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    Originally posted by sueKay
    It would actually help, if I'd included my letter. Oops!

    Well folks here you go! (my brain's fried!)

    Dear SG1 Production/Writing Staff,

    I am writing on behalf of a large number of fans and myself, with regards to the ongoing story arc between Brigadier General Jack O'Neill and Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter.

    Before I began to regularly Stargate SG1, I was a regular viewer and fan of another science - fiction show - Star Trek Voyager. This show had a similar - but less prominent - story arc between two characters, namely Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay. While this may not seem relevant, I'd like to point out some similarities between the two storylines.

    The writers of the show played with this storyline, and it seemed at times that the two characters would 'get together'. Fans ran similar plans and petitions, to those of SG1, but the writers decided not to resolve the story. This embittered many fans, and many 'Shippers' have now dubbed the show's finale 'Endshame'

    The decision not to provide closure or a resolution to this storyline are - in part - responsible for many fans not showing interest in either the DVD releases or the spin-off - Enterprise.

    I cite this example in order to make a valid point. The writers have to listen to the fans, in order to preserve the show's general well being. Don't make the same mistake as the people at Paramount did - You're all a lot more intelligent than that!

    Up until a few months ago, I was only a casual viewer of Stargate SG1. Even then, the on-screen chemistry between O'Neill and Carter was prominent. I feel, that being reasonably new to watching the show, that I can look at the 'Jack/Sam' relationship with a clarity that many Shippers can't. I see the relationship as good thing, as ultimately it humanises the characters, and makes them more believable.

    Before I myself became a Shipper, I looked around online in order to get a deeper insight into the workings of the show, and the general opinion of the fans. Not to my surprise, I found that the overwhelming majority of viewers wanted to see the Jack/Sam relationship move up a gear, i.e. to become romantic.

    In recent months, it seems to me that the writing staff have been disregarding the fan's wishes in this matter, This has been personified by the arrival of the character Pete Shanahan, whose character is disliked, not only by Shippers, but by many non-biased viewers as well. It seems to me that the writing staff are side-stepping the entire Jack/Sam arc.

    I apologise if this letter sounds like a rant, but I am getting frustrated with the whole Jack/Sam scenario. My fellow shippers and I would like to know if you'd like to review your stance on the story arc. If not, we would like some sort of statement telling us what will be happening, so that we can either know what's to come, or breathe a huge collective sigh of relief.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us such a gripping and enthralling series to watch (this is certainly the first television programme I've written in to!). No matter what happens, I will be watching season eight (sorry, but I can't speak for many of my friends).

    Yours faithfully

    Susan Dailey (Scotland)
    Wow Sue, very well written.

    You DO realize that by posting it here you're running the risk of millions of edits and changes, don't you?


      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
      Much as we don't like to admit it, Stargate SG1 IS a tv show, a form of entertainment. Occasionally we need a bit of perspective about the truly important things in life........

      I'm sure I can speak for the entire shipper family in saying we're so very sorry for your loss, and we're here for you.

      and OF COURSE it's gonna be all ways.

      Thank you. I have definitely latched on to Stargate and the shipper thread for dear life while all of this has been going on. You guys are great!


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        Hehehe Maybe we should just get a removal company to take the whole lot across for us....and carry us too, as we're all staggering around from all the alcohol and cookie overindulgence!!!!
        as quickly as we move to new threads, we probably need a moving company on retainer!



          Originally posted by LtLisa
          yeah, I know a few actually...none as into it as me though, lol

          (((getcarter))) sorry to hear about your grandfather

          Thank you...

          Yeah, it's tough to be really into a show and not have anyone to talk about it. That's why I was so thrilled to find this place. I try to talk to people at work and they just look at me like...well, like my eyes are glowing, so I just irritate the crap out of my husband.

          I was up till 3:00 last night reading some of the 2004 ship nomination stories. Haven't been sleeping really so may as well be entertained in the wee hours. Some of them are really good and they have kept me going. Don't know if anyone has checked them out or not. Thankfully I didn't switch back to the forum and see the pics until today or I would have been up ALL night ranting.

          Oh, and Caty- don't go postal on us now! We need you and Marimba to be our lifeboats with your great vids!! But, I'm here for ya girl! We are all going to be ok....this is going to turn out ok.....I think my glass is finally starting to fill up again....Must have been Ship Nana's IV.....Whew!



            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            ah yes, another point i intended to make before i got lost in my rage.
            spoilers for affinity

            hopefully sam will be thinking of her last engagements, and at the very least will tell him that she needs more time to think about it. THEN tells him to shove it.
            Pete has reminded me of Hansen from the beginning. Sam has always implied that Hansen was very controlling, verbally and almost physically abusive. From the moment he started bugging her about her job, I started to see the same complex in him that I saw in Sam's ex-fiance, and the story of his 'tragic past' made me see in Sam her need to 'heal people', as she once said. Soon he'll probably get jealous of her friendships with SG-1, and hopefully that will be enough to make to FINALLY dump him.

            Plus I assume that with her bad experiance with engagements it will start to freak her out and make her have doubts.

