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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    I live about 1 hour and an half from London the south coast ..near the beach...very pretty seaside resort full of French, Italian, Spanish, German scandinavian students....ect.... in the summer .

    They come here to learn the language ..I used to be a host family for some of them a few years ago ....but cuz I have 4 little girls and I was having 4 girls teenagers as well for 2 months ...the cooking was a bit much .....

    can you imagine ?! ...I had to cook for 10 people every night for 2 months ..and I ended up hating ...dinner time So I stopped ...but it was interesting to do for 3 years running

    I've been to cambridge and Oxford ( very nice ), Torquay, Lands' end, The new forest , York , Manchester, Rochester, Leeds, Leicester ...and of course LONDON(Amazing ).London is as great as Paris really

    But I go to France more often ..cuz I'm from France...and I love the beauty of the country , the food and the clothes ..specially when I go to Saint-Tropez.

    Never been to the USA. I only travel in Europe but it's nice ...when I'm in the south of France I also go to SPAIN ...But I don't stay here too long cuz The supermarkets I went to... were poor on the food selection..YUk ....I go back to France quickly and I feel better ..French patisseries are great. I also go to Italy.

    English food is not too good but cuz I'm French I cook French

    Oh, Caty, you are making me so homesick for Europe!!!!!!

    When we lived in Brussels, I fell desperately in love with France...especially with Paris. Art, food, beautiful buildings....atmosphere. I really loved *the French* too. We worked hard not to be ugly Americans...we must have looked pretty pathetic on street corners trying to decipher our bus/metro map. Several times a native would stop and ask if we needed help or directions. One woman walked us to the little museum we were seeking because it was so hard to find!

    Anyway, I loved all of France. We drove through Provence---amazing. When we stopped to see the Pont du Guard I got goosebumps. I remember seeing a little 2 inch by 2 inch photo in a social studies book when I was in about 6th grade. To be there was an amazing moment for me. (Same with the Eiffel Tower) Provence was wonderful because of the sun...Brussels is a bit dark and I'm solar powered. We don't come from rich parents and we aren't either....just got lucky with a job move. Some *culture* for a couple of hicks from Texas.

    Loved Antibes..Every time we were at a beach, it rained, so we never saw anyone 'go French' much to all my guys chagrin. Loved the French Alps. My oldest son had asked at the beginning of our European adventure if we could ski in the Alps. We did at La Plagna (sp?). Very different for the good ole USA.

    I'll be thinking of you as you stroll among the lavendar fields, eat in clever little bistros or cafes, shop at the local bakery. Sigh. There is nothing in the world as wonderful as a French bakery.

    I think if Sam and Jack can't honeymoon offworld they should go to the south of France.

    Bon Voyage

    Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
      I just found this picture of the girl who played Grace and I have to say..Sam + Jack definately = Grace!!!!

      Look at her, her hair is the perfect colour mixture of Jack(his natural 'before it turned silver' hair colour) and Sam's and she has bright blue eyes...just like Sam/AT and she looks like a smart girl with a good sense of humour

      Me thinks TPTB knew all that and thats why the chose her to play Grace...

      Ok i'm going to go away again now....back to my happy place!

      EDIT: Whoops forgot to put the link to the picture
      yeah, thats why Grace is my avatar...Sam and Jack's kid!

      MG and other shipper family members: If I ever make it to a con (ie: if its in Florida or very close) I'd room with you all.

      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        and no..... both endings were shown on sky movie .. they repeated the film twice on the same night ...the first one with the happy ending ..and the second one with the sad ending.
        Only have sky's basic package, it's the only way to have any sci-fi on tv . Would love to have sky movies but it's just too expensive for us

        By the way , if I 've never said anything, your videos are GREAT


          OT: 28 days later...great horror flick, left nail marks in my friends shoulder while watching it

          I saw the one where he lived...him dying honestly makes more sense to me; I mena c'mon...he was shot in the stomach and there were no, what happened in the version where he dies?

          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


            Originally posted by LtLisa
            Nikkirose: of course you're not invisible! If you send AT a letter, please include me

            Kiwigater: sexiled from the whole a lot of privacy!

            MG: yup. GPS is quite useful...except when it isn't I work in a forest, so it doesn't work very well. My first study site came out fine, but the second...very bad, so just had to pretend we really measured it out as we tried (its a grid with stations every '10' m). Of course I'd already spent the time getting the GPS...oh well...

            I won't be on after tomorrow until Sunday night and won't be on much tomorrow since I've got to try and analyze ALL my data (after we finish collecting tomorrow) since my mentor's leaving town for a week. Also, I'm going into the DC/Maryland area to visit a friend I haven't seen in four years! SO looking forward to that. I'll be back Sunday night! and you guys will probably be on thread least! Thread 14 will be 'the lost thread' for me

            (((Shipper family)))
            Hi LT lisa

            Well many threads do you think I 'm gonna miss in 2 weeks?!!!!

            PS :to the mod....Is it possible to do something about the site?!!! keeps on crashing all the time ...and we lose eveything we either post or PM's really annoying.

            Last edited by Catysg1; 29 July 2004, 04:54 PM.


              Originally posted by marimba26
              Now there's an idea but I guess that means you'll have to share with BCM and ses110 because I think the rest of us are girls

              Any ideas as to which one?
              Oh I don't know about that. On our Newman Center retreats the guys and the girls sleep on the same floor, so basically there's no guy's floor and girl's floor. ANd a couple of the girl's even sleep in the same sleeping area as some of us guys. You can trust me marimba. I'm a perfect gentlemen.....quit snickering Kel'sha!!!! Unless you want us guys in a different room cuz you plan on bringing the SG-1 guys, aka RDA, MS, and CJ over....


