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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    You want to talk to Ship Daddy?

    Say something Ship Daddy.

    : "Gaga... bablalbla.... irgra.... "

    Ship Daddy, try to speak to us... we're your shipper family!

    : "Blagagaaga..... flapjigdka..... *drools*"

    Sorry, shipper family, Ship Daddy is nuts.

    I actually sell a drug that could help!!

    If I thought you were in trouble before, now you might as well run away from home when he sees THAT one!!

    BTW, Ship Daddy, that was ALL Sally... I would NEVER misbehave like that

    Di, who's posting only once tomight to go to bed early -- big shindig at work tomorrow.


      Now, I'm confessing in advance that this post is not precisely on topic..... however, it is for the good of Gateworld in general, and so is in all our best interests...... *hoping mods don't delete mya$$ *

      I don't know how many of you have seen the Preorder Season 7 DVD thread, but I hadn't realised that ANYTHING you buy through GW's Amazon link earns the site a little bit of money. So, not just the DVD's for our own personal (and Ship family) enjoyment - such as screen captures (yum) and vids (yaaaay!), but every little thing counts!
      Now, I don't know about you guys, but if it doesn't cost extra and helps out GW (my home away from home ) I'm all for it!

      Thanks for your time, this service announcement is now concluded!

      (I swear they're not paying me to post this!! Really!! ).


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Yes, it's OK! But again, I must give credit where credit is due! It's only right.

        It is because of TOKEN's imagination, creativity and words that The Shipper Town map exists. Without her words, the map would just be...plain nuts....

        Oh yeah, for my Gutter gal pals I'm working on THE GUTTER map... it's not a big one, just a little vision of my own...
        I know never to challenge you again! You are the MASTER!!! The Gutter Gals are going to be wonderfully thrilled with their map!! I'm sure it will be drool proof! I guess you couldn't get enough of map making. You got your big, thick glasses ready?

        Token ~


          Originally posted by Bucky

          Spoiler space for S7's Chimera



          I just think TPTB were never going to let that happen though. But as you and others have said, shippers could have lived with not seeing Sam and Jack date, kiss, wake up in bed together, etc. because most of them understood the whole USAF regs issue. What they didn't get was why, if AT was going to try new things with the character, it had to be an extended storyline with a new character boyfriend.
          And why this storyline had to go as far as it did. Dating to engaged... seems a bit TOOOOOO MUCH!!! *takes deep breath*




            Originally posted by kiwigater
            Now, I'm confessing in advance that this post is not precisely on topic..... however, it is for the good of Gateworld in general, and so is in all our best interests...... *hoping mods don't delete mya$$ *

            I don't know how many of you have seen the Preorder Season 7 DVD thread, but I hadn't realised that ANYTHING you buy through GW's Amazon link earns the site a little bit of money. So, not just the DVD's for our own personal (and Ship family) enjoyment - such as screen captures (yum) and vids (yaaaay!), but every little thing counts!
            Now, I don't know about you guys, but if it doesn't cost extra and helps out GW (my home away from home ) I'm all for it!

            Thanks for your time, this service announcement is now concluded!

            (I swear they're not paying me to post this!! Really!! ).
            Yeah right!! I see you with that wad of cash.

            Don't worry. I'm all for a little freelancing to earn extra money, esp. when one is low on cash cuz of grad school.


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              Now, I'm confessing in advance that this post is not precisely on topic..... however, it is for the good of Gateworld in general, and so is in all our best interests...... *hoping mods don't delete mya$$ *

              I don't know how many of you have seen the Preorder Season 7 DVD thread, but I hadn't realised that ANYTHING you buy through GW's Amazon link earns the site a little bit of money. So, not just the DVD's for our own personal (and Ship family) enjoyment - such as screen captures (yum) and vids (yaaaay!), but every little thing counts!
              Now, I don't know about you guys, but if it doesn't cost extra and helps out GW (my home away from home ) I'm all for it!

              Thanks for your time, this service announcement is now concluded!

              (I swear they're not paying me to post this!! Really!! ).
              I saw this in the GateWorld Features folder and was glad to know this! Now I can support my favorite place.

              Token ~


                Originally posted by marimba26
                Thanks, Sally! I think I needed to read this! At least we're not the only ones who think it wasn't enough! BTW, Which issue of TV Zone is this in?
                I don't know, marimba... sorry. I got it off another forum and just c/ped it into a file to keep.




                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  And why this storyline had to go as far as it did. Dating to engaged... seems a bit TOOOOOO MUCH!!! *takes deep breath*

                  You mean FAST, don't you? That manipulative loser is moving WAY TOO FAST!!!!

                  I gotta turn in. See ya guys tomorrow!!

                  ((((((((((((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))))))))) 'Nite shipper family!!!!


