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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by getcarter
    I'm number 9 for sure!!!

    I'm in Cape Coral which is about 4 hours or so from Gainsville. Not too bad of a drive (we're originally from Savannah and the drive home is 8 hours - so anything shorter than that is just gravy!) Wish we could all get together to cover each others eyes during "THE" episode.
    I will be home when that episode is on...we realy should have little shipper get know, watch some episodes (old shippy ones..I have almost every single episode on tape, lots of you guys have the DVDs...) and hang out and shield each others eyes...

    "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
    describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

    <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
    Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


      Has anyone seen the Dunkin Doughnuts commercial where they are at the end of a business meeting and the lady jumps across the table to get the last doughnut (the other guy was only reaching for a pen)? That's the way I feel about shipper cookies right now. Grabbing them by the handfull - don't even care what color they are.

      Going to watch some vids and read some smutty S/J fic to clear my thoughts.....


        Originally posted by marimba26
        ROFL!! He sounds like a keeper!
        Yeah, now if I can only get him to agree that recording the 2am rebroadcast of Enterprise once the new season starts up won't be so bad... He knows by now that Friday night is my sacred Gate Night!
        Mandy _|,,|


          Originally posted by LtLisa
          I will be home when that episode is on...we realy should have little shipper get know, watch some episodes (old shippy ones..I have almost every single episode on tape, lots of you guys have the DVDs...) and hang out and shield each others eyes...

          Absolutely! I think it would be fun to actually meet everyone in person. I only know a few people here who watch Stargate and they are guys and don't like the romantic stuff as much as me. My husband however has no choice. Actually he is keeping me sane because he willl point something out to me that I didn't notice. Gotta love him for that!


            [QUOTE=Shipperahoy]Yegads! Didn't I just start the Thread VII? And yet I log on this morning to find that not only is that thread bitten the dust but that there are 14 pages of Thread VIII to read. I haven't even nearly caught up yet. I really do think someone must have spiked the shipper cookies.

            <snip> QUOTE]

            Yes, Ship Mum, we have been busy little shiplets! We were looking for you last night when we closed Thread VII. We knew you would be proud! But even I am shocked this afternoon at how much I have to catch up on, and I helped open this thread.

            Token ~


              Originally Posted by Anakin

              Once again, let's inject a good dose of optimism in our thoughts, it will do us no good to be agressive towards TPTB. The latest interviews from AT, or DK, or RCC have showed us that it really doesn't. Let's be POSITIVE!!! The sky is blue, the sun's shining, and I DO see Jack and Sam TOGETHER for good at the end of Season 8 ... I DO!(preferably skinny diving into a lake in Minesota!!! ) And I' really don't think I'm over optimistic. I am realistic: Sam needs to experience how it can be with someone other than Jack in order to realize that... It wouldn't work as well as WITH Jack
              Originally posted by LtLisa
              for me though, even if (oh, man...WHEN!!! I hope...) they end up together, its gonna feel half-a$$ed and not enough for me...thats why we're ranting and upset.
              Yep!! It is going to be short and sweet since RDA is on a reduced schedule unless they start filming it now. I think they filmed parts of the "Lost City" all year.

              Token ~


                HOLY HANNAH KIDS!

                I go away for the day and come back to find a closed sign on the Thread VII door with a map pinned there to show me the way to Thread VIII (we NEVER leave anyone behind!!).I come crawling in to the new digs with my bag full of glasses, bottles, cookies, more bottles..... only to find that my shipper family has gone BERSERK!!! I can't believe what's been going on. I'm another one to add to the list of people who will NEVER spend another penny , or another minute of my time, on (what is/was) my favourite show.
                Thank goodness you guys are all here to cheer me up. *sigh*


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  The problem is is that we will all be in JAIL!!! There won't be anyone left to bail us out!!!!
                  None of us would go to jail unless they want to risk the Tok'ra/Tau'ri alliance!


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    No wonder they have been trying to sell to us soooo badly. They have known all along about that &*(&(^*^ ring!!!!!

                    Now it all makes sense on why they have been saying all this stuff about !! Move out of the way <she says dashing to the toilet to throw up>
                    I guess you should add something to the green shipper cookies to also stop queaziness due to


                      Originally posted by LtLisa
                      unholy F@%%ing s^%%#!!!!!!!!

