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    Originally posted by binkpmmc
    Mad Gater - Oh I agree 100% that pete's behaviour was very bad and he should have respected her and he should have been honest with her - he should not have lied to her or checked up on her or waited outside her house or followed her. He is immature, disrespectful and dishonest. I do not like pete. I said what I said above because I already think Carter should either have gotten rid of pete for all the things he did or, at the least, she should have kicked his a$$ and he should have apologized and admitted he was wrong. What I was trying to say was that if she does agree to marry him and then backs out - it just won't look good for Carter. Even if she backs out because she is now realizing his earlier behaviour was bad and he is just not for her, IMO, that would not look good either - she should have known his behaviour was bad from the get go and should have said something right then or kicked him out right then.
    The sad thing is that no matter what Sam does or doesn't do now, her whole character as far as I'm concerned, has been ruined. Sam was my favourite character, and this whole fiasco has just tarnished her, no matter what!!


      hey guys,hey this is my 3rd post in one day well pleased with myself.
      Is there an episode coming up called GEMINI.That is the star sign for twins so do you think that sam and her replicator get the episode and maybe that is the last episode will be in?Never know what will happen at the moment do we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Caty i'm not 100% what you done but don't beat yourself up,you have given me a lot of happiness through your videos and you gave me support when i was down.Have a big hug and thanks to your friend with the con info.
      I was going to try and make the london one in feb but i bet it's all sold out now.



        It figures Token they get the Ship right Offscreen instead of Onscreen.Let's just watch the behind the screen stuff and forget the Onscreen Show.


          Originally posted by Capt. Rivet
          Aside from my interest in the S/J storyline, one of the things I don't like about the S/P subplot is the fact that it wastes a ton of valuable screen time. This is largely due to the fact that Pete has absolutely nothing to do with Stargate... and as a result they are constantly having to take time away from the Central theme in order to play the story out (which also seems to amplify the effect that the plot is having on Sam's character.) This wouldn't be so much of an issue if it weren't SG-1's last season... but with only 20 or so episodes left in the entire series there really isn't that much time to throw away.

          The S/J story arc alone never really would have had this problem, simply because both characters are essential to the show's theme. By sticking to S/J I think they'd have had a lot more freedom to establish and explore the sub-plot without having to stray so far from the central storyline, making it easier to focus on tying up some of the loose ends before the final episode.

          On a sidenote...even if they had decided to go ahead get Sam and Jack together a few years ago, I doubt it would have ever reached the magnitude of S/P-- which is steadily approaching overkill status in my opinion.

          For now I guess I'll just sit back and see what happens... Hope for the best and expect the worst.
          That is a superb synopsis of what is happening and I agree with you 100%. This thing has grown and grown and gr................


            Originally posted by Nikkirose
            I've got the burgers and steakswhos gonna bring the much needed alcohol???
            Well, I'll volunteer to bring the non-alcoholic bubblies and maybe some desserts (cakes, pies, doughnuts....) & maybe even some decorations .
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Kathleen12
              Hi Shippers! After lurking for a long time, I finally got up the courage to post. Reading your posts, and knowing that other shippers still ship finally got me through a (love that face btw) induced depression that caused me to avoid gateworld, this forum, fanfic, and both Monday and Friday SG1 nights for most of the break. Came back to the light for New Order and decided to stay for awhile .
              Welcome Kathleen 12!!!!
              Please stay a while & post some more, ok?
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Have some red shipper cookies and join in the fun!


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  I think Jack deserves a girlfriend.

                  Hey there's an idea

                  GetJ.A.G - Get Jack A Girlfriend!

                  Jack deserves happiness more than Sam and .

                  Please, no. The Laira show was bad enough. Let's hold out for Sam/Jack.


