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    Originally posted by TameFarrar
    Spoiler Space Abyss

    I bolded a statement in your quote because one statement that Jack makes to Daniel in Abyss is often overlooked. Ba'al keeps asking Jack why Kalan came back and Jack keeps saying he doesn't know.
    Then in the cell he tells Daniel that he has gotten to the point where he is going to spill the beans (so to speak) The ONLY REASON Kalan came back was because he LOVED HER. So when Kalan blended with Jack, what was the first thing Kalen encountered in Jack's mind?? Jack was doing the Blending ONLY because Sam had asked him to and he LOVED HER and he would DO ANYTHING for her. This is why I think so many people miss the shippiness of Abyss, because they forget about that part of it.
    I never thought of Abyss like that....
    OK, I'm in major ship overload!! All this week has been totally shippy for me and there are at least 3 episodes that I once thought had no ship in, but over this last week have been completely transformed for me

    Ship is everywhere!! If wasn't around everything would be perfect!!!

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by Token

      What episode would you say has the most subtle ship and why?


      Is there an episode without ship? If so, why? If not, why?

      Take your pick!
      Too funny, I'm just writing that I'm sure we can find a topic and you come up with one!

      *reminds self to read all of thread BEFORE posting*

      Okay, I think I'm gonna tackle both because I'm in a really shippy mood today (could be from reading all of MeiMei's fanfic before bed last night)...

      Gosh, the most subtle ship, hard to say but I think I'm gonna say Abyss for these reasons--
      --Abyss is REALLY shippy without the two of them ever seeing each other on screen
      --Kanan has to judge himself by Jack, so he goes back for the woman he loves, and we all know how Jack will gladly sacrifice himself for Sam.
      --When Jack is telling Daniel that Kanan "came back for her, because he loved her, wanted to save her", it's almost like he's talking about himself--WOW! I get CHILLS everytime I watch that!
      --Sam is pi$$ed at the Tok'ra for losing him (not like Paradise Lost but it's there)

      I know I probably botched that explanation but I have a lot of feelings about this ep and I would say that SNY summarizes it best in her "Abyss Tribute" video--
      Just scroll down in her music vids section until you come to it. It's an incredible video and well worth the dload time.

      Okay, now to question number 2--

      Is there an ep without ship? Well, there are probably a few but I'm gonna go with "Resurrection" here. Oy. I'm not even going to begin to describe all the things I didn't like about because that has been discussed ad nauseum elsewhere but I don't think it has any ship (unless you're talking about some *other* ship than Jack and Sam). Even *I* can't rationalize that one as shippy--no Jack. Just MHO.
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        Originally posted by mad_gater
        Teal'c could sneak into Gen. jack's room and place the magazine on his desk.

        Jack comes in sipping his coffee. He sits down and as he takes another sip notices the cover pic of Sam on the mag (I believe the flag photo was used as the cover pic).

        Yep. Now begins the obligatory choking on coffee bit.

        Sam comes in.

        Jack (hurriedly closing and hiding magazine): Hey Carter!!

        Sam: General. I seem to have misplaced my pen and pad. Have you seen it?

        Jack looks around on his desk for the only thing that could be written in technobabble.

        Jack (holding up a pad and pen): This has to be it. "The Technobabble Journals," right?

        Sam (rolling eyes): Yes sir!! That's the one!!

        Sam is walking back out the door.

        Jack: So...uh, Carter....

        Sam: Yes sir??

        Jack: Nice flag....uh....shirt. I meant shirt.

        Sam (blushing as she knows exactly why he mentioned the flag): Yes sir.

        Sam leaves muttering about how she's gonna kill Daniel and Teal'c for showing the General that magazine.

        Cool!!! Another excuse to use my fave smiley again!! LMAO!!!!
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by TameFarrar

          However, I do want to say I have been thinking about a very under discussed episode. Over on the Thunk Thread we are constantly referring to the *Abyss* episode because Jack looks so lost and so much in need of comfort.