            And then he will suffer from the black widdow curse, as being like Hansen (and he WAS the very first one, you know), and I will be very happy again.

            As I know will be the rest of the shipper family.

            And really, if the PTB are trying to dismiss the black widow curse with Pete, it's a little late, isn't it?

            I mean if you're counting alternate realities, you have over ten people, and that's not counting the entire Tollan civilization.

            Sorry to be a downer, but I'm in a crazy mood.

            Must eat the right kind of shipper cookies to dip into my grog.

            Anyone have some uplifting fanfic?

            Sam and Jack Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!



              Originally posted by getcarter
              Thank you...

              Yeah, it's tough to be really into a show and not have anyone to talk about it. That's why I was so thrilled to find this place. I try to talk to people at work and they just look at me like...well, like my eyes are glowing, so I just irritate the crap out of my husband.

              I was up till 3:00 last night reading some of the 2004 ship nomination stories. Haven't been sleeping really so may as well be entertained in the wee hours. Some of them are really good and they have kept me going. Don't know if anyone has checked them out or not. Thankfully I didn't switch back to the forum and see the pics until today or I would have been up ALL night ranting.

              Oh, and Caty- don't go postal on us now! We need you and Marimba to be our lifeboats with your great vids!! But, I'm here for ya girl! We are all going to be ok....this is going to turn out ok.....I think my glass is finally starting to fill up again....Must have been Ship Nana's IV.....Whew!

              <gasps> 2004 ship nomination stories? wherewherewherewherewhere? <g>

              "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
              describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

              <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
              Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                Originally posted by UsedToLikeSam
                // Plus like I said I can't IMAGINE that Damain Kindler would say that about Hate mail on the Lowdown and then have the show go onto keep Ptui.... //

                What did Damian Kindler say?

                And someone else mentioned something AmandaT. said in the Chicago Tribune? What was that about?

                I don't even know why I'm here. I just thought I'd check in to see if anyone had anything to say about the season premiere, and I find all this bad news and all the frustration. I simply won't watch "Affinity" unless I hear there's something in it that redeems it -- like that she breaks up with Ptui. And even then I might not watch it. That relationship has already ruined so much that was good about the show -- especially the character Sam.

                I know I'm an infrequent visitor here, so some of you will just ignore me, but I think we should let the PTB and the advertisers know that we won't watch any more episodes that have Ptui in them. And that we won't be buying any more DVDs. Hit 'em in their pocketbooks where they'll maybe feel it. Start an online "revolution." I don't visit any other forums like this, but some of you who do could light a fire under some other sites where loyal viewers are feeling ripped off.

                What was it that Margaret Mead said? Something about how we should never underestimate what a small group of dedicated citizens can accomplish... (with apologies, Ms. Mead.).

                The ptb either don't care what a large group of loyal viewers want, OR they think that doing this stupid Ptui stuff will rile everybody up and increase ratings. Either way, they're being very disrespectful, even disdainful, of the viewers, and we shouldn't allow it.

                We won't ignore you! We try to be respectful of all people whether we do or do not agree with them.

                I agree that sometimes a few people can make a difference and that is what our little family is trying to do here.
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by wynter
                  hello guys, it's been way too long since i logged in.On another thread you guys are amazing.I have just read that you guys sent AT a letter very nice indeed if i was her i would be very proud.
                  Thanks to you guys who gave me support when i was going through a tough time,esp caty,ship nana and the rest of my family here.
                  By now you guys across the water have seen the new series so while i go green with envy i hope it was worth the wait,we have to wait till september.
                  I am so sorry i missed the letter to AT i would have loved to sign it.
                  Caty and marimba please keep up the good work and now i am finally home again i can't wait to catch up on all the things i've missed.
                  lots of love
                  Welcome back Wynter!!!!! We missed you!!!

                  Look everyone it's Wynter!!!!

                  Marimba could you add Wynter's name to the letter please?
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by LtLisa
                    <gasps> 2004 ship nomination stories? wherewherewherewherewhere? <g>


                      Thanks, I was just trying to find the link again.

                      Tried to do a signature pic too and thought I had succeeded but man, it was HUGE!!!!! I'm talking the whole page!!!! Back to the drawing board I guess....


                        Originally posted by getcarter
                        Thank you...

                        Yeah, it's tough to be really into a show and not have anyone to talk about it. That's why I was so thrilled to find this place. I try to talk to people at work and they just look at me like...well, like my eyes are glowing, so I just irritate the crap out of my husband.

                        I was going pretty crazy at the beginning of this year, as it seemed tht no one in my school had even heard of stargate, let alone watched it.

                        Occasionally when i got fed up i would just wander into a room and say, "i don't think anyone in this place watches stargate." and everyone would just look at me like i was crazy and go then go back to what they were doing.

                        One day I gave up and flopped down during lunch, saying dejectedly to a friend, "i really don't think anyone in this whole place watches stargate." and then gave a big dramatic sigh.

                        Meanwhile, a girl sitting next to me who i barely knew at all looked up and said, "stargate? i watch stargate!"

