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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by getcarter
    Yeah but didn't he say that the ship recorded their conversation and he had heard everything?

    I'm eating Godiva chocolate ice cream with chocolate hearts in it in honor of Jack and Sam and my failing diet. My husband walked by and said Chocolate ice cream and the S/J forum...doesn't get any better than that! You KNOW it!!
    Gosh! That's what I'm missing--Chocolate Ice Cream! And I could have actually had it b/c I worked out today--OY!! Maybe hubs will run to the store...
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Originally posted by kiwigater
      I dunno! May have impacted my ability to decipher the best shippy bits!
      BTW, I really DID make my roommate sit down and type her opinion
      She claims I "MAKE" her watch Stargate.... but really, she was in her room with her own remote and STILL watched tonight Just because I own ALL of the DVD's and had them on 24/7 for a few weeks there is NO excuse

      Yeah, I agree, I don't think Daniel had the best chemistry with the new Dr Weir (he really did have a pretty good spark with the old one), but I guess they needed an actress who could continue on with Atlantis (and that wasn't the old one).
      I quite enjoyed the beginning interactions with Teal'c and Carter (How's Pete?.....Fine...... ). I really was launching towards the TV screaming "WHAT!!!!!!!" when 5th proclaimed his love
      That came out of left field!
      I was a bit disappointed when Teal'c found Sam lying in the field (I mean, come on!) like it's THAT difficult to have Jack find her (doesn't HAVE to be shippy for the non-shippers amongst us - shudder!). I really thought the whole situation deserved more than a "Hi, nice to see you sir"......!!!
      OK, enough ranting, time to check out the other posts....
      I know! I was like WTF? You're a !&#(*! robot! How can you know the meaning of love?


        Originally posted by kiwigater
        I dunno! May have impacted my ability to decipher the best shippy bits!
        BTW, I really DID make my roommate sit down and type her opinion
        She claims I "MAKE" her watch Stargate.... but really, she was in her room with her own remote and STILL watched tonight Just because I own ALL of the DVD's and had them on 24/7 for a few weeks there is NO excuse

        Yeah, I agree, I don't think Daniel had the best chemistry with the new Dr Weir (he really did have a pretty good spark with the old one), but I guess they needed an actress who could continue on with Atlantis (and that wasn't the old one).
        I quite enjoyed the beginning interactions with Teal'c and Carter (How's Pete?.....Fine...... ). I really was launching towards the TV screaming "WHAT!!!!!!!" when 5th proclaimed his love
        That came out of left field!
        I was a bit disappointed when Teal'c found Sam lying in the field (I mean, come on!) like it's THAT difficult to have Jack find her (doesn't HAVE to be shippy for the non-shippers amongst us - shudder!). I really thought the whole situation deserved more than a "Hi, nice to see you sir"......!!!
        OK, enough ranting, time to check out the other posts....

        I kinda saw that one coming with Fifth. He seemed so smitten with her the first time he met her.


          Originally posted by mad_gater
          Apparently, according to ses110, in the next episode we find out Kinsey has been in love with Sam! Ses110's post is on page 30 along with my first response to that particular thought. Can we not talk about that anymore neither my stomach nor that of my mental Tok'ra buddy's can take much more of that line of thinking.
          No Probs! Just the thought makes me queezy (OMG I SOOOOO cna't spell tonight--too much alcohol...). EUUUUWWWWW!! That's just wrong on so many levels...
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Spoiler Space Season 8

            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
            Yeah, and Teal'c looked like he was getting a different meaning, too. I was real disappointed Jack didn't say "Where's Sam?" after he was defrosted. If he can mentioned T's hair twice and notice Daniel, why didn't he ask about her?
            I was disappointed that Jack didn't notice that Sam wasn't there also. But maybe he was disoriented as he even repeated the Teal'c hair comment.

            He did look a bit angsty when Thor told them that there was a human life sign in their area on the planet and they all started to search for Sam.

            Definitely there was not an overwhelming amount of ship here to work with.

            Here we go once again. We end last season with Sam touching Jack through the frozen stuff and them looking deep into each other's eyes and now nothing again.

