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    Originally posted by wynter
    good morning guys,

    twisted angel you are so lucky,i have to wait until mothers day as thats the only thing my girls want to give me,even though i am dying to watch it a.s.a.p.

    sally reeve is fantastic and i am waiting till the summer to buy her books as i am one of those people who can't wait for the 2nd part.

    i've got work soon so i might pop in later,

    have fun

    Hey wynter

    I know I am! I have had this boxset on pre-order since last May (when they said it was going to be coming out last June but pushed it back till now ) so maybe that's why they got it out to me a.s.a.p.! Aaawww but at least your girls will buy it you, and Mothers day is only 1 week away! But I know how you feel!


    Oh I think Sally Reeve is great too!


    By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

    My Livejournal

    My Myspace


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      For all those shippers out there who were disappointed and frustrated with the the season ending I'd like to suggest one thing. I know this is the Sam and Jack Ship Family Discussion Thread, and as such everyone has the right to speak their mind. However, what one brings to this Thread directly affects the rest of us who read it. It is each person's choice whether the thread is a pleasant place for all shippers to escape from the jeers and pessimistic behavior of non-shippers and noroms, or if it's to become a thread where like many family's you dread to come home for the holidays.

      I truly understand everyones anger and venting often helps but for many of us we come here for the comraderie and the positive reinforcement that we are not alone in the world in our love for Sam/Jack. The idea of having to read 20-50 pages of angry reviews, in order to read one happy thought, is very disheartening to say the least.

      You want to voice your frustrations and all means please do so. However, it would be much more productive to us all if those feelings were directed to those who had a means of altering the outcome; and not those who are your brethern in this fight to unite Sam and Jack once and for all.

      For those of you who truly wish for their voices to be heard, please direct all correspondence to:

      The Bridge Studios,
      Stargate Productions,
      2400 Boundary Road
      Burnaby, B.C V5M 3Z3

      Together we are strong...divided we are just 'nuts'.

      I respect your right to post how you feel and your suggestions… In fact I’ve always been of the mindset to fight for other’s rights to speak (in RL) and post (here) what they feel, even if I’m in complete disagreement. And let me preface what I say by saying though I lessened my posting in the early winter and limited it to on-topic (I don’t know if you lurked here for the off-topicedness and resulting mess back in October?), I never stopped coming to this thread.

      But I’m going to take your post as an opportunity to respond, please be aware this is not an affront or an attack to you personally, but I want to address this on thread…

      I’ve always enjoyed this thread for the fun, the humor, the talent and the wit displayed by its members and the opportunity to talk about a ship that you can’t really talk about anywhere else unless you really do want to get flamed. I found the thread last March & within less than 2 months I had to join because the thread at that time was irresistible. It was fun, pix, and it was vent and rants too. I’d hate to see what you (the general you) would have thought about pages and pages of rants against Pete, TPTB, & some other things that came through the thread last spring and into early summer when we’d finally worked most of it out of our systems…. It was no different than now. A few weeks of trying to work through it and then back to a 90% positive thread.

      And the thread was still fun during that time… we were able to vent, cry, and let off steam and the fun posts were interwoven amongst the vents and we could pick back up on the fun after we let off steam and still felt like part of the whole big extended family because noone shook their finger at us going “TSK TSK” when we had our rant (because they’d have their turn to rant when they got irritated and we’d be there for them respecting them and knowing it was temporary). (And remember most mice do have scroll wheels….)

      I know it is one’s choice as to what attitude and contributions they bring with them (RL or here). I love fun. I joined into it, contributed to it, instigated some of it in here. I know some of our family is brand-new to the forum, some have only lurked a short while and don’t “know” me or the others who’ve posted their disappointment with the spoilers we’ve read or the eps we’ve watched well enough… and I’m truly sorry if you think some of us are party-poopers, nay-sayers, doom-sayers and all-around grouchy people. We aren’t. Not that my word matters much to anyone, I honestly don’t know who you’d believe anymore (ask Tame?), but we aren’t. I’m just sorry you (again, the general you) haven’t gotten to experience the entire family at it was.

      And respectfully I have to disagree with you about reading pages upon pages of negative things. I’ve found pages upon pages of off-topicedness I have to scroll through to find something (positive or negative) about ship. But I’m not debating OT-ness here… been there & done that a few months ago. And since MOHO is TPTB know exactly where they want the arc to go in S9 & S10… my feelings and opinions about S/J ship or the show’s direction or writing won’t be sent to them. I helped contribute last summer to the wonderfully positive letter we had a Family member take & give to Amanda, but other than that I’m not that rabid of a fan; letter writing is for others and that is okay with me.

      Sounds like we’re being told we can’t share a single constructive criticism here anymore. And if you won’t accept me or others for who we are totally… the bad and the good… well….