          Well one thing that seems to get over looked in that episode by shippers is that the entire reason that Jack is there is because Kanan judged himself by Jack's standards and he went back for the *Woman he loved*. I have often wondered why that aspect of the episde has never been discussed.

          SNY has an incredible video that summerizes the episode and brings it all together. It is NOT a music video. But a bringing together of the episode to *show* the true reason of Kanan's reason for returning and how Jack's feelings for Sam prompted it.

          So if you are looking for something that is a *bit different* and not another music video I recommend taking a look at this.
          Are you sure we weren't separated at birth? I just posted almost this exact same thing before reading this!

          *reminds self again to read thread BEFORE posting*
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by SG1Happy
            I hope they revisit the story someday and end it differently ala the Tin Man episodes. (Can't remember the second one where the artificial SG1 makes another appearance.)
            That would be Double Jeopardy
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Spoiler Space Abyss

              I bolded a statement in your quote because one statement that Jack makes to Daniel in Abyss is often overlooked. Ba'al keeps asking Jack why Kalan came back and Jack keeps saying he doesn't know.
              Then in the cell he tells Daniel that he has gotten to the point where he is going to spill the beans (so to speak) The ONLY REASON Kalan came back was because he LOVED HER. So when Kalan blended with Jack, what was the first thing Kalen encountered in Jack's mind?? Jack was doing the Blending ONLY because Sam had asked him to and he LOVED HER and he would DO ANYTHING for her. This is why I think so many people miss the shippiness of Abyss, because they forget about that part of it.
              e Abyss

              Really ups the shippiness of the episode when you figure out why Kanan went back and how Kanan was affected by his blending with Jack. There is no way Jack would have ever accepted a *snake* except that Sam asked.

              Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                Originally posted by Token
                Yes, and appearing in unwelcomed places. It would be funny to see a scene where one of the guys opens his locker and Sam's flag photo is taped on the door. LOL! I can so see that happening.
                Personally I think it would be too funny if it were in Jack's locker!!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by sclairef99
                  I can just see them doing the newly wed/military thing.....


                  **Yes 'sir'


                  **Plants big, romantic, long, Window Of Opportunity Kiss on Sam**

                  Did I mention that I'm for Samantha O'Neill...


                  Daniel: Oh, Hi Sam....

                  Sam: That's Col. O'Neill (VBG on her face)


                  At O'Malley's

                  Waitress: How many in your party?

                  Sam: Two

                  Waitress: Name Please

                  Sam: O'Neill

                  Jack: Mrs. O'Neill, can I borrow you for a second?

                  **Gives her a "Hero's Hug", then brings his lips to hers for a long newly wed kiss

                  Waitress walks off shaking her head and smiling.....

                  Ok...really, I need to work.....

                  but you are working...

                  to further the cause of ship! And a noble and worthy cause that is too!

                  Love the last two btw!!! Couldn't ya just see the SHOCK on Daniel's face when he finds out that they eloped!!!

                  Edited to add: SEE? I CAN rationalize anything!
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    i've just been onto and apparently they are supposed to be starting a new auction on E-Bay today and one of the props they are going to be selling is the Sam/Jack wedding picture from Point of View!!!!!!!
                    I want it!! but it is probably going to be way to expensive for me to buy

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      Uh, don't have anything to add--except maybe it would be nice, sigh, to have the Sam&Jack Wedding Picture. Just want to add the one post I manage to make in each of the S/J Shipper threads.

                      Go Shippers!



                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                        i've just been onto and apparently they are supposed to be starting a new auction on E-Bay today and one of the props they are going to be selling is the Sam/Jack wedding picture from Point of View!!!!!!!
                        I want it!! but it is probably going to be way to expensive for me to buy
                        LOL! Who wouldn't! We could hang it in Shipper Town...

                        You know, I've been totally intrigued with this Stargate tattoo thread.... so here's my question...

                        If you were going to have a Stargate tattoo put somewhere, where would it go, and what would it be?? Anyone for Jack and Sam in ancient???


