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    Originally posted by wynter
    hiya guys,


    with this episode they are supposed to be going back to i think they said they had to make the characters look younger they also said i think that its to do with season 2.
    I have looked back on season 2 and i can't think where they would follow off unless it has something to do with 1969 any suggestions..........

    Now thats a good idea! I would love an add-on to 1969! Imagine the things they could do!

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by waterfall
      I'm bored right now (I'm printing shippy fics in case of power outages) so I thought I'd share this mini fic I thought up.

      Sam seems mad about something,she gets up after the briefing slamming her papers and laptop in her bag.Daniel and T have already left the room.Jack asks her "Carter, what did those items do to offend you?"
      She stops and looks at him with a confused look on her face "What??"
      "Your stuff,that laptop is government property ya know"
      She suddenly realizes how rough she was being with her belongings when she sees the crumpled papers in the bottom of her briefcase."Sorry" she grumbles.
      "Care to share?" asks Jack.
      She sighs, then begins "Pete rented a cabin for us this weekend but he went to Florida to see his parents and he couldn't get out before the hurricane hit, so he's stuck. He called me this morning and told me I should go anyway since it's paid for but I can't find anyone to go with me and I don't want to go alone"
      "What about Daniel or T?"
      "They both have other plans and Cassie is away at college"
      "Paid for, you say?"
      "Is there a lake?"
      "Ahhh, yeah,lotsa fish too" Sam grins "Wanna go?"
      Jack grins back "You're asking me to go fishing?"
      "Yeah, I guess I am"
      "I'd be delighted" They both smile.
      They make plans to meet later to go "fishing"
      Jack is sitting in his office looking at the weather on the internet, not believing what he saw.The name of the storm was "Hurricane Charley"!!!
      Sam poked her head in the doorway with a big smile and asked him "Are we ready?"
      "Yeah, lemme close up here, ok?"
      Jack closed up his laptop,smiling as he thought to himself 'Thanks, Charlie'


      Great idea!! Keep going with it!


        Originally posted by wynter
        hiya guys,


        with this episode they are supposed to be going back to i think they said they had to make the characters look younger they also said i think that its to do with season 2.
        I have looked back on season 2 and i can't think where they would follow off unless it has something to do with 1969 any suggestions..........

        Tha is something I have been wondering as well....what in Season 2 could they add on to ????
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by LtLisa
're married, I get first dibs
          but he's on my list

          I was much happier with the Syd/Vaughn ship resolution...they RESOLVED it in ONE SEASON!!!!!!!
          If it weren't for that whole Lauren thing, I'd suggest that Stargate PTB go talk to Alias PTB but I don't want to give them any ideas when it comes to Ptui!

          spoilers only for an outfit
          did you see that leather top Sam was wearing in hte Endgame pics? WOW! Hope Jack sees it!
          Gads, me too!!
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Alrighty TEXAS people, I am just about to have a heart attack sitting here. I was just browsing on the Creation website (the people who run the official Stargate SG-1 conventions), and I see that they have scheduled a Star Trek convention for November, here in Dallas. I immediately emailed them to suggest that they seriously considering booking a Stargate convention here as well. So, if any of you Texans think you would consider coming to a con here, please PLEASE email Gary at Creation. He is very open and encouraging to suggestions, so I have emailed him a couple of times since returning from Burbank.

            You can email him at
            [email protected]



              Originally posted by Elfinwood
              I was just looking at the weather sites for the hurricanes. Doesn't look good for you guys on the west coast and middle of Florida. Be safe.

              Looks like I may be in danger of missing my satellite feed for Avatar tomorrow night as well. Grrr. I love living in the country, but I miss not being able to have a cable connection for both the TV and the internet. The satellite feeds can be bad even on a normal rainy day and forget trying to get a signal during a thunderstorm. I wish the Sci-Fi channel would repeat the new episodes on another night like they did a few weeks ago. I believe it was a Tuesday night. That turned out to be a blessing, because the original early Friday night showing had all of those broadcast glitches. Those who had taped the bad show were able to retape.

              Spoilers Season 7 and 8: Chimera to Affinity:

              I believe someone over at the sam and jack site on Yahoo figured that the Pete and Sam relationship has to be at least a year long by Affinity. Maybe it will be commented on during the episode.
              Tell me about it. The on-campus cable system uses a central satellite feed and projects that feed over a coaxial cable system. Don't ask me how. But one time we had a pretty strong storm that had a fairly strong charge density when I was still at the apartment and the cable kept getting cut off with the message of searching for a satellite signal cuz of all the EM interference caused by the strong electrical charge density in the storm. God, I sound like Sam now with the technobabble!!!!