      But, again speaking for myself, because my RL motto is to treat others as I want to be treated, I’m finding it hard to stomach the disrespect for others that is being shown here and for me that no longer makes the thread fun. It makes it hard to come back and post pics or fun things if the posters here don’t want to accept that they’ll have to accept me or others for the whole person they are, and that includes the occasional venting of a negative opinion. And if the attitude continues that we are no longer welcome here… that’ll be a shame.
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
        lmao thankyou

        Im upto a very interesting part in counterbalance
        seriously, they should let her start writing for the show. i think we would get some amazing episodes out of her, AND we would get our ship *happy sigh*

        ~~Close To Crazy~~
        Psychotic Kitten
        'we can all read between the lines'


          Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
          Hey PT!

          Yeah, I was surprised it came today actually; I thought it would have been Monday! LOL indeed! And as I had that dvd out I watched RDA's Beyond the gate (nothing to do with how thunkalicious he is of course ). I will probably watch Heroes next!

          Sam and Jack forever!

          I am very good btw! Hope you are too! Oh and hey, you broke the 1000th post mark. Congrats!

          Lol I must admit I watched it first aswell but not for the thunkability but cos he is so dam funny

          yeah Sam and Jack forever

          yeah im good too I did and thankyou
          And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
            Not that my word matters much to anyone..
            Your word matters to me a lot. You always post with such thoughtfulness and intelligence, and are truly a pleasure to read. I think it's fair to say *everyones* word matters, everyone's opinions are as important as each other. I vaguely recall your involvement back in October, and I know you took a lot of flak for your opinions, but I'm glad to see that you are still able to come here and take part of the family discussions and such.

            I hope you can post more often


            ~~Close To Crazy~~
            Psychotic Kitten
            'we can all read between the lines'


              Originally posted by wynter
              good morning guys,

              twisted angel you are so lucky,i have to wait until mothers day as thats the only thing my girls want to give me,even though i am dying to watch it a.s.a.p.

              sally reeve is fantastic and i am waiting till the summer to buy her books as i am one of those people who can't wait for the 2nd part.

              i've got work soon so i might pop in later,

              have fun

              Good morning wynter im finding sally reeve more and more fantastical as i read on
              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                Lol I must admit I watched it first aswell but not for the thunkability but cos he is so dam funny

                yeah Sam and Jack forever

                yeah im good too I did and thankyou
                *Giggles* I wouldn't have thought so! But yeah, even if I didn't find him unbelievably gorgeous, I still would have watched it first 'cos yep, he is so damn funny!

                Good, good!

                Ok so yep, I have to go now! But I'll be back later most probably!

                Have a nice shippy day everyone!


                By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                My Livejournal

                My Myspace


                  Yeah ((((Shimmering Star))) you're great ..I loved your post on Moebius 2 and I did tell you something in your control panel ..if I remember well



                    Gooooooooooooooood morning ! PT, and everyone else who might be lurkin around

                    Sorry for the OT got little carried away during the night

                    Does anyone have a good pic of a staff weapon taken from the side?


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Yeah ((((Shimmering Star))) you're great ..I loved your post on Moebius 2 and I did tell you something in your control panel ..if I remember well

                      I need to remember to rep people more often...I forget the damn thing is even there half the time lol.

                      ~~Close To Crazy~~
                      Psychotic Kitten
                      'we can all read between the lines'


                        Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                        *Giggles* I wouldn't have thought so! But yeah, even if I didn't find him unbelievably gorgeous, I still would have watched it first 'cos yep, he is so damn funny!

                        Good, good!

                        Ok so yep, I have to go now! But I'll be back later most probably!

                        Have a nice shippy day everyone!

                        Ok speak to you later on
                        And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                          Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                          Gooooooooooooooood morning ! PT, and everyone else who might be lurkin around

                          Sorry for the OT got little carried away during the night

                          Does anyone have a good pic of a staff weapon taken from the side?
                          Morning Sir Ruff how are you? hmmm I shall have a look for you
                          And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                            Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                            Gooooooooooooooood morning ! PT, and everyone else who might be lurkin around

                            Sorry for the OT got little carried away during the night

                            Does anyone have a good pic of a staff weapon taken from the side?
                            have a look here

                            Hope that helps wasnt sure which side view you wanted
                            And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                              Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                              Hey Galaxy ((((Galaxy))))

                              lol Im reading Counterbalance now
                              Hey that’s one of my favourite Sally Reeve fics! It’s such a simple idea but so brilliant!

                              DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                              WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                                Originally posted by Katkin
                                Hey that’s one of my favourite Sally Reeve fics! It’s such a simple idea but so brilliant!
                                Yeah it is I think they should look up sally reeve for some story ideas for season 9
                                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.

