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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    i don't think the asgard are catholics though. hey maybe the papa can visit them while he's on his way to visit us again!

    (no offense intended, just in case)
    None taken. I wasn't criticizing the Asgard. And the Asgard are at least trying to get their collective "mojos" back by studying the humanoid Asgard that Heimdall found. I was just making a point why us Catholics don't like cloning. For Catholics, reproduction should only occur through mating between a husband or a wife. Not through cloning. If this is not possible that husband and wife can adopt.


      Fragile Balance Spoiler Space

      Well, young Jack doesn't really have to date anyone if he doesn't want to. He can always just wait until his age "catches up with him" or at least to a more appropriate point before he starts going out again. Several of my friends and I never dated anyone in high school. It wasn't because we were weird or anything. We just had other important things to handle at that point in our lives. The dating/flirting could wait until we found ourselves in more mature, meaningful circumstances. And I didn't view Jack as "flirting" with the new younger girls so much as being amused and trying to settle into a new life, one which he has much more control over now than he did the first time, anyway.


        just for curiosities sake, are you from an irish american family? becuase i don't think i've ever encountered or heard of an american roman catholic who wasn't of apparent irish desent.

        also, i just thought i'd mention that i am a sam/jack shipper. (see? ON topic )


          Originally posted by aeromathlete
          Fragile Balance Spoiler Space

          Well, young Jack doesn't really have to date anyone if he doesn't want to. He can always just wait until his age "catches up with him" or at least to a more appropriate point before he starts going out again. Several of my friends and I never dated anyone in high school. It wasn't because we were weird or anything. We just had other important things to handle at that point in our lives. The dating/flirting could wait until we found ourselves in more mature, meaningful circumstances. And I didn't view Jack as "flirting" with the new younger girls so much as being amused and trying to settle into a new life, one which he has much more control over now than he did the first time, anyway.
          i agree with you here. how long has it been since we've seen jack on a date? lets assume from this that he hasn't had one in a few years. a few more years isn't gonna kill him. i haven't had a date in about three years. granted, thats not entirely by choice, but still, its not gonna kill me.

          i took the episode in a light hearted fashion, so it didn't bother me too much. but i do think it was a bit risky and just the teeniest bit controvestial. but then so was the dream sequence in avenger 2.0, and i found that funny. but i understand that many were appalled by it.


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            just for curiosities sake, are you from an irish american family? becuase i don't think i've ever encountered or heard of an american roman catholic who wasn't of apparent irish desent.

            also, i just thought i'd mention that i am a sam/jack shipper. (see? ON topic )
            I do have some Irish blood in me somewhere, but my dominant nationalities are Italian from my dad's side and an Eastern European mix from my mom's side. I think a good chunk of the Italian population is Catholic as well, although my dad didn't start out that way. My dad actually started out as a Lutheran.


              I wasn't necessarily appaled, I just think cloning was definitely not good in Jack's case cuz it was raising the question: "Is YJ human or is he just a receptacle for an older soul?"

              And I'm 23 and haven't been on one single date. Never had the money to date girls.


                Originally posted by mad_gater
                I do have some Irish blood in me somewhere, but my dominant nationalities are Italian from my dad's side and an Eastern European mix from my mom's side. I think a good chunk of the Italian population is Catholic as well, although my dad didn't start out that way. My dad actually started out as a Lutheran.
                ok this just goes to show how stupid i am. i forgot about italian/italian-american catholics. the coolest kind.
                (sorry for the questions but i have an unnatural interest in religious and cultural whatnots and whatchacallits)


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  I wasn't necessarily appaled, I just think cloning was definitely not good in Jack's case cuz it was raising the question: "Is YJ human or is he just a receptacle for an older soul?"

                  And I'm 23 and haven't been on one single date. Never had the money to date girls.
                  aawww. you're practically the male me. only in my case money isn't the issue.

                  besides if a girl wont go out with you because of your wallet she's not worth it. that applies to guys too, just not in your case, i guess.


                    Originally posted by majorsal

                    J - "Whatcha doing?"
                    S - "I'm reading these very... interesting stories I've found on the internet."
                    J - "Stories, eh? What are they about?"
                    S - "Uh... well... they're by someone called AQ."
                    J - "Do you think I'd like 'em?"
                    S - *sly smile* "I don't know, sir. Why don't you take one back to your office and find out. You could come by my place tonight and 'share' your thought on it."

