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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    I play the banjo in traditional jazz bands. I'm actually a music teacher, and brass instruments are what I studied and play too!
    Cool! Where do you teach?

    I'm doing my advanced higher this year!!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by mad_gater

      Sheesh!!!! I go away for the weekend and you guys are almost ready to start thread 14!!!! OY!!!!

      Gonna have to log off for a bit here as it's almost time for me to start my shift. I will log back in when my shift starts.
      The bar was closed??? ooops..... I just wandered in and helped my self anyway Guess I could be your "back up" bar keep (of course I'd have to taste test all the drinks to make sure none of the family got a bad one....
      Hope the moving went OK.....??


        Originally posted by gatewatcher
        Hello, this is my very first post...I have been reading for a long time, but never wrote anything, I hope this works! I am a huge "shipper" I guess from what I can gather it means. I absolutely adore scenes with J/S. I am awaiting also a resolution between the two during S8. You guys that have been doinig this have such neat stuff on here. HOw do I get pictures into my posts?
        signed gatewatcher
        Make yourself at home, I've checked the beverages and they're all good....

        Have fun, and post lots!



          Just noticed I'm a Super-soldier (quickly polishes shiny new chufty-badge)
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Cool! Where do you teach?

            I'm doing my advanced higher this year!!
            I teach in a Secondary school here in Edinburgh.Only a week and a half left of the school holidays! *sob!*
            What do you play?
            Back on topic....I can provide the music for the wedding, and Sam and Jack's reception party!


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              The bar was closed??? ooops..... I just wandered in and helped my self anyway Guess I could be your "back up" bar keep (of course I'd have to taste test all the drinks to make sure none of the family got a bad one....
              WELCOME BACK MG!
              Hope the moving went OK.....??
              Yep. It did. Good thing I had the filter mask on though. I raised so much dust when I was cleaning my bedroom that I would've had a sneezing fit and a constricted airway in a few seconds without the filter mask.


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                Make yourself at home, I've checked the beverages and they're all good....

                Have fun, and post lots!
                I hereby name you official back up barkeep. Just try not to drink up too much of the inventory, OK?


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I teach in a Secondary school here in Edinburgh.Only a week and a half left of the school holidays! *sob!*
                  What do you play?
                  Back on topic....I can provide the music for the wedding, and Sam and Jack's reception party!
                  Yay! I love jazz! I hope Sam and Jack do too!!

                  I know the holidays are nearly over. (Life's not fair is it?)

                  I play the keyboard (grade 6) I sing (also grade 6) and I used to play double bass (only grade 4 though)

                  I'm currently learning both guitar and fiddle (both at access )

                  What school do you teach at? Do you know any teachers at the Vale Of Leven Academy? (near Balloch)

                  Back on topic - Maybe we should have a music request sheet for Sam and Jack's wedding!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by Token
                    Ok, it's too big for a PM and it's to late to pick out the corrections so the family will just have to forgive the reposting.
                    History of Shipper Town

                    On July 12, 2004, Joseph Mallozzi gave birth to the idea of a Shipper Rehabilitation Commune located in Southern California. Ground was quickly broken, and the Shipper Rehabilitation Commune was quickly constructed to meet the needs of Sam and Jack Shippers around the world. The facility was aptly named after its founder Joseph Mallozzi. The mission of the J. M. Shipper Rehab Commune is to rehabilitate Sam and Jack Shippers to a hopeful state of mind and restore their confidence that Sam and Jack will ultimately be together as life partners. Shippers have flocked to the Rehab Commune since the disturbing news of a cloying relationship for Sam. Once Shippers have restored their mojo, they are reluctant to leave the friends they have made. Shipper Town has grown out of the success of the Rehab Commune. Sam and Jack Shippers have created a family as well as a town. Shipper Town is founded on the principle that Sam and Jack are meant to be together and need the support of all Sam and Jack Shippers to fulfill this destiny.

