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    RATS! I figured since I'm playing the part of a Tok'ra in this thread that I should change my avatar to a Tok'ra. But they don't have any Tok'ra avatars, esp. one of my fav. Tok'ra: Jacob/Selmak!


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      OOOOHHH so with you here....LOVE THE IRON CHEF!!!!!

      I am the same as you Chris...if I am not watching Sci-Fi I am working or reading a book or Food Network

      One thing I am though is loyal. And that is why it is important Dag nab it..... TPTB need to be loyal back!!! We will be here when you figure out where you were going
      But the least they could do is leak a little "shippers don't worry". That is all it would take to keep my stomach from getting an ulcer!!!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        I'll chip in too.......... on second thought I may be *with* him so we better think about starting a *Get Shippers Out of Jail Fund*
        The problem is is that we will all be in JAIL!!! There won't be anyone left to bail us out!!!!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by Anakin
          Hello Gang,





          Not a first time poster, but I lurk most of the time... Anyway.
          Why don't we try and see the glass half full? The summary of the episode says Sam ponders her relationship with Pete. Let's see thinkgs like that:
          Sam is in a relationship with Pete but...
          1- from season one opener, we know that living in a Montana farm with Pete is not her idea of an ideal life. Now it may be living in Montana (i.e. leaving the AF) and/or living with Pete... So I'll let it rest for the moment...
          2- this is just a picture, we don't know when this sequence is supposed to be happening. Before or after the conversation with O'Neill?...
          Like I said, I'd rather see the glass half full: let's say this sequence occurs before the conversation with her teamates and actually PROMPTS the conversation... In that case, the conclusion is being left open. These are just photos, folks, no dialogue, no precision about the timing, no anything. Let's BE optimistic!

          Mind you, this is just speculation, but I trust TPTB... They're not so "evil", and among them I see a saltNpepper haired 6ft 2" man that we all love and who IS definitely a "shipper"...

          Ok so where have you been hiding when we needed you so badly?

          So glad you came out to play!!!

          I feel much better now!! Shipper Cookie anyone?
          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            yes sadly woman can not live on RDA alone
            Ahhh yes, but we can try!!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              ahhh yes this is the happy place and I will try to stay here as well or at least until ...well you know......aaaahh bliss....

              Ok this is me about hearing any more bad news!!

              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by sacme
                okay, one last post...

                YES! one more convert to at least one Sam/Jack hour!

                ship sistah

                edited to say: Make that two!
                Count me in!!!
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by zabbugh
                  That really wouldn't be such a bad thing now would it?
                  I tend to agree though, if I have to see him suckface with Sam again and the God awful ring thing-- then damn straight I want to see a continuation of that hot and steamy kiss from Grace.

                  Even in the Lowdown I forget who it was that said there was chemistry between AT and DDL. I still do not see it. Even in those Godforsaken Affinity pics. They are trying too hard to sell this. Me thinks they dost protest too much.
                  No wonder they have been trying to sell to us soooo badly. They have known all along about that &*(&(^*^ ring!!!!!

                  Now it all makes sense on why they have been saying all this stuff about !! Move out of the way <she says dashing to the toilet to throw up>
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by Anakin
                    Just what I'm saying, some of us shippers have hurt feelings and I do understand that, but sometimes, when I read the posts and see how far some of their thinking goes, I just shake my head and think:
                    "Why make things sooo damn complicated?!"
                    I've said it over and over, I'll probably say it times and times again: it's just a show, folks, things are NOT so complicated. Just sit back, relax, and ENJOY the show, and do NOT read between the lines, most of the time there's really nothing to read.
                    On the lowdown, RDA said "he's not threat to O'Neill", on the Pete issue. Just be positive and take this as it is. I've read countless posts (mostly on a certain list! ) from shippers worrying about the tone he used to say this, and what it meant exactly, that this sentence was rather sibylline and so on... I didn't see all that! I just saw our beloved Rick goofing around during an interview with a sparkle in his eyes and... THROWING us shippers a bone!
                    I'll put all those heated and anguished threads over the deep withdrawal we've all been going through since the end of Season 7 . 801 & 802 have not made up for it yet although they were excellent! (Yeah... EVEN on squinty vision!!! )
                    Once again, let's inject a good dose of optimism in our thoughts, it will do us no good to be agressive towards TPTB. The latest interviews from AT, or DK, or RCC have showed us that it really doesn't. Let's be POSITIVE!!! The sky is blue, the sun's shining, and I DO see Jack and Sam TOGETHER for good at the end of Season 8 ... I DO!(preferably skinny diving into a lake in Minesota!!! ) And I' really don't think I'm over optimistic. I am realistic: Sam needs to experience how it can be with someone other than Jack in order to realize that... It wouldn't work as well as WITH Jack

                    Ok, I like this way of thinking.

                    Ship Nana is taking a deep breath, and another deep breath, Ship Nana puts heads between knees because she hyperventillated!!!

                    is NO threat to O'Neill!
                    is NO threat to O'Neill!
                    is NO threat to O'Neill!
                    is NO threat to O'Neill!
                    is NO threat to O'Neill!
                    is NO threat to O'Neill!
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by N8iveTexan
                      OMG!!! FOR THE LOVE OF JACK...

                      JUST SAY NOOOOOOOOO!!


                      I'm sorry guys.... I just saw this....

                      unholy F@%%ing s^%%#!!!!!!!!

