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    Originally posted by Anubis
    Thinking about it some more, I've though about the ending of S8 and what is in store for S9 ...

    Moebius / S9 :
    The more I think of it, the more I am lead to believe how SCREWED we are come season nine. Don't get me wrong, I really liked Moebius, Part 2 despite it being slightly rushed and did not have a very good build-up. I though it was a good episode, and a excellent long kiss between Sam and Jack, the sparks flying everywhere but the fact still remains, we STILL haven't got a REAL kiss. Ok, it most certainly confirms the suspicions of Sam and Jack in love, not that we didn't know already, but after three kisses from AU S/J I was expecting at least ONE kiss at the fishing small .. no matter how good it was, something to actually SHOW they were together. But yet again, we've been lead in the opposite direction ..

    Thus, crushing any hopes for S9. In all seriousness this time, I really do wish RDA would just make his mind up as to if and when he'll appear in S9 - it starts filming NEXT WEEK!!! If he comes on, then we could perhaps expect something out of ship, but I'm really not counting on ANYTHING now. I'm going to judge season nine by the first handful of episodes, and if they don't supply anything actually of any interest, I'm going to give up all hope.

    With filming starting earlier this season, this gives AT more than 5 episodes to appear in, is my guess. But I can't help wonder that the recalled AT and RDA at the end of S8 might have been to film a scene for the opening of S9. Though, I'm not counting on it at all.

    *end rant*

    Anubis....I think you are preaching to the choir here my friend .... I too wish RDA wouldS*** or get off the pot as we at least KNWO something about the way season 9 *MIGHT* go

    I did hread a rumor that one of the reasons that Ben Browder was invited to become a regular Cadt Member was because he has shown a *proven* ability to carry a series as the star....BUT as much as I love that man....I still want to know about My Sam & Jack
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..



      Moebius 2 spoilers
      What crap. What a complete craptastical crap filled crapfest. I'm sorry I offend anyone with my post but I am so disapointed I can hardly articulate it. There were some good things and I laughed quite a few times but I'm so disgusted by the line TPTB continue to walk regarding ship that it's ruined my enjoyment of the rest of the episode. IMO we were gipped and that's all there is to it. I'm so sick of this trying to please all sides crap. And the ambiguous crap. I'm just tired of all the crap. With this possibly being RDA's last episode would it have been too much to ask for them to throw us a bone? I've been waiting for 8 years to see absolutely no ship between the real Sam and Jack in probably the last episode that will give us that opportunity? What rubbish. If they were going to pull this crap they should have just cut the line and discarded the S/J ship entirely. 8 years and not one single kiss between the real S/J. Bah. Whatever, TPTB don't give a fig what I think. I'm just one lone person. Besides I'm just one of those sad obsessed fanatical shippers that they seem so fond of condescending to so they more than likely don't give a rats ass what I think anyway.

      It was, is, and always will be GREEN


        Originally posted by trupi
        Don't leave-we must stick together and think our plan of attack! any ideas!
        Personally, I think the fat lady has sung. There's nothing to be done - it's over. TPTB have shafted us, RDA will be doing little or no S9, and if we couldn't get a kiss in the perfect moment in this season, next season is just too little too late. I'm sick of them treating us like their jobs don't depend on our watching their show.

        I admire your strength to try, but I just don't have it in me anymore.

        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
          You're right. I was kind of curious because during the behind the scenes episode that aired in January. (I know I'm pushing my luck here)
          RDA said he had to kiss AT (then he smiles) in the next scene. Also the same episode he says something about Jack kissing Sam and then there is a big twist. Apparentlythe big twist is what has some upset. I wouldn't be surprise if there is a twist. This would allow TPTB to drag the J/S angst through another season. Optimistically it would allow an open story line to persuade RDA to come back for more episodes. I think RDA would like J/S to be resolved.
          TPTB said they would need bodyguards after several shows aired.
          Like I said in an early thread, on the front page of GW they had a site what to look for on Season 9 and basically they said that the old SG-1 as we know it is gone. T'ecl and Daniel's characters would be developed more and AT would be back after maturnity leave but certain old story lines would come to a close at the end of eight! The site is gone now. Did anyone else see it before GW went down again around 6pm eastern time?