                    LOL! This one's good! Evil....but good!
                    JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                    Thank you, Nikkirose!


                      Originally posted by majorsal

                      J - "Major."
                      S - "Sir."
                      J - "Carter."
                      S - "O'Neill?"
                      J - "Sam."
                      S - "... Jack."
                      J - *smiles softly* "I just wanted to hear you say my name."

                      Awwwwww. Now this one is sweet. Brought tears to my eyes.
                      JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                      Thank you, Nikkirose!


                        Originally posted by stargate barbie
                        ok this just goes to show how stupid i am. i forgot about italian/italian-american catholics. the coolest kind.
                        (sorry for the questions but i have an unnatural interest in religious and cultural whatnots and whatchacallits)
                        No problem. My dad started out as a Lutheran mainly cuz his mom (my grandma, the one that died of cancer 6 yrs. ago) was from the south, and southerners don't tend to believe in Catholicism. Most tend to be Baptist or Methodist or some other branch of Christianity, but not too many Southern Catholics around. The Italian came from his dad's (my grandpa's, the grandpa that's still alive) side of the family. I'm not sure if Grandpa believed in much of anything though. My dad converted to Catholicism when he met my mom. One story my mom told me was when my dad was attending a Catholic service with my mom that included a sprinkling rite, where the priest goes around with a whisk and a bowl of holy water and sprinkles the congregation. My dad, who was still new to the Catholic faith, didn't know about the sprinkling rite and he looked up to the ceiling, probably to check out the architecture, and a drop of holy water from the broomful that the priest had just flung landed right in his eye. That was pretty funny. Another story involving me: I was at a mass by myself where there was a sprinkling rite. The priest that was celebrating made sure he got everybody he could, and I MEAN EVERYBODY. I was the only one in the pew sitting on the end and he broadsided me with a broomful of water. The whole left side of my face was soaked. He even got some holy water in my ear.


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          ok this just goes to show how stupid i am. i forgot about italian/italian-american catholics. the coolest kind.
                          (sorry for the questions but i have an unnatural interest in religious and cultural whatnots and whatchacallits)
                          Your interest in culture is not unnatural, just not very common in today's society.


                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            No problem.
                            Another story involving me: I was at a mass by myself where there was a sprinkling rite. The priest that was celebrating made sure he got everybody he could, and I MEAN EVERYBODY. I was the only one in the pew sitting on the end and he broadsided me with a broomful of water. The whole left side of my face was soaked. He even got some holy water in my ear.
                            LOL! well, you can't say you're not blessed!

                            I say! I could have sworn we had a Sam/Jack Shipper Thread around here somewhere!(Not that I don't enjoy the social commentary, but the mods are gonna beat us about the heads with the forum rules in a bit! ).


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              aawww. you're practically the male me. only in my case money isn't the issue.

                              besides if a girl wont go out with you because of your wallet she's not worth it. that applies to guys too, just not in your case, i guess.
                              I know that. The potential gf I told everyone about that I'd like to date is a Catholic as well, so she's not that shallow. But it is nice to be able to go to a drive-in, out to dinner, to a movie theater on a date. But you need money for those places. I'm saying that once all's said and done I don't have enough discretionary income to do that. I know there are other types of dates where you could just sit and watch the sunset, which doesn't cost any money. But after awhile that would get kinda monotonous, so it's good to have money to do other things on a date.


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                ok this just goes to show how stupid i am. i forgot about italian/italian-american catholics. the coolest kind.
                                (sorry for the questions but i have an unnatural interest in religious and cultural whatnots and whatchacallits)
                                I think your interest in other cultures is admirable. If more people took the time to understand other cultures, the world would be a better place. Both of my minors (yes, I have 2) are related to cultural issues. (This also goes for understanding people from other planets. See, I'm talking about the Stargate. )

                                Oh by the way, the majority of me is Irish. My great-grandma was Mary Bridgette Fitzpatrick.
                                Last edited by JSDT; 29 July 2004, 08:03 PM. Reason: To attempt to be somewhat on topic
                                JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                                Thank you, Nikkirose!