                      I just lost my lunch...

                      but we know this is the episode where shes voicing doubts, right?!?

                      so, he's gonna propose <hurls> and shes gonna say know, and we're gonna say "sayonara " I hope, I PRAY!!!!!!!!

                      btw, I shouldn't have a prob avoiding spoilers since you all are posting so much <g> I can skim and stay spoiler free till me little post internship marathon on the 14th of August

                      edited to add: yeah, great spot to a playground?!? what, we've already done the 'look people can still grow old together' date, now this? oh f@$@$! whats doing STILL around after the proposal? and why is he helping Sam with world? didn't he screw up enough already?!?
                      mad_gater (Keldor mode): Me thinks stupit is movin' just a little bit too fast!
                      Mad_gater(host mode): g*@&$ stupid sonuva b(*@#$^%%

                      *Keldor takes control again to stop unholy stream of curses*


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Now that is a story that I would like in!!!
                        I think there are S/J stories where Pete eventually becomes abusive. I can't remember what these stories are called, but I think some of them may be archived on GW (at least you can still access old fics! damn GW! still haven't added any new fics to gateworld, which signifies that they're probably still having issues with uploading new fics


                          Originally posted by SG1Happy
                          Wow! I can't keep up!!!!! WooHoo on the new thread!!!!!!!
                          Saturday night I left the thread completely caught up---I get back from church Sunday and you are 10 pages into a NEW thread. Wow!

                          I'll catch up on all the posts later, but just wanted to pass on a bit of info from last night.

                          First the errant Border Collie is back home. Yay! Thanks to all who sent us your happy thoughts. We appreciate them.

                          Second: I had an idea. I'm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Is there enough Texans (or others) close enough we could get together for dinner some day? Sort of our own private shipper con. Y'all think on it. It might be lots of fun!

                          Okay, I have to go now. 20 people will be at my house this evening for hamburgers and hot dogs. Gotta go tidy up. (Sigh, tidying up is NOT my best thing.)

                          I have hope about this season DESPITE that ugly photo someone linked. Arrrrggggh, I wasn't wearing my protective glasses at the time.

                          Sam and Jack=together!!!!!!!! I refuse to see anything else!

                          YIPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *breaks out celebratory beer and choc. rum shakes*


                            Man, I have used up my computer time catching up on posts. I have to finish painting my son's room so I will try to wrap my comments in one post.

                            Marimba: Did you even get any sleep last night!!?? LOL. Tell hubs thanks for the information. I asked a retired Air Force Captain today at church, and he couldn't think of a reason they would swear her in. Maybe we will get clarification later, then again it could have just been a way for TPTB to have them stand there together (a bone to shipper, but I can think of a better one).

                            Getcarter: (((((((((getcarter))))))))) Rant away!!

                            N8iveTexan: Love your sig! So right!

                            Ship Sistah: Thanks for the pics! When I left you guys last night, I thought our new thread was getting mucked up by "Affinity" spoilers that I didn't want to hear, read, think about. But you have kept the Ship afloat! That is what is so great about our family is that a least one of us always keeps us afloat! ((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))

                            Newbies: WELCOME!!!!

                            To all: If Season 8 is our last season AND the S/J resolution seems forthcoming THEN I say we throw Shipper Parties as we can gather for the series finale.

                            Gotta go. I'll check back later. BTW...Are you trying to break the record we just started?

                            Oh, add me to the list of the Sam and Jack MOVIE.

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by getcarter
                              Can I just have that in IV form because I don't think I can keep anything down!! I'm usually a "glass is half full" kinda girl but there is only so much my little heart can take. I don't want her to be with . (And that must be read just as whiny as my five year old sounds cause that's how I feel) If anyone needs me, I'll be over here in the corner curled up it the fetal position!!
                              Quick getcarter needs a family shipper hug!!!


                              Tried to give ya one earlier but I got kicked offline!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by NG.1

                                Have always lurked around but finally decided to add my 50 cent to this thread.
                                Hi back at ya NG.1!!!


                                Wow, we have so many newbies!!! Isn't it great family?!

                                If one thing good has come out of having in our lives it's that it has brought alot of people into the family who I don't think would have come out to play unless they had been so frustrated by this new turn of events!!!

                                Trying to put a positive spin on things!! How am I doing?!
                                Ship Nana