                Originally posted by SG1Happy
                Oh, Caty, you are making me so homesick for Europe!!!!!!

                When we lived in Brussels, I fell desperately in love with France...especially with Paris. Art, food, beautiful buildings....atmosphere. I really loved *the French* too. We worked hard not to be ugly Americans...we must have looked pretty pathetic on street corners trying to decipher our bus/metro map. Several times a native would stop and ask if we needed help or directions. One woman walked us to the little museum we were seeking because it was so hard to find!

                Anyway, I loved all of France. We drove through Provence---amazing. When we stopped to see the Pont du Guard I got goosebumps. I remember seeing a little 2 inch by 2 inch photo in a social studies book when I was in about 6th grade. To be there was an amazing moment for me. (Same with the Eiffel Tower) Provence was wonderful because of the sun...Brussels is a bit dark and I'm solar powered. We don't come from rich parents and we aren't either....just got lucky with a job move. Some *culture* for a couple of hicks from Texas.

                Loved Antibes..Every time we were at a beach, it rained, so we never saw anyone 'go French' much to all my guys chagrin. Loved the French Alps. My oldest son had asked at the beginning of our European adventure if we could ski in the Alps. We did at La Plagna (sp?). Very different for the good ole USA.

                I'll be thinking of you as you stroll among the lavendar fields, eat in clever little bistros or cafes, shop at the local bakery. Sigh. There is nothing in the world as wonderful as a French bakery.

                I think if Sam and Jack can't honeymoon offworld they should go to the south of France.

                Bon Voyage
                Thank you SG1Happy

                Did you read my little story episode earlier that I made about Sam and Jack in Provence being followed by Anubis?!!!

                and French cakes ..yeah ..I'm gonna eat some from Sunday

                La cote d'Azur is so beautiful ..Although very touristic kept its charm ....and Nice is great too ..speciallly Saint Paul de vence where all the famous people have their villas there ...and it's A medieval touristic village too.



                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Thank you SG1Happy

                  Did you read my little story episode earlier that I made about Sam and Jack in Provence being followed by Anubis?!!!

                  and French cakes ..yeah ..I'm gonna eat some from Sunday

                  La cote d'Azur is so beautiful ..Although very touristic kept its charm ....and Nice is great too ..speciallly Saint Paul de vence where all the famous people have their villas there ...and it's A medieval touristic village too.

                  Tell you what, seeing as I know nothing about Europe, how about YOU plan my trip to Europe, and I'll plan your trip to New Zealand ...


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    Oh I don't know about that. On our Newman Center retreats the guys and the girls sleep on the same floor, so basically there's no guy's floor and girl's floor. ANd a couple of the girl's even sleep in the same sleeping area as some of us guys. You can trust me marimba. I'm a perfect gentlemen.....quit snickering Kel'sha!!!! Unless you want us guys in a different room cuz you plan on bringing the SG-1 guys, aka RDA, MS, and CJ over....
                    We wish!
                    I have no problems sharing a room with you MG! Just keep in mind I'm kinda like Sam tho, if I feel hands I can't identify, they get a good strong BITE!

                    BTW, our gutter dwelling of the last couple of days had quite an interesting impact on dinner tonight with my best friend, her husband and their 8mth old baby.... let's just say there was a lively debate about the various meanings of wood....


                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      Tell you what, seeing as I know nothing about Europe, how about YOU plan my trip to Europe, and I'll plan your trip to New Zealand ...

                      Well I'll plan your trip to France first cuz it's a big country ..and it needs to be fully explored

                      and you plan the North Island for me ..okey Dokey ...

                      Actually I'l pm you if you like to tell you the best sights to see in France and some of them are stunning ...

                      For example ..near the atlantic coast ....a laggon ..there is this huge sand dune ...where you can only climb it with some's very touristic ..and people ski on it ....
                      On the other side's the sea ...the dune is over 100 metres high...and when you are at the top could just sit there and enjoy the view's beautiful at sunset.



                        Next five installments of my siglines!


                        *Jack's Valentine message to Sam*

                        "Major... Sam, I'd like to know if you'd be my Valentine? You already have my heart, my soul, my very being - now, can I have yours? I'm entranced by your eyes, I'm enamored by your smile, I'm... in love with you. Will you be mine?"




                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          We wish!
                          I have no problems sharing a room with you MG! Just keep in mind I'm kinda like Sam tho, if I feel hands I can't identify, they get a good strong BITE!

                          BTW, our gutter dwelling of the last couple of days had quite an interesting impact on dinner tonight with my best friend, her husband and their 8mth old baby.... let's just say there was a lively debate about the various meanings of wood....
                          I say Sam knew those hands, she just wanted an excuse to get a taste, if ya know what I mean....


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            I know a few people who live in Dallas ...and they love it I even received a postcard of the park with the metal bulls ...Do you see what I mean !!! I can't remember the name but I thought it was amazing .

                            And of course everybody knows JR

                            I wonder if that is the Stockyards in Ft. Worth?

                            We love our cattle in Texas , so they could be anywhere.

                            There's a beautiful LARGE horse sculpture in the area. As a horsey person, it always makes me cry.

                            Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent



                              *Sam's response to Jack's Valentine message*

                              "I *will* be yours, Jack! I've always been yours, even before we met. I... fell in love with you reading, memorizing your first Abydos mission reports. All you had to do was ask; I've been waiting for you all along."





                                J - "Whatcha doing?"
                                S - "I'm reading these very... interesting stories I've found on the internet."
                                J - "Stories, eh? What are they about?"
                                S - "Uh... well... they're by someone called AQ."
                                J - "Do you think I'd like 'em?"
                                S - *sly smile* "I don't know, sir. Why don't you take one back to your office and find out. You could come by my place tonight and 'share' your thought on it."