                        We've been great friends ever since; we bonded through the show.

                        You can find fellow fans in the strangest of places.

                        I've been trying to convince her to join the thread, but she's just a lurker right now.

                        Can anyone give me any good words to encourage her.

                        Thanks, my Shippy-mates!

                        And a pirate-y salute!



                          Stargate barbie I already decided not to buy the Season 7 DVD'S until Sam and Jack end up together.If Sam gets engaged to Pete it will damage her character for good even if they never marry.It is bad enough to date a guy like Pete but to agree to marry him is a whole other thing.I really believe Sam is going to say no to Pete.TPTB know what kind of backlash there would be if Sam and Pete got married.It may seem like TPTB do not care about the negative response about Pete but they are well aware what will happen if they upset the Shippers.SG-1 and Atlantis will pay a heavy price TPTB cannot afford to pay.


                            OK gang,
                            just thought I'd review a few more stats...everyone got their notebooks? Calculators? Wine glasses? (business school was never like this! )

                            We are on our 8th thread, with each thread receiving 1000 to 1010 posts, on average. We probably also set a record for getting to a new thread in 3 days or so. Our views (across all 7 completed threads) average from 12,000 to 13,500.

                            The Anti Ship Thread (only 1 lonely thread) has 287 posts, with over 5,000 views.

                            The Pro Sam/ Thread (again, one thread all by it's lonesome) had 55 posts with not quite 900 views.

                            Can anyone say STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE?????

                            Seriously, on this one forum alone, there is no way it's a 60/40 split btw shippers and nonshippers. Yes, I DO wonder if each time a person accesses the thread it counts as a view, or does the forum keep track of the individual people or posters ...moderators?? let us know, please.....Well, whatever the answer, we got the numbers, because I KNOW even if you consider the regulars' obsessive posting (Yeah, I included myself on that list ), no way the top 15 posters make up all those views.

                            Again, PTB Lurkers, take HEED. Listen UP. It's time to Get our Ship Sailing!!!

                            Just random musings...


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              OMG ..GUYS ..I'm just about to scream ...I can't stand those pics of pete with Sam's plain wrong to have her kiss that guy so much ...and Barely Jack ...I can't stand it ...I just hope she 's gonna through the ring at his face ..once and for all.
                              And what is he doing with her on a mission next to that warehouse ...OMG I can't stand it....I'm so's not fair ....The kiss by the car looks too hot to be with Pete ...Should be with Jack...not with that stupid stalker....I don't like him ...he's too sticky ...and he wants to marry her after a few months ...because he's desesperate...but I hope Sam is not and will say's too early ....because she does not know if she wants to spend the rest of her life with Potatoe head..

                              I'm mad ...really mad ..

                              OMG ..Guys ..what are we gonna do?!! .....too much Potatoe head for my liking....I didntt expect to see him kissing her so much ...But Why TPTB wants to upset the shippers so much ..I don;t understand

                              I hope this is the last we see of him ..and she dumps him in that episode ...he's bound to do something ..she 's gonna hate...or may be he gets killed ....or goes through the Stargate and be lost in space or sent to Edora...

                              HOW ARE YOU COPING WITH THOSE PICS?!!...It's really unfair to show so many pics with Pete and none with jack ...and very cruel too.



                              We know how you feel!!!!

                              Felt the same way but I'm much calmer now!!! Of course eating 2 dozen Shipper Cookies with 1 gallon of wine didn't hurt!

                              As someone else said regarding the part about him with Sam at the warehouse that

                              Spoiler Space Affinity
                              Teal'c has been charged with murder and since this is not an SGC problem directly and it is more of a police matter that is where comes in helping to clear Teal'c. Oh I think I'm gonna throw up. So he is probably not involved with the SGC and definitely not on a mission. But he is a little out of his jurisdiction don't ya think.

                              This is also rumored to be where Sam discusses having kids and what to do with them and whether it is fair to a significant other to still be involved with dangerous missions thru the gate.

                              Hopefully, she discovers (after her head heals from Grace) that she can't be involved with and at this point I don't give a fig what the reason is. Just be gone with him already.

                              Caty have you heard the story about the Hare and the tortoise? Well just think of as the hare (can't ya picture long rabbit ears on his head -LOL) and Shippers as the tortoise. Remember in the story the tortoise was slow and steady but in the end won the race. So is Ship. Steady as she goes never changing course and don't worry we will get to the end of the race and we will be the final winners (along with Sam and Jack) and we will be better for the struggle!!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Very cool, goneshippin! Now if TPTB would just get a clue.........

                                Well, I have a little pic now but not what I wanted, but hey, it's progress!! I'm just gonna pretend that Sam is lookly coyly at Jack....

                                Edit:WHOAH!!!! I just used one of the pics suggested earlier and got it to work and it changed my previous post - so the above sentence makes NO sense. I'm drinking water, I swear!!! But the new pic is much better. Thanks for the link!
                                Last edited by getcarter; 11 July 2004, 04:03 PM.