                    Thread 8, post # 911, sclairef99
                    Excerpt of an AT interview in August 2004 issue of SPX:

                    The feelings between Sam and Jack: "It's a fairly big part of her
                    heart, if truth be told. She cares so deeply about this man. They
                    have to come full circle, or find some resolution. If this is the
                    final season, I would love them to go fishing – but not necessarily
                    show them going, just have her ask them. There is a part of me that
                    thinks Sam needs to come into her own as a fully realized human
                    being, and as a woman autonomous to Jack, and autonomous to that
                    whole relationship. She has to have a fully-fledged adult
                    relationship with a man."
                    Hopeful I think!
                    I wanna see it. I want equity for my ship! After waiting so long and being forced to sit through her blanking , we want a Jack blank. Subtle ain't gonna do it.

                    ship sistah

                    p.s. "blank" meant "kiss"

                    sure it did

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Gracious people!!! I haven't been able to get onto Gateworld for TWO WHOLE days and then when I finally get on you're onto a new thread! Didn't even try to catch up on 8. I'll just peruse it later.....

                      I can't remember half of what I've read anymore but one thing I wanted to comment on was someone said they felt TPTB didn't realize how strongly the fans would react. Um...hello??? They got "hate mail" and yet they STILL are bringing him back for Season 8? How much more clearer can it be? Does anyone like him? (Pete, not DDL - cause I'm sure he's a sweetheart)?

                      I am still going to stay in my own little shipper cookie induced fantasy world and believe that they will get together in the end - no, BEFORE the end so we can get some good smoochin!!! I have dreamt about them the past two nights and if my dreams could only be put on screen....well, let's just say they would not be airing in prime time!! (Never read smutty fanfics right before going to bed!)

                      Anyway, just wanted to put my two cents in cause...well, I'm annoying that way and I missed talking to everyone. Oh and Caty, thanks for sharing your friend's experience. I so wish I could go to one. Sounds like she had a blast!


                        Originally posted by ses110
                        Great post Sugarshaker.JM comments did nothing for me as well.TPTB are not worried about the fans just there bottom line.I am surprised that alot of Shippers took comfort in JM'S comments.If TPTB cared this Pete Fiasco would never be going on like this.I also cannot believe an Actor would want there character to be show in this manner after 7 great years.
                        I'm not sure if I'd say Shippers took comfort in what was or wasn't said in JM's cryptic post. But I can tell you as a SG fan, I really do appreciate that a Power that Be actually took the time to get on (I know what my RL is like & how hard it is sometimes to find the time to lurk or play here... I can only imagine what his is like) and I know what that would lead me to hope... that he (or others on his or TOPTB's behalf) does lurk throughout all of the Threads & knows how most of us (no matter what our view of the show) feel. In that respect, I'll admit that I do take comfort.
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Where were JM's comments posted?
                          "There are many forms of power, my dear. Some more subtle than others." Linea to Captain Carter, Prisoners, S2.


                            Originally posted by Slainte
                            Where were JM's comments posted?
                            They were posted in the Sam/Jack Ship Discussion Thread VIII.


                            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Here is a message from one of my friends about the convention in Burbank:
                              She told me I could post that here here you go Guys...this may make you a little happier ....She surely had a great time

                              Thank you Caty for posting it. Tell her "Thanks" too for being so gracious to share w/us & give her a big hug. It's great to hear about her experiences at the Con & I'm glad she had so much fun.
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by LtLisa
                                WTF? inquisitive nature? EXCUSABLE?!?!?!?!??! no, I don't think so

                                and AT just told us that Sam KNOWS he FOLLOWED her...heeeelllloooo?

                                ummm...RDA's a cutie and good kisser (so I hear )

                                although her slip of the tongue gives me hope (and love that 'thats never going to go away)...but I still think that if Sam loves Jack, she shouldn't be with someone can she claim to love when she's still in love with Jack

                                haven't we seen most of these statements already? They all sound familar
                                Yeah.... I'm pretty sure we did a pretty thorough vent & rant about the full article at least 2, 3, or maybe 4(??!!!) Threads ago..... I started to look for it... but stopped after a few minutes.... hunting for a post is a daunting task. I really appreciate now all that ShipDaddy does for us when he goes off on post searches! I may still try to go back & hunt for the original link.... (let me pack my flashlight, rope, & other assorted spelunker gear...... call ShipNana if I don't make it back! )
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