                Originally posted by Kri
                Alrighty TEXAS people, I am just about to have a heart attack sitting here. I was just browsing on the Creation website (the people who run the official Stargate SG-1 conventions), and I see that they have scheduled a Star Trek convention for November, here in Dallas. I immediately emailed them to suggest that they seriously considering booking a Stargate convention here as well. So, if any of you Texans think you would consider coming to a con here, please PLEASE email Gary at Creation. He is very open and encouraging to suggestions, so I have emailed him a couple of times since returning from Burbank.

                You can email him at
                [email protected]

                Done! Thanks for letting us in on that!! I emailed and even suggested who I would like to see!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Done! Thanks for letting us in on that!! I emailed and even suggested who I would like to see!
                  You rock! I think I am going to get my friends here to email as well. it couldn't hurt, could it? I have a big bunch of friends here who are jealous as all get out that I went to Burbank. At least if it is local, I can save on airfare and hotel. Come to think of it, so could you! You could stay with me


                    Originally posted by scottishshipper
                    Ah marimba you tease.I wish that i could afford to come i would LOVE it.<BG> and all that ship whooohooo just what the doctor ordered for me but i will content myself with my own little show of my fav shippy eps.To all who are going have a great time.

                    Who me? Well, if I could afford it, I'd get you all plane tickets! Unfortunately, this is a great big country and a great big world and I have a little bitty pocket book! *Which I will gladly open for more DVDs if you get Sam and Jack together this season, PTB!*
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Good afternoon everyone!

                      I am not sure if this has already been discussed in this Thread, but just in case... Have you guys been to lately. Look under HELP SAVE OUR SG-1 TEAM AND SAM FROM STARGATE BARBIEDOM That image is very disturbing and very anti-Sam and anti-ship.


                        Some funny shippy piccaps from "Out of Mind" (posting pic links cuz the pics are kinda big):


                        Jack (whispering): You say one word about my gray hairs and it's gonna be one lonely night for you? Understand?

                        Sam (whispering): Yes Jack.


                        Sam (whispering): Uh, Jack? Could you put your, uhm, sidearm away please? It's very distracting.

                        Jack (whispering): Sorry. But you know I have a difficult time controlling that when I'm around you.

                        Sam (whispering still, they are sneaking around a Goa'uld installation after all): Think about Hathor.

                        Jack (whispering and grimacing): Oy!! That did the trick!!


                          Originally posted by marimba26
                          Who me? Well, if I could afford it, I'd get you all plane tickets! Unfortunately, this is a great big country and a great big world and I have a little bitty pocket book! *Which I will gladly open for more DVDs if you get Sam and Jack together this season, PTB!*
                          My itty bitty pocket book is coming to Texas (Yay Marimba!!),whether it wants to or not! I've abandoned the whole driving from St Louis plan cos that's 14 hours driving time each way in one weekend, I'd actually like to be COHERENT when I'm there! Now investigating plane tickets - there was one awesome one for US$85 roundtrip , but of course you have to travel on a Tues/Wed, and I'm fairly sure my boss might freak out, let alone poor Marimba having me camped out on her sofa for 6 days (there are appallingly few campgrounds in Austin *grumble grumble*!!)

                          So, onto Plan 3 (there is no 4... ), which is fly out to Austin Fri afteroon and then back to St Louis Sun afternoon. Figured I should put this out in the Thread for general comments before I fork over ~$200 of my hard earned grad school stipend.... um, actually make that my hard earned credit card!


                            Originally posted by TheNewestFan
                            I am not sure if this has already been discussed in this Thread, but just in case... Have you guys been to lately. Look under HELP SAVE OUR SG-1 TEAM AND SAM FROM STARGATE BARBIEDOM That image is very disturbing and very anti-Sam and anti-ship.
                            Hadn't seen that image before. Is it wrong that I'm giggling uncontrollably?

                            I know it's not meant to be funny, but sometimes you just have to laugh at unintentional absurdism.
                            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                              Originally posted by wynter
                              hiya guys,


                              with this episode they are supposed to be going back to i think they said they had to make the characters look younger they also said i think that its to do with season 2.
                              I have looked back on season 2 and i can't think where they would follow off unless it has something to do with 1969 any suggestions..........

                              I think they may revisit the reetou and reetou charlie!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                I think they may revisit the reetou and reetou charlie!
                                I would love to see them revisit reetou Charlie. That could be a great episode.