            Originally posted by MajorSam
            Ok, sorry if i'm repeating, but some of my new thoughts on Moebius:

            Ok, the more I think about it, I still feel SO cheated. I love the comments people have made saying that it's just an alternate timeline, they still represent our Sam and Jack and the feelings they can't express. And that in the end our Sam is packing to go somewhere ALONE with Jack and all that, but I just can't get my hopes up too much.

            We didn't get ship, it's plain and simple. They completely disregarded our team that we've loved for 8 years. These new people, barely know each other, just pop in, we find out they all just DIED. How? When? How long has it been since then? What did they do for all the years before they died? Weeell we won't ever know because Danny boy just pops in like everything's fine, HIS team, OUR team, has died, but oh well we've got all these new people we've been watching for the past our, isn't it great?

            And then that Sam/Jack are makin out. Oooh, aaah. *shout of exasperation* Do TPTB think we're crazy sex-crazed porn watchers who only want to see them doing each other? Well maybe in the case of REAL S/J, but no way trying to pass of these people who just met. They mite "represent" our Sam/Jack, but there'st he problem right there.


            All we would have wanted was a kiss. A real kiss, after 8 years. Even just a sweet, simple, kiss. But no, that can't happen. They pull up some new S/J who start makin out, and we're supossed to be happy!?!?! They even took away Sam's glasses, to make her "seem more like the real one" or that's what I got. It makes me SO just...GAH!!! To see that TPTB really treat us the way they do.

            Real Sam+Real Jack+ONE KiSS=Being able to die happy.

            They're probably using the same excuse as ever about regs and all that jazz. OK, well if you're going to keep nattering on and on about the big finish, AT LEAST MAKE IT BIG!!! I really just did NOT feel it with Moebius. Yeah, I loved the Geek!Sam and everything, thought a lot of it was really funny, but as the "big slam bang finish" I wasn't there. I didn't feel grabbed by anytyhing, I felt myself saying "please, just give me the SHIP" and there wasn't even that.

            Rob C and Brad were all "Some fans will be ecstatic, some equally dissapointed" I'm just wondering what fans they're talking about, because I sure don't know any of them. The Anti's aren't ecstactic, (or at least i dont think they are) They're probably whining about the AU'ness being a silly ploy to please us. They're not dissapointed because theyr'e intelligent enough to know it wasn't real. The shippers aren't ecstatci because of the OBVIOUS failed attempt at giving us our finish. Yes, some people are happy, that's wonderful, but as "the big finish" it wasn't it!

            I'm starting to really feel down on Stargate. I loved Reckoning, and Threads, and the humour in Moebius, but TPTB are getting worse and worse at leading us on. Maybe if they didn't, and just said "wait and see, hope it works out" I could be better, but the way they just twist us around, manipulating, trying to foist of fake for real. It hurts. There are a lot of young people here, who've been fans since the beginning. They've put a great portion of their LIVES into Stargate, and shippyness. How do you think they feel after putting so much of themselves into something, only to have it NOT happen???

            I didn't like the situation that brought up the making out either. I would SOO not be suprised to find people dismayed that Sam and Jack, in the middle of a firefight, started making out instead of trying to do EVERYTHING they could to help themselves out of the situation. And it makes it even further from Real. It was only brought on because they think they were gonna die. Not because they were in love for 8 years but had to put duty and regulations first. So they only just met, and then they have to think they're going to die to kiss still...

            Then they foist off the ending of it as some great team "aw everything's good" thing. Just slapped in a real scene to make us feel better. and a FISHING scene. Throwing in face much? Fisihng is almost as dear as kissing, to me at least. But we didn't really get anything from it... I'm clinging to that fish being a sign for shippers.