            Where is my motion sickness pills. I'm gonna need them again for this roller coaster ride we are on again.
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by mad_gater
              I know! I was like WTF? You're a !&#(*! robot! How can you know the meaning of love?
              But remember--he has human characteristics, hence how Jack was able to use his humanity against him...
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Originally posted by marimba26
                But remember--he has human characteristics, hence how Jack was able to use his humanity against him...

                Yea but it is just a teenage crush as in reality he is only, what, 5 - 6 months old?
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Where is my motion sickness pills. I'm gonna need them again for this roller coaster ride we are on again.
                  And you actually thought we were getting *off* that coaster? Now what fun would that be? TPTB couldn't yank our chains then and we all know how they DO enjoy that...
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    Spoilers S8 "New Order"

                    I was not disappointed. I saw ship everywhere (for me), even with .

                    Sam was not talking about Pete with Teal'c. And Teal'c knew it too. Teal'c is going to be the catalyst to get Sam and Jack together. Yep, Teal'c's a Shipper!

                    Sam was sooo not happy about being in Montana. The comment from Fifth about it not being what she wanted deep down was a great sign. Also, I find it interesting that was creepy again. You have to wonder if it was Fifth's bad behavior or Sam's thoughts of . (hmmmm) Did anyone catch the swat on the butt Pete gave Sam. ewww! Pete's whole attitude was condecending. PTB building up to something, me thinks!

                    The final meeting of Sam and Jack could have been shipper and probably would have been, but Teal'c and Daniel were there. Remember in the "Out of Mind" and "Heroes" hugs they were alone. But Jack's hand said it all.

                    The promotion was sweet, and I'm already in love with this season.

                    Token ~



                      I liked when Peteyboy said that he gave up everything for Sam and Sam said now she KNEW this was a dream.


                        Spoiler Season 8

                        Seems like they went out of their way to avoid the ship. I mean what was that when Jack thought Sam was dead and Sam thought that she would lose Jack when he was frozen and they see each other for the first time and they say stupid lines like "glad to see ya, sir". I mean really. That wouldn't even happen in real life in the military. I mean give me a freakin break. TPTB had to really work hard to avoid ship.

                        On the other hand the team interactions were comfortable and some were kinda funny like when Jack and Daniel went back and forth arguing after Jack got defrosted.
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by mjj1993
                          Ummm...can I interupt to ask a pretty stupid question? Is there a setting that allows the posts to update automatically? I have to post or go back and then come forward again to get new posts.

                          ANd I just heard it again.....

                          SPOILER SPACE
                          the stuff about saying goodbye to someone you may never see again and YES! that was shippy! I'm sorry there is no way that little speech was about .
                          Couldn't agree more. between that and the promotion scene I was actually pretty satisfied with the premiere... but then again I wasn't expecting much ship in New Order to begin with. Something in the way they were looking at eachother during the ceremony... The love is still there


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            Spoiler Space Season 8

                            I was disappointed that Jack didn't notice that Sam wasn't there also. But maybe he was disoriented as he even repeated the Teal'c hair comment.

                            He did look a bit angsty when Thor told them that there was a human life sign in their area on the planet and they all started to search for Sam.

                            Definitely there was not an overwhelming amount of ship here to work with.

                            Here we go once again. We end last season with Sam touching Jack through the frozen stuff and them looking deep into each other's eyes and now nothing again.

                            Where is my motion sickness pills. I'm gonna need them again for this roller coaster ride we are on again.
                            You're right, Ship Nana, there wasn't much ship to be found but I continue to hang on by my bloody fingernails and I'm gonna squeeze out every drop of ship I can find. (Even if I have to make it up!)

                            At least we can say this, she sure didn't look happy to be with Pete on that farm - and that kiss??? I've seen dead fish kiss with more passion than that!


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer

                              I liked when Peteyboy said that he gave up everything for Sam and Sam said now she KNEW this was a dream.

                              I liked the part when totally lost his temper and threw the pan across the room. So EVIL
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by marimba26
                                And you actually thought we were getting *off* that coaster? Now what fun would that be? TPTB couldn't yank our chains then and we all know how they DO enjoy that...
                                You are absolutely right. What the heck was I thinking! <smacks own head>
                                Ship Nana