                    "Shipper Town" created by Token
                    • The first stop in Shipper Town "Home of the Replishippers" is the R(ed) C(ookie) Shipper Town Information Center. Each new shipper receives a beginner’s supply of shipper cookies along with a cookie list and instructions, a map of Shipper Town, and a choice of either a Sam, Jack, Daniel or Teal’c clone with a manual if needed. Jonas and Siler clones available upon special request.
                    • We have the Bakery where Ship Nana does her magic. Shipper cookies are a fundamental staple of any shipper’s meal. They can also be used as meal replacements when consumed with caffeinated beverages.
                    • The Cineplex is where Caty and Marimba show their videos 24/7. Tissue boxes are conveniently located on each chair. "Master of the House" and "I will survive" are hot requests until "My Confession" is a reality.
                    • The Shipper Park is also known as the "Happy Place". At the center of the park is a gorgeous wishing pond complete with a magnificent Waterfall. One of the favorite spots is the Prayer Garden. Shippers come to the Prayer Garden to meditate, pray and use the convenient writing paper to send TPTB constructive and positive letters on the obviously perfect future of Sam and Jack.
                    • The Joseph Mallozzi Shipper Commune Rehab where shippers go to get their "mojo" back. Mr. Mallozzi was the founder of the Shipper Commune, and Shipper Town is immensely grateful for his contributions to our beloved town. Since both Tame and GoneShippin’ are part of the staff, the head administrator Aunt Sally has given each an entire floor to remodel in order to accommodate the noise restrictions. Of course, Tame is permanently scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the "Jack" room.
                    • Who could forget the "Blind Faith" roller coaster and "Here We Go Again" Ferris wheel at the Amusement Park? For all those shippers who enjoy getting wet, there is the "Wet & Wild" water slide.
                    • The Shipper Sipper Bar is where mad_gater brews and serves his concoctions. Mad_gater also cooks a mean BBQ. The secret is in the sauce. Beware the Shipper hooch, as it tends to dissolve metal!
                    • The Shipper Marina is where the Shipper Ship resides along with many houseboats for Shipper Town residents.
                    • For the tourists, Sam and Jack’s floating house is a sight to behold. The house is a wedding present from the Asgard. It uses anti-gravitational generators to have the house "float" over Shipper Lake. There is an outdoor area for the dogs to do their business. The security systems that Thor installed include: an eye scanner for the front door, hand print scanning for the rest of the doors, and a system wherein when the intruder alert is activated, the intruder will be beamed to the nearest brig in Shipper Town. Mad_gater ensures that all security systems are operational and there are no unwanted paparazzi. However, Sam and Jack’s cozy cottage is available for those quiet moments alone. It is already constructed and awaiting their arrival. The heart shaped bed was the last bit to arrive.
                    • Just down from the Shipper Marina is the PlayShipper Mansion. Shippers are encouraged to partake of the many Shipper activities Tame has planned or just enjoy a Jackowacko cocktail by the pool. The Sandy Ship Beach is adjacent to PlayShipper Mansion; and on most days, Kiwigater can be found lazing under an umbrella enjoying a cold beverage of choice.
                    • The Conservatory encourages Shippers to embrace their creativity. Home to fanfic authors, poets, songwriters, and graphic artists.
                    • The City Hall is where Ship Nana holds the title of "Mayor of Shipper Town", and where Sam and Jack will eventually apply for their marriage license.
                    • Across from City Hall is the Shipper Town Post Office. The post office is responsible for all love letters, notes and packages. A secondary function of the post office is to handle all wedding presents and cards for Sam and Jack.
                    • At the center of Shipper Town Square is an exquisite bronze sculpture dedicated to the founder of the GateWorld Shipper Family, the benevolent Shipperahoy affectionately known as Ship Mum.