            I still hold some faint tiny hope for season 9. Who knows, maybe TPTB wil go crazy and give us a wild bedroom scene. All I ask for is at least ONE kiss. For 8 YEARS we have not had ONE real kiss. So many other shows have tear-your-hair-out ship pairs like Sam/Jack, but they usually at least get ONE kiss. We havn't. I love that Stargate is unique in it's brilliance, but i don't want it to be known by so many die-hard loyals as the unique show that destroyed shippyness as we know it.

            I'm feeling very down rite now... i'm trying to keep my hopes up, but...

            And then last nite at my army training, I found out my command position is being taken away for some new person who's coming in who's one rank higher than me. Not. helping.
            That just serves to remind me about BB, whom i'm not a fan of, and Sam getting possibly shafted.

            Probably the only thing that would make me feel better rite now would be Amanda Tapping calling me telling me all about the amazing Sam/Jack scenes in season 9, or actually going forward in time (dear lord there's all the timeline stuff again...) and SEEING that TPTB give us our kiss. I'd say we deserve more, but I'm too tired out rite now to ask for it. My shippyness is now in the hands of TPTB... Lord help us all

            I'm even to the point where my mind is telling me all the sparks and stuff with AT Sam/Jack was to hide whatever of that kiss they could too!!!

            Sorry that was so long, and if any of that was repeated, but I had to get it out, I had to!

            As well, where's that link to Caty's vid!?? I can't find it...
            Ah... Major Sam it figures I was composing a response to yours at lunchtime when the Forum went down! And then 2 hours ago I tried to get in & got as far as the login page.. apparently I got logged in, but then kept getting those 'cannot find server' messages. I'm glad I checked in here before I headed off to bed. Anyhoo…. Great post. I think you hit on something that bothered me while I was reading the spoilers & just couldn’t put my finger on it. (RE: S8 Moebius II)

            I believe that “our” timeline’s Sam and Jack have 8 years of worth of pent up feelings for each other and 8 years worth of frustration over not being able to share it with the other, and that would give them both a million good reasons for jumping each other’s bones if given the right opportunity. But the dedication to duty and honorable intentions TPTB established for the original timeline’s S/J have kept them from doing that. IMOHO if TPTB kept them in their established characters, that duty and honor would continue to keep them from *aheming* it at the drop of a hat. Maybe I missed something in my reading of the spoilers, but the alternates are kissing and then the story jumped to where? Back to the base in the present? A slightly off-kilter, new present timeline? So what happened to AltS&AltJ??? Did their timeline cease to exist and them right along with it? (Oh, how nice it would be to see TPTB’s diagram of cause/effect for this episode…)

            It appears in M2 we, the viewers, are teased by AlternateTimeline Sam and Jack making out like bunnies right smack in the middle of a firefight. An Alternate Sam and Alternate Jack, who have only known each other for a hot little minute; who appear to be acting on a purely physical attraction, not on deeper bonds. Alt Sam and Alt Jack who haven’t shared anywhere near the number of experiences or the intensity of experience or emotion as ‘our’ S/J have. My own feeling is that the Alt Sam and Jack did not have the history the ‘original’ Sam and Jack had that would justify the make out to anyone who had watched the show for any length of time. It almost makes the kiss seem… gratuitous? Yes, it shows the *strong* attraction S/J have had for each other in nearly every other timeline/reality/universe TPTB have chosen to show us, but after 8 years of character development that kind of bone-jumping bunny-love just didn’t seem right to me either Major Sam; not for our original S/J. (Maybe for the Alt S/J it was ‘right’ – maybe J wasn’t as honorable & S’ experiences had turned her into a different kind of Sam…)

            I guess what I’m saying is that it was nice to hear that the AlternateVersions of Sam and Jack got to kiss yet one more time... even it was in an alternate reality/universe/timeline. I think most of us were settled in for the long rollercoaster ride with the original Sam and Jack, to go wherever that bumpy and long ride took them. It’s just not so nice to hear and realize that the rollercoaster cars we were riding in just got skewed off onto some other sidetrack because the original S/J got killed off in M2.