                      I just lost my lunch...

                      but we know this is the episode where shes voicing doubts, right?!?

                      so, he's gonna propose <hurls> and shes gonna say know, and we're gonna say "sayonara " I hope, I PRAY!!!!!!!!

                      btw, I shouldn't have a prob avoiding spoilers since you all are posting so much <g> I can skim and stay spoiler free till me little post internship marathon on the 14th of August

                      edited to add: yeah, great spot to a playground?!? what, we've already done the 'look people can still grow old together' date, now this? oh f@$@$! whats doing STILL around after the proposal? and why is he helping Sam with world? didn't he screw up enough already?!?

                      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                        Originally posted by waterfall
                        I saw the pics from "Affinity" that has everyone ill, and all I can say for myself is "ewwwwww!!!!"
                        But I did see one pic that does give me hope.
                        This one:


                        If these pics are in order in the episode, then this is after the other dreaded pic.
                        Sam is in civvies and you see enough of her left hand in the pic and.........

                        I don't see a ring on it!!!!!

                        OMG your right!!!! Waterfall you are sooo observant and thank the heavens you are!!!

                        No Ring on Sam's finger!!! This is a good thing!!!!!!!!
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Hey folks! I'm new to the GW Forum, so I thought I'd just drop everyone a line.

                          WHAT'S WITH TPTB??? Don't they realise that nobody, I mean nobody likes . Why don't they realise we want him out!

                          I feel so helpless.

                          Welcome SueKay!!!

                          Would you like to sign our Shipper Family letter to Amanda? If so please say so now as Marimba is going to take it to Gate Con and hand deliver it. She needs to add all names by tonight as she is going tomorrow.
                          Ship Nana


                            Here is the letter. I'm reposting to make sure that anyone else who wants to sign it will let Marimba know. I added one name. Anyone else want to be included? Lurkers included!!!

                            Everyone make sure your name is on the letter because Marimba is printing the letter tonight. Please speak up now!!! This means all you Shipper Lurkers Too!!

                            Dear Amanda,

                            The Shipper Family of Gateworld has collectively contributed to this letter in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and the character of Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld Forum, and more specifically in the "Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread" (please come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

                            Our family is made up of fans from all over the globe, including The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Scotland, France, Portugal, New Zealand, Germany, and Australia. We are definitely a family. Whether we're discussing the many "ups and downs" of Sam and Jack's relationship or the dramas of real life; we support, encourage, and sustain each other. As a family, we laugh and occasionally disagree, we rave then we rant, but most importantly love and respect one another. Thank you so much for being part of the reason we have developed this wonderful family!

                            A common theme we have in this thread is that we all think that you are an extremely talented actress and the show is better off for having you on it. You bring a depth and warmth to Sam Carter's character that enriches each episode. It is also wonderful to see such a strong and smart female character on television. Through Sam, we've explored other worlds, fought off Jaffa, created naquada reactors, and saved Earth from friend and foe alike. Through you, Amanda, we've seen a talented actress bring this very fascinating and charming character to life. Thank you for your tireless dedication to your craft and the selfless giving of yourself to your fans.

                            We have all enjoyed watching both Sam and Jack grow and change over time and we think that their relationship has added an extra dimension to the show. It is wonderful to see two characters who love and respect each other so much (not to mention two amazing actors who have so much chemistry!). Their relationship is a breath of fresh air when most television romantic relationships are so badly done. In our humble opinion, we feel that Jack is the best man for Sam - and he is made better by Sam. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst. They have been through so much together. To us that definitely lays the foundation for something special.

                            We are thoroughly excited by your desire to stretch your acting legs and explore Sam's development, but we sincerely hope that at some point this exploration will take place at Jack's cabin. With Jack!

                            While we do love the romantic relationship between Sam and Jack, we also love the friendships and interaction between the entire team. We enjoy the team dynamic very much amongst all of the characters. We are not asking that the show be turned into the Sam and Jack show. We want the same brilliant "Stargate SG-1" that we've always had just with the additional natural, positive progression of the romantic feelings between our favorite couple.

                            Having said all that, we have enclosed a gift that is sure to bring out the shipper in you! We are sending you some of the best music videos from two of our "family" members, Caty and Marimba. We hope you enjoy their labor of love as much as we have! "Frozen," "I Surrender," and "Breathless" from Caty (aka ShipDiva); and "Tell Him," "To Make You Feel My Love," and "Still Holding Out for You" from Marimba will demonstrate why we feel Sam and Jack should be together. Of course, the collection would not be complete without "Miss Independent", "Wonder Woman", and "Through the Rain" which capture the essence of Sam. Caty and Marimba?s work is sure to melt your heart and make you laugh as you look back over the years at the evolving relationship of Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill.

                            With warmest regards (and lots of Shipper hugs!),

                            ~The Gateworld Sam/Jack Shipper Family~

                            Ship Nana
                            ~bcmilco =)
                            Twisted Angel
                            stargate barbie
                            Col aga
                            Capt. Rivet
                            Chevron 1
                            Send Pete to Edora
                            Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
                            Ship Nana


                              LtLisa I could See Sam breaking up with Pete in Affinity and then Pete hooking up with the NID to cause havoc for Sam and Jack in a 2nd half of Season 8 episode.Something tells me he will not take rejection very well.I would love to see an episode where Pete is involved in kidnapping Jack and Sam has to rescue Jack.


                                Wow, I'm really good!!! I can carry on a conversation with myself. Heheheh

                                Sam and Jack Forever!!!!!
                                Ship Nana

