suggestions but TPTB haven't really divulged what was said have they? Has anyone asked the actors at any of the Cons?
      Sooo curious!

      i've never heard anything about what was said, but my guess has always been, as teal'c glances towards sam, that jack may have said something along the lines of 'take care of her'. or maybe that's just my shippy intepretation
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by lorelei
        DEFINITELY UST, unlike when Daniel had his arm around Sam--that was comfortable, friendly and brotherly if you ask me.
        *squee!* Did I mention how CUTE that was? (voices from the audience: "Yeah, you did. A lot. Stop it already.")

        Welcome to all new members who decided to delurk! Hope you have loads of fun here! I know I have... :-)

        In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
        it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
        It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
        And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


          Originally posted by majorsal
          All I have to say is... your sigpic really scares me!


          I actually thought it was Pete from New order



            Originally posted by michelleb
            i've never heard anything about what was said, but my guess has always been, as teal'c glances towards sam, that jack may have said something along the lines of 'take care of her'. or maybe that's just my shippy intepretation

            Yeah think so too ..Jack is a really nice guy and so protective of his co-workers ..specially Sam cuz he fancies her big time from the pilote



              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              Discussion schmi-cussion... We all congregate to cheer, support, live for, and breathe ship. There is no discussion involved when one is scarfing down ship cookies like a starving... shipper. At least, that's how it goes for me.

              Plus there's that whole "trying to keep up with the zillion posts" problem.... hmmm.

              As for the "protected thread" stuff... I don't know what's going on... I don't vent against ship. I laugh at/with those who do, because I'm, well, I'm weird.
              Ok...Ok...Ok point taken

              Just caught me on a serious day... and yes I do have those so stop rolling your eyes

              And How do you see Sam & Jack getting to gether in the end anyway????
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by michelleb
                yeah, i went over to the sacrifices thread, and posted my comments about the episode..i discussed all aspects of it (cos i really did like the entire thing), but i also posted a lot of positive comments about the ship, and how i'd like to see more of it (actually, i didn't just post about sam/jack ship, i pointed out i enjoyed the teal'c ishta ship too, but i put an emphasis on the sam/jack ship). i haven't been back to see what response my comments got, because i imagine i got flamed.

                however, i did start a thread on jack getting a happy ending, and a surprising amount of people on that supported the ship. maybe it was becasue they visited the thread only because they recognised my name from the shipper list, but some names i don't recognise from here supported it too. mind you, i got a bad reputation mark from someone who obviously objected to my shippiness (or to the idea of jack having a happy ending), but i don't care. i stood up for my beliefs, i got support, so i can take the flames.

                and i'm going to go back to every episode thread from now on, and show my support for the ship too.
                well first GOOD FOR YOU!!!! for stepping out there and saying what you think!!! And for doing so in a thoughful and respectful manner

                Yes - not all Shippers are crazy..... ok we are but only in *OUR* thread

                I am sorry to hear you got dinged but glad that you are so willing to venture out
                ((((((((((((Michelleb))))))))))) you get to hugs for that
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill

                  (((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))))

                  I'm so glad i'm part of this family! I had quite a bad day today and I was feeling too good but now i've spent time in Shipper Town i'm going to bed feeling all happy and calm

                  Thank you everyone! You're the best!
                  Good to hear that the Shippers were there for you and you are feeling better!!

                  I can't even begin to count the times that this group has literally DRAGGED me back from the doldrums

                  (((((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))))
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    Ok...Ok...Ok point taken

                    Just caught me on a serious day... and yes I do have those so stop rolling your eyes