                    • The Shipper Radio Station "69.9 SJLUV" is where Kri and Token play all the Sam and Jack favorites like "I'll Wait for You Forever" and "When's This War Gonna End".
                    • Gatetrixer is managing editor of the "Shipper Town News". Gatetrixer keeps shippers informed of all important Shipper Town happenings and the latest news on Sam and Jack sightings and wedding plans.
                    • Ship Sistah runs the local smiley and gift shop. I hear the T-shirts and mugs are popular items.
                    • Mala owns Mala’s Photo Madness, the Shipper photography studio. She scrubs and cleans all our thunkable pictures, creates the best Potatohead designs, and is the official photographer of Sam and Jack's wedding.
                    • The Shipper Dump is where all the bad spoilers, contradicting interviews, and PTB "Pete" fertilizer end up making quite a good compost.
                    • The Shipper Zoo. LtLisa takes care of the animals especially the most popular exhibit, the monkeys whose favorite treat is Ship Nana’s yellow cookies.
                    • Shipper Kinks is the local chiropractic office. The cases of whiplash and tension headaches are on the rise.
                    • The Sam and Jack Wedding Chapel and Reception Hall is always open and prepared. At a moments notice, the Chapel bells will ring; and all shippers will be called to their Sam and Jack wedding stations. Flowers, cakes, decorations, catering, photography....everything will be in order for Sam and Jack's special day.
                    • The favorite night spot in Shipper Town is the "Groovy Gutter". (Although, I have seen a few residents slipping in during the day.) The Groovy Gutter’s furniture is padded with Italian leather so no one is injured during the perpetual thunking. It is also equipped with private rooms for private fantasies and cool down rooms for the overheated. Luxurious Egyptian towels are available for drool spillage, and emergency personnel are prepared for any over excitement.
                    • Located at the end of Main Street is the Janet Fraiser Memorial Hospital. All the doctors and nurses are experts at treating broken and lonely hearts, cupid arrow injuries, and the occasional thunking mishap. A few cases of cookie and beverage over indulgences have been reported. Nonetheless, the highly-trained staff is ready for any emergency with a state-of-the-art Automatic External Defibrillator and Ship Nana's Pale Green Shipper Cookies.
                    • The Shipper Town Library has an archive of all Sam and Jack fanfic and houses an extensive DVD collection. Sugarshaker, the head librarian, is eager to assist each shipper find just the right S/J story or episode to fit the shipper’s mood. Computers are available to access the best online forum in Stargate fandom, GateWorld’s Sam and Jack Shipper Thread.
                    • The little Shiplets of Shipper Town are not forgotten. Critter manages the daycare. An extensive regime is followed so that each little shipper receives careful instruction on the ways of a true Shipper. What would an education be without the Shipper Academy for Higher Shipping? JSDT is Headmistress. Mad_gater is the Dean of Math; LtLisa is Head of Biological Sciences; and aeromathlete teaches Astrophysics. When Kiwigater is not lounging on the beach, she can be found teaching chemistry in the lab. Some members of the Conservatory, Meimei, SueKay, and Getcarter teach language arts. Marimba excels at handling any snarkiness from our up-and-coming Shippers.
                    • SG1 Happy is the local optician at the Rosy Optical Shop. Each shipper is encouraged to receive an annual exam to ensure that "ship" is clearly in focus.
                    • Sam_o_Neill oversees the Shipper Telescope Tower. Most nights, shippers enjoy seeing the evening stars and hearing Sam_o_Neill’s presentations of Sam and Jack’s Stargate travels. Sam and Jack have a special spot on the tower so Jack can teach Sam the constellations and where Sam can baffle Jack with the science of what materials stars are made and how wormholes are formed.
                    Here goes: COMMUNE-- Put "is" between "Rehab" and "where"
                    Chapel--"moment's notice"
                    Groovy Gutter---"overexcitement" is one word
                    Hospital--"overindulgence" --also