            I think it was a cop out, an easy way out, to move the team to a new ‘improved’ present where everything is the same, but still different. I don’t know if I’ll be an appreciative fan of story arcs if they throw out little things here and there… well… so-n-so villain or good-guy doesn’t exist/is different in this timeline… or that certain eps (like our favorite shippy ones) didn’t happen in *exactly* the same way. And to reset it, it doesn’t just make the immediate present something different… it changes all actions/interactions from the kiss scene in Ancient Egypt up to the present different, so that the new improved timeline isn’t the same & who wants to spend another year or two on the show finding out what all got changed… I don’t know. The more I think about it the more I think TPTB took an easier way out, when they really should have just ended the SG1 designation this year and made S9 and any future SG season about the adventures of *all* of the SGC teams… focusing a while on this one, a while on that one, sprinkling a bit of SG1 here and there… and called the whole darn thing - what did someone call it - “SG: Stargate Command” or something?

            Oh well!!!!

            Thanks for posting your thoughts MS!
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Buc252
              Personally, I think the fat lady has sung. There's nothing to be done - it's over. TPTB have shafted us, RDA will be doing little or no S9, and if we couldn't get a kiss in the perfect moment in this season, next season is just too little too late. I'm sick of them treating us like their jobs don't depend on our watching their show.

              I admire your strength to try, but I just don't have it in me anymore.

              If we could get enough of the US shippers to contact the sponsors that run commercial duriing the show and state our displeasure and we won't buy their product yayayay. You know what I talking about. Just like we did with Star Trek (the original). ( Yes, I'm that old) No more DVD's, no convention(Gary won't be happy) no video game bought (new one coming out at the end of 2005). Not watching any show produce, written, directed or actor in by anyone connected to SG-1. It has been done before, if we stick together they could feel the pressure but we all have to help!


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Hi ...There is an AIM chat room called *Shipper Anonymous* and it has been going for quite least 6-8 months

                Just click on some of the AIM icons of he shippers and they can possibly send you a link

                There is alos a *Chat Thread* in the *Off-topic* area that was set up by the shippers to help stop all of the posts that were just basically *Hi How you today* type posts.

                A number of the Ship Family has left the thread not only because of the spoilers but because of all of the Off-Topic chat and posts. This thread is pretty big as it is and you are right when you say people do NOT want to read through two or three people chatting about their personal stuff when they are looking to have a *discussion* about Sam & Jack.

                Thanks for the information, I'll check it out!


                  Mary I do not hold out much hope for
                  Sam and Jack in Season 9.If TPTB could not get it right in 8 Years why would Season 9 be any different.Jack may not be in Sam's direct Chain of Command but Jack will still be her Boss.If RDA is in a few episodes it's doubtful TPTB would want to use RDA for Sam and Jack Ship.I find it interseting Jacob told Sam do not let Rules and Regs stand in the way but I still think Sam will have a tough Time until Jack is out of the Military.