                    Originally posted by getcarter
                    Glad to know our priorities are in the same place. I'm having someone in Georgia tape it for me. Unforunately I'm RIGHT on the coast so we're gonna take a beating, I'm afraid. But hey, I've got my portable DVD player batteries all charged up and plenty of SG DVD's ready to go!! I'll have my oown little s&j marathon. Stay safe, Waterfall!!!!
                    I'm right on the coast too and Pinellas county (where I live) is surrounded on three sides by water. Tampa Bay on two sides and the Gulf of Mexico on the other so I guess you and I are in the same boat!!
                    (or should I say "SHIP" ??? tee hee!!!)
                    Well, if I don't get to see it on friday I will DL it when I can.
                    I don't have one of them "nifty" gadgets like a battery powered dvd player so I'm gonna print a bunch of shippy fic tonight and probably read it by candlelight while the wind howls outside.
                    Not wind or rain or hurricane can keep me from my Stargate!

                    You stay safe too GetCarter!!
                    And to MG, thanks for the invite (you're very sweet) but Buffalo is a little farther than I want to drive!!
                    But I am seriously thinking of driving to Butler, PA!



                      Originally posted by waterfall
                      I'm right on the coast too and Pinellas county (where I live) is surrounded on three sides by water. Tampa Bay on two sides and the Gulf of Mexico on the other so I guess you and I are in the same boat!!
                      (or should I say "SHIP" ??? tee hee!!!)
                      Well, if I don't get to see it on friday I will DL it when I can.
                      I don't have one of them "nifty" gadgets like a battery powered dvd player so I'm gonna print a bunch of shippy fic tonight and probably read it by candlelight while the wind howls outside.
                      Not wind or rain or hurricane can keep me from my Stargate!

                      You stay safe too GetCarter!!
                      And to MG, thanks for the invite (you're very sweet) but Buffalo is a little farther than I want to drive!!
                      But I am seriously thinking of driving to Butler, PA!

                      You let us know as soon as possible that you're OK and survived the storm! That goes for GetCarter too!

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        You mean FAST, don't you? That manipulative loser is moving WAY TOO FAST!!!!

                        I gotta turn in. See ya guys tomorrow!!

                        ((((((((((((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))))))))) 'Nite shipper family!!!!
                        Spoiler Space S7 "Chimera" S8 "Icon"
                        But if you add the time line of "Icon" to the time since "Chimera", how long will Sam and have been dating?

                        Anyone know??

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Mala50

                          pssst! come on over to the THUNK thread for a minute... I'm posting some good ones tonight!

                          OK, to say OT over here, there's even a good one of Sam and Jack!!
                          Oh, yeah!!! Already went over there and YUM!!!!! You know you're a genius, don't you?
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            Fear not, shippers! It's going to be okay!! "Insanity" will be our nadir as hubs says! It will be the absolute ROCK BOTTOM (the Pits, if you will--all pun intended!)!!!!!!!! From there we can only go in ONE direction--UP!!!!!! But we have to hang in there!!! What's the point in writing all those letters to the PTB begging for ship if we're not gonna be around for the payoff? Some of the antis say stuff about how they either don't watch any more or won't watch if the ship doesn't go away, etc--but that's NOT us!! We are POSITIVE!!! We are HOPEFUL!!! We are OPTIMISTIC!!! We can PERSEVERE through even the toughest stuff because we are SURVIVORS!!! That's why we're SHIPPERS!!!

                            I'll leave you with a bit of Dylan Thomas (who was badly misquoted in Independence Day but you get the idea...)-

                            Do not go gentle into that good night.
                            Rage, Rage against the dying of the light.

                            --"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night", lines 18-19.

                            We must fight for what we want, and we must tell them now! We WILL prevail!

                            Do you hear that, PTB????? We're NOT GIVING UP ON OUR SHIP!!!!!

                            Thus ends your motivational speech, now back to your regularly scheduled shipping!

                            Wow, I'm ready! I'll sign up tomorrow for the Air Force!!!.... *blinks*.... Oops, wrong reply.




                              Originally posted by Token
                              Spoiler Space S7 "Chimera" S8 "Icon"
                              But if you add the time line of "Icon" to the time since "Chimera", how long will Sam and have been dating?

                              Anyone know??
                              Way way way too long. As far as I am concerned the fat lady has sang on this one!
                              By the way, all of you folks experiencing bad weather please be safe. Let us know that you are all okay.


                                [QUOTE=waterfall]Hey y'all!!!
                                Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes!
                                Hurricane Charley's on his way to visit Florida and so is "Bonnie" and the thing I'm most upset about is that I might miss Stargate!
                                HELLO!!! There's a hurricane and I'm upset cuz I might miss my show??
                                Well, at least I have my priorities strait!!!
                                I *really* wanna see "Avatar" because I think there might be ship!
                                Why, you ask??
                                I know "Avatar" is supposed to be a Teal'c ep but:
                                From what I understand of this ep is that it's some kind of VR game with the "Gatekeeper" chair and in this game one of Nuby's drones infiltrates and kills people in the SGC.
                                Teal'c knows of Sam and Jack's feeling for each other and if one of them (S/J)dies, they would react as per Teal'c interpertation and have nothing to do with regs.

                                So therefore I think there will be ship!!!

                                I really like the way you think!
                                Be Safe Please!!!!