                      Originally posted by mad_gater
                      I hereby name you official back up barkeep. Just try not to drink up too much of the inventory, OK?
                      Woohoo! Party on!....
                      I would never do such a thing......

                      OK, maybe I would
                      But ONLY cos I'm toasting to Jack and Sam


                        Originally posted by kiwigater
                        Woohoo! Party on!....
                        I would never do such a thing......

                        OK, maybe I would
                        But ONLY cos I'm toasting to Jack and Sam
                        I think we're all a little guilty of toasting to Sam and Jack a little too often!

                        hee hee just kidding
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          All I can say is WOW and DOUBLE WOW to TOKEN, Male and to Ship Sistah.....all the work you guys have been doing is just FANTASTIC!!!! Thank you so much!!!!

                          AND to Tasha - thank you for all the work you are ABOUT to do I will try to get someting sent to you for the notebook but if I get behind - please sign my name to anything that you feel is appropriate from the Shipper Family

                          Off-Topic - for anyone following my baby kitten saga - the mom has well and truly abandoned them I think and so now the now 5 day old kitties have been moved into the house. Prayers are always requested even for the kitties So I may be a bit absent so please know that I will try to be a part of anything coming up just email me to let me know if I need to do anything. It will be easier for me to keep up that way

                          and as always I do love this Shipper Family - I have been such a cry baby today over these kitties (horomones I guess)
                          (((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))

                          Wish I could help you with feedings. I love kitties. Good luck.


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            Here goes: COMMUNE-- Put "is" between "Rehab" and "where"
                            Chapel--"moment's notice"
                            Groovy Gutter---"overexcitement" is one word
                            Hospital--"overindulgence" --also
                            Hi Gatetrixer: Your corrections have been made to the web page. Thanks!

                            TO ALL:

                            The newly revised SHIPPER TOWN is online!!



                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              I think we're all a little guilty of toasting to Sam and Jack a little too often!

                              hee hee just kidding
                              Yes, well....
                              Seems I am in the confessing mood today, and having just posted in the Stargate tattooes section I thought I should tell the family.....

                              On the weekend I got a SMALL point of origin symbol tattooed on my very lower back..... *waits for gasps and recriminations....*

                              Now before you all get too excited, it is in fact my second tattoo (already having a curling wave on my right ankle) (I'm 28 keep in mind!).

                              For me the PoO means more than just Stargate and by extension this family, it also means "home", and seeing as I'm currently living in a foreign country (well, not so foreign after 6 years!) that concept means a lot more to me than it used to. I left all my friends and family (who mean a great deal to me) and started over here with just 2 suitcases (no family, no money, or anything!), and now I have a adpoted family, and have been blessed with so many close friends, and you guys too!
                              So, the PoO symbol has a great deal of emotional resonance for me...

                              *gets down of weepy soapbox*

                              Right, I have a meeting I absolutely must attend. Talk amongst yourselves as to how horrified you all are, and I'll be back in a while.....


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Hi Gatetrixer: Your corrections have been made to the web page. Thanks!

                                TO ALL:

                                The newly revised SHIPPER TOWN is online!!

                                Y'all the Shipper Town Map, History, and Explanatory legend are just spectacular.

                                As someone who primarily lurks I realize it's probably too much to ask, but ...

                                Could you designate one of those unmarked dwellings as a Residence of Typical Lurking Shipper? (or something similar) and MAYBE add the following to the explanatory material? (I've used the 'quote' codes to set it off):

                                Typical Lurking Shipper Residence: Happy home of shippers too shy to engage in the more extrovert activities. Shippertown has uncounted numbers of these homes. One way to spot Lurkers' homes is that they usually have wraparound covered porches for comfortable anonymous viewing and the occasional friendly wave, and many have observation decks with telescopes permanently affixed.
                                It's just that there are *hundreds*--probably thousands--of passionate shippers who are happy to remain anonymous, but still want a permanent residence in Shippertown. Is there anyway you can accommodate us?