                    Originally posted by SG1Poz
                    Moebius spoilers
                    Did anyone mention seeing Amanda's hubby twice in Moebius 2? I'm sure I saw him. Once when Hammond was speaking to AU Jack just before the mission and again fa little further in rhe epp.
                    Well the kiss wasn't as good as the imagined kiss in Grace in my opinion. It was like a cereal kiss. Not serious at all. Totally bummed. I really can't believe they didn't give us a serious resolution after 8 years. I'm not going to buy any ideas that they may be together in the current timeline. I need in your face evidence. That which the PTB are frightened to give us. I had the bad feeling that the "Body guard " comment was meant for the shippers. I was right. Da*n it! I wish we had more gutsy writers. One of the opposite sex may have helped but who knows. It's all money when it all come down to it. Not whether it's for or against shippers. It's, for or against ratings which equal the word "money!" What a rip off . I for one will not buy the season 8 dvd's. Don't worry, you won't need the bodyguards, just the poor bucket once this finale hits all the other countries and USA shippers who "Are" the majority. I haven't been this depressed since my hubby passed away. Yes, it's just a TV show. Right
                    Neg (as in negative) I swore I would rename myself from Positive (Poz) to Neg if the resolution didn't happen so hence my name is SG1Neg!
                    I do know how you feel and I am trying to stay positve regardless of what TPTB have done....NOT easy but tryin
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Shipperahoy

                      Moebius 2 spoilers
                      What crap. What a complete craptastical crap filled crapfest. I'm sorry I offend anyone with my post but I am so disapointed I can hardly articulate it. There were some good things and I laughed quite a few times but I'm so disgusted by the line TPTB continue to walk regarding ship that it's ruined my enjoyment of the rest of the episode. IMO we were gipped and that's all there is to it. I'm so sick of this trying to please all sides crap. And the ambiguous crap. I'm just tired of all the crap. With this possibly being RDA's last episode would it have been too much to ask for them to throw us a bone? I've been waiting for 8 years to see absolutely no ship between the real Sam and Jack in probably the last episode that will give us that opportunity? What rubbish. If they were going to pull this crap they should have just cut the line and discarded the S/J ship entirely. 8 years and not one single kiss between the real S/J. Bah. Whatever, TPTB don't give a fig what I think. I'm just one lone person. Besides I'm just one of those sad obsessed fanatical shippers that they seem so fond of condescending to so they more than likely don't give a rats ass what I think anyway.
                      Shipper you aren't a lone person. (((((Shipper)))))

                      I'm really wondering now... as I sat there finishing editing the post I just posted... I'm thinking now it's not just S/J shippers who're getting screwed or shafted. It's *EVERY* fan, *EVERY* viewer who was attracted to the show for what it *was* prior to Moebius. I gather from what I've read here that in S9 we'll be following a different timeline's SG1, not the one we watched all these years.

                      And because the timeline is different, it allows the PTB what they would call flexibility to write some stories that they might have felt hindered to write before because SG had become so mired in the mythology of the past 8 years.... (I still call it a cop out.) They don't have to write their way out of any plot hole if they don't want to now. (Although now I really can't wait to see MI&II for myself to see if watching it puts a different spin on the timeline issue...)

                      And I agree. Real men, real people, who have convictions would take a stand and stick behind it. There is NO ship and we're moving on. Or there IS ship and here's some dialogue (maybe even a friggin' non-AU kiss or two) and it IS canon "and we're walking......" But instead we get ambiguity again as well as an alternate timeline apparently replacing our own as "THE" timeline....

                      Oh sugar... and I meant this post to give you lurve & positive vibes & encouragement.... Well... *giggles* I don't think it worked... but you have my *full* support in your views if that makes you feel any better!!!

                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        I do know how you feel and I am trying to stay positve regardless of what TPTB have done....NOT easy but tryin
                        I wish fans had a little more input because I think that some fans have great ideas that would really work with the series.
                        You know, it's interesting to me that they have a decidedly anti-submission policy regarding scripts. I mean, they can't review or even acknowledge when someone submits a script or idea to them. The reason of course is legal - if an idea is used they could get sued, blah blah blah.

                        But why not set it up so that there's an agreement between those submitting ideas and the studio that would protect against such a thing?

                        Here's an idea for TPTB:

                        Forget GET IN THE GATE sweepstakes. Want to get fans REALLY psyched???

                        Why not have a contest to see who could write a great script - or at least a great concept from which a script could be fashioned?

                        "Anyway I’m sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?"