                    And How do you see Sam & Jack getting to gether in the end anyway????
                    well, my answer includes spoilers for season 7 and 8

                    well, i think jack will decide to go on a mission with sg1, just for old times sake. he'll go missing, believed dead..sam may even think she sees him die. her, daniel and teal'c will spend a night on the planet, outside, in the dark, and they'll get to talking about him. teal'c will tell her whatever jack whispered to him in lost city part one (something about taking care of sam). daniel will tell her how jack reacted when he told him sam was dead in new order (hence the missing scene). sam will realise he loved her, and that she loved him, but now it's too late, but when the morning comes, jack will reappear over the horizon. for a moment, sam hesitates, but daniel says to her 'i'd give everything i have for just one more second with janet, and i would spend it telling her i love her'. sam will finally understand that nothing matters but that jack loves her and she loves him...and she will run to him and kiss him (hey, if she can accept pete's proposal behind a van on a mission, she can damn well kiss jack).
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by AMK
                      Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here. I've been an SG-1 fan for a while, and a sci-fi fan since Star Wars (the original first run movie). I have also been a shipper since Remington Steele. Any one remember Laura and Remington? I guess I'm dating myself a little. Anyway I have been lurking for a few months and decided to come out.

                      Spoilers for season 8

                      I had a few thoughts on Sacrifices. First I thought it was a pretty good episode, and I loved the scenes in the hallway. I also noticed the missing engagement ring and thought it was weird. I was in the USAF and wearing engagement rings or wedding bands was not against the regulations unless you were a mechanic of some kind. I could see her possibly not wearing it while off world, but I can't think of any good reason not to wear it otherwise unless her heart was not into the relationship. Most happily engaged women can't wait to flaunt the ring. Just my thoughts.

                      WELCOME AMK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      grab a handful of Ship Nana's of MG's drinks and keep posting I like the way you think
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                        This will probably be the extent of the conversation:


                        Sam: So, about that Spanish Omelet?
                        Jack: Interested?
                        Sam: I could eat.
                        LOL...with the TPTB and the writers we have you are probably right
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar

                          well first GOOD FOR YOU!!!! for stepping out there and saying what you think!!! And for doing so in a thoughful and respectful manner

                          Yes - not all Shippers are crazy..... ok we are but only in *OUR* thread

                          I am sorry to hear you got dinged but glad that you are so willing to venture out
                          ((((((((((((Michelleb))))))))))) you get to hugs for that
                          oh, i'll happily venture out in the shipper cause, and i do try to remain polite and mostly sane while i'm out there, just to prove that we're respectable, rational people, and not crazies..thank goodness for this place, where i can run happily wild. and i don't mind getting dinged, if i can come back here and get hugs
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            spoilers for s8's citizen joe


                            I'd love that to happen!

                            Sam - "So, sir, are you still going to make that omelet?"

                            Jack - "Yep."

                            Sam - "Want some help?"

                            Jack - "Help? In making or eating?"

                            Sam - "Both. Of course, for the full effect, I'd have to be there bright and early... "

                            Jack - "As in 6am?"

                            Sam - "Earlier."

                            Jack - "5?"

                            Sam - "Earlier."

                            Jack - "Spend the night?"

                            Sam - "Bingo."

                            As always Aunt have come up with the PERFECT!!! solution
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              I actually thought it was Pete from New order

                              ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOO too funny.......mean BUT funny
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                well, my answer includes spoilers for season 7 and 8

                                well, i think jack will decide to go on a mission with sg1, just for old times sake. he'll go missing, believed dead..sam may even think she sees him die. her, daniel and teal'c will spend a night on the planet, outside, in the dark, and they'll get to talking about him. teal'c will tell her whatever jack whispered to him in lost city part one (something about taking care of sam). daniel will tell her how jack reacted when he told him sam was dead in new order (hence the missing scene). sam will realise he loved her, and that she loved him, but now it's too late, but when the morning comes, jack will reappear over the horizon. for a moment, sam hesitates, but daniel says to her 'i'd give everything i have for just one more second with janet, and i would spend it telling her i love her'. sam will finally understand that nothing matters but that jack loves her and she loves him...and she will run to him and kiss him (hey, if she can accept pete's proposal behind a van on a mission, she can damn well kiss jack).
                                And that as they say micelleb is THAT!!!!
                                very sweet, very memorable AND I like how you brought everyone into it
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