                          Originally posted by marimba26
                          Personally I think it would be too funny if it were in Jack's locker!!
                          LOL! I love it! Oh, I so wish it could happen...

                          Off to do RL for a while. A friend of mine became an American citizen last Friday. (cool!) There is a big party for her tonight. Let's hope the VCR remembers how to work here at home.

                          Do you think anyone would notice me if I slipped off at 8 o'clock?

                          I can't imagine what *possessed* these folks to have this party on a Stargate night. WHAT were they thinking!?!

                          Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                            Originally posted by kiwigater
                            LOL! Who wouldn't! We could hang it in Shipper Town...

                            You know, I've been totally intrigued with this Stargate tattoo thread.... so here's my question...

                            If you were going to have a Stargate tattoo put somewhere, where would it go, and what would it be?? Anyone for Jack and Sam in ancient???
                            I really don't like tattoos, but if I had to choose, I'd choose the earth point of origin glyph. The upside down V with the circle on top.

                            Though Sam and Jack in ancient has its appeal as well.

                            Really, I'm going now.....
                            Last edited by SG1Happy; 30 July 2004, 11:09 AM. Reason: hurried my typing and it showed.

                            Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                              Originally posted by kiwigater
                              LOL! Who wouldn't! We could hang it in Shipper Town...

                              You know, I've been totally intrigued with this Stargate tattoo thread.... so here's my question...

                              If you were going to have a Stargate tattoo put somewhere, where would it go, and what would it be?? Anyone for Jack and Sam in ancient???
                              It would be perfect to hang in shipper town!! Lets hope it is one of the shipper family who wins it!

                              As for a tattoo...i'd be really stuck on what to have
                              Sam and Jack in ancient would be good...but it would also be very stupid cause when i'm older and stargate has been finished for years I don't think I would stil want to be walking round with there names tattooed on me Not that I am planning to forget about Stargate and S/J when i'm older cause i'm going to be a Stargate fan forever!!!!

                              I think i would go for a little symbol that reminded me of stargate, the first thing that comes to mind it the PoO but i'm guessing that would be quite common with other SG fanms and i'd like mine to be unique.
                              and if I do finally choose what to have then I would probaly have it on my wrist or my just something small Needles aren't my favourite things

                              Edit: I would also consider having Sam O'Neill tattooed in ancient to remind me of the wonderful times spent on the net in Stargate forums

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Shipper Family ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

                                Sigh. I’m only up to page 20 of the Shipper Day thread and here you are halfway though the next thread already!

                                I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone for the extraordinary Shipper Day celebration. I’m what many would call a drive-by poster since I can spend so little time online with you (have to do it at work), but I’ve never felt like anything less than a fully accepted member of this wonderful family. Perhaps you can think of me as a second cousin, twice removed or something like that?

                                Anyway, I have pages and pages of printout of that thread and I’m going to read them slowly over the weekend and savor every moment!

                                Thanks for getting everything off the ground with that beautiful intro!

                                Shimmering Star:
                                You really knocked yourself out writing that bedtime story. It was so creative and funny and it was very sweet of you to include me. And thanks so much for all the links, especially the fanfics. Can’t wait to get started (of course I have to finish the Shipper Day thread first!)

                                What else is there to say? I hope you’ll reconsider and come to the Meadowlands con next weekend. You’ll get to meet Ship Sistah (one of the matriarchs of the Shipper clan) and me, your long-lost second cousin!

                                Your sizzling sausages and pop-up toasts are to die for – not to mention the chocolate and the drinks and whatever else I haven’t gotten to yet. Can’t wait to meet you at the con!

                                I’m afraid that’s barely scratching the surface, however. All of you made the day one fantastic, unforgettable party.

                                I didn’t get into online fandom until the beginning of season 7, and finding this thread has been one of the best parts of the whole show for me. I mostly used to watch it in a vacuum, but now I have you guys to share it with: the gut-wrenching ups and downs, the laughs, the heartaches, and the thrills and chills. It’s so much better than watching it alone! Thank you one and all.

                                s u g a r s h a k e r