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Originally posted by Shipperahoy

                          Moebius 2 spoilers
                          What crap. What a complete craptastical crap filled crapfest. I'm sorry I offend anyone with my post but I am so disapointed I can hardly articulate it. There were some good things and I laughed quite a few times but I'm so disgusted by the line TPTB continue to walk regarding ship that it's ruined my enjoyment of the rest of the episode. IMO we were gipped and that's all there is to it. I'm so sick of this trying to please all sides crap. And the ambiguous crap. I'm just tired of all the crap. With this possibly being RDA's last episode would it have been too much to ask for them to throw us a bone? I've been waiting for 8 years to see absolutely no ship between the real Sam and Jack in probably the last episode that will give us that opportunity? What rubbish. If they were going to pull this crap they should have just cut the line and discarded the S/J ship entirely. 8 years and not one single kiss between the real S/J. Bah. Whatever, TPTB don't give a fig what I think. I'm just one lone person. Besides I'm just one of those sad obsessed fanatical shippers that they seem so fond of condescending to so they more than likely don't give a rats ass what I think anyway.
                          I agree its
                          CRAP! What a waste of RDA time. It is probably the last ep that this SG-1 team will be together and they chose to spend all the time with Alternate time versions of the team. Apparently they don't do romance, just sex. We will have the Alternate time line Jack and Sam have sex, that will satisfy the shippers. What a cop out!
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by ses110
                            Brillant post as usual Tame.You would think the Air Force has more pressing matters and you would think TPTB of Stargate would want to call the shots on there own show.TPTB had an great chance to be creative with the
                            Jack character since RDA reduced his schedule and TPTB played it safe.It is easy to second guess but it may have been better to not have RDA appear in all the episodes.It may have been better for RDA to miss some episodes so we can play a larger roles in the episodes he appeared in.I hope that made sense.IF RDA does do a few episodes in Season 9 we could have been used to it.Now it will be hard to watch Season 9 if he is only in a few.
                            (((Ses))) I do undersatnd your thoughts and I too will not be purchasing anymore Star Gate DVDS. BUT I have the one saving grace of being a Ben Browder fan so I will at least have something new to look forward to. But I do agree that RDA was once again not used well for this Season and as long as he is NOT considered a *Star* and the focus is as him being a *Reocurring* then maybe I can stand it
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by trupi
                              Did you ever hear the line "being gas-lighted" meaning: making someone believe something to be true but then saying you don't know what they are talking about! That's is what TPTB is doing to the shipper! Why---It make them feel like demi-gods. I like to says something about their privates but this is a G-rated thread. But They think it's big but please look again!
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by Shipperahoy

                                Moebius 2 spoilers
                                What crap. What a complete craptastical crap filled crapfest. I'm sorry I offend anyone with my post but I am so disapointed I can hardly articulate it. There were some good things and I laughed quite a few times but I'm so disgusted by the line TPTB continue to walk regarding ship that it's ruined my enjoyment of the rest of the episode. IMO we were gipped and that's all there is to it. I'm so sick of this trying to please all sides crap. And the ambiguous crap. I'm just tired of all the crap. With this possibly being RDA's last episode would it have been too much to ask for them to throw us a bone? I've been waiting for 8 years to see absolutely no ship between the real Sam and Jack in probably the last episode that will give us that opportunity? What rubbish. If they were going to pull this crap they should have just cut the line and discarded the S/J ship entirely. 8 years and not one single kiss between the real S/J. Bah. Whatever, TPTB don't give a fig what I think. I'm just one lone person. Besides I'm just one of those sad obsessed fanatical shippers that they seem so fond of condescending to so they more than likely don't give a rats ass what I think anyway.
                                ((((((((((((SHIP MUM))))))))))) I am so sorry that I couldn't tell you anything but YOU said not to

                                We will make up for all of this by having the BEST time in Vancouver come April.......why yes a flaming penguin WILL fit in my carry-on
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

